
Ren was drawn in by the tug of sleep, feeling a sense of bliss as if all of life's problems had drifted away. He then transitioned into a state of consciousness, realizing that he wasn't in his room. A white void surrounded him, and he looked down to see nothing below—no body, no physical form. "Is this a dream? But I'm fully conscious... maybe I'm lucid?" He was then pulled into a cave, where he looked up to see a massive ki beast resembling a dragon.

The ki beast was a mystical entity formed when a spirit's essence merged with an animal. These creatures, commonly found in demi-human populated areas, varied in shapes, sizes, and power levels. They were distinguished from regular animals by their serene glow and supernatural abilities. However, this beast seemed different, its aura suggesting a full spirit had merged with the animal. A ki behemoth, only known in legends—monstrous catastrophes capable of sending countries into chaos with a snap of their fingers, with some even possessing the power to destroy planets. Ren realized he was standing face to face with one.

"My son." An ethereal echo touched Ren's very soul. "What?" He then woke up abruptly. "What the hell was that?" he questioned, dismissing it as just a dream. Ren got up and snuck downstairs, careful not to wake the hungover gang members. As he approached the door, he heard a voice and turned around slowly. "Eh? Come here, boy," Ren tensed up and walked slowly toward Creed. "You think you can try to sneak around while I'm asleep? Ah, I'll let it slide this time. Anyhow, some bastard in the Red Bones district, the so-called 'King of the Beggars,' owes me money. Handle him for me."

Ren stared, confused. "The Red Bones district?" Creed smiled devilishly. "Ah, the Red Bones district—the conduit of crime in the slums of Dragon's Pass... and the only place I don't rule." Ren was shaken by those last words. There was no place in the slums that didn't face Creed's wrath except for this one. Ren, who had grown up in gang fights and was around the 50th strongest person in the gang apart from the "Big Ten," doubted he would survive this encounter, especially against someone considered a king.

But he knew he could never back down from a challenge; he could never be weak again, not like he was when he was little. So, he departed without complaint. Before he left, Creed told him to knock on the gate three times to enter.

Ren started the trek to the Red Bones district. Creed had given him a map that seemingly led nowhere. Ren was confused but followed it. Under the bridge, above the car crash, he ran, using complicated rolls and maneuvers to traverse the awkward terrain of the slums. Free running had been his escape from abuse, clearing his mind and having a great effect on his life. Without it, he might have gone crazy by now. Soon, he reached the end of the map and stood before a massive torii gate that looked old and decrepit.

Despite its rugged appearance, the ki it emitted was the purest Ren had ever seen. "So, do I just knock?" Ren slowly approached the gate. Knock... Knock... Knock... The gate burst into purple flames, transforming into a new, almost shockingly pristine form. As soon as this transformation happened, Ren backed away when suddenly a vine grabbed his legs, then his arms, pulling him into the fiery purple inferno.