Chapter 14

Lily eyes open as she finds herself back in this hell hole she despise the most, she got up from her mat with a heavy sigh that fell from her lips like a burden, she couldn't shake up the feeling that she was feeling at that moment, she felt so empty and lonely it was as if she would rather leave in her dreams and be relief with that strange man giving her pleasure and doing things that always makes her feel good, making her moan and scream as his hands explore her body.

she quickly shakes her head severely as if she was rejecting that thought that make her want to touch herself, that thought that make her body relax, that thought that make her wish he was beside her touching her all over again it was the thought of their intimate night, she finds herself constantly smiling or thinking about him sometime she would wish she could fall asleep even in the day time wanting to see him, to talk you him at most feel him at first she was reluctant because she felt that this feeling was just a play that he was not real like his touch was only meant for her dreams but here she is right now still thinking, feeling his touches his whispers, it all felt so real, he makes her feel so good and he give good memories to think of in her stormy days she wish nothing but to see him one day but not in her dreams all the time but reality.


"Yes, right there... ah this feels so good." Lily said as she laid flat on her stomach with that strange man giving her a good rub on all the painful spot on her body.

"Why must you stay in such a place."

"I won't be for long." she said and out of the sudden her body clench as his hands gently squeezes her Butt. "What are you doing?"

"Quiet Lily just relax."

he said it so smoothly like her was the one who butt has been violated how does he expect her to relax in such a situation... his hands slowly roam her back gently pressing and rubbing it as he bends over and kiss her ear as he whispers. "May I?" he didn't even wait for her answer he was already kissing her neck and Lily didn't protest but how could she when she too wanted him to touch her and as his lips travel her body, she wanted it on her lips.