Strange New World

As Ren approached the fire, he expected to feel a scorching heat, but instead, he felt a warm, comforting sensation, almost like a hug. It was a warmth he hadn't felt since the orphanage—freeing, soothing, and enveloping him in a gentle embrace that washed away the chill of loneliness and fear that had haunted him for so long. He relaxes there for a moment, basking in the gentle warmth, allowing it to seep into his bones and relax his tense muscles. It was a strange sensation, standing in the midst of a fire and feeling no pain, only a profound sense of peace and belonging.

For a brief moment, he forgot everything: the pain, the hardship, the cold nights spent alone, and the endless days filled with struggle and strife. All of that faded away, leaving only a serene calmness that filled his heart with a long-lost sense of hope and renewal. He felt lighter, as if a heavy burden had been lifted from his shoulders, and he could finally breathe freely.

Suddenly, he was spat out, rolling onto his back, disoriented and confused. The shift from warmth to the hard ground knocked the wind out of him, and he lay there for a moment, catching his breath and trying to make sense of what had just happened.

Ren cursed in pain, the harsh reality crashing back down on him as he gingerly pushed himself up into a sitting position. The ache in his bones and the sting of scrapes on his skin reminded him that he was back in the real world, far from the comforting embrace of the fire.

"Next time, stick the landing, Idiot."

A rugged-looking homeless man laughed, his voice rough and full of amusement. Ren looked up to see who had spoken, but what he saw was a new world unfolding before him—a world both familiar and utterly alien.

"Welcome to the Red Bones District!" the man yelled, his voice echoing through the narrow streets and dilapidated buildings.

Ren gazed upon a dilapidated city reminiscent of Las Vegas, infused with vibrant Japanese influences. The skyline was alive with kids and teens roller skating on wires, weaving through the air with effortless grace. The sight was mesmerizing—a dance of lights and colors that seemed to defy the laws of gravity and physics. The streets buzzed with the chaotic energy of gambling and thievery, yet it was a controlled chaos, distinct from the disorder found in the slums. An aura of ki permeated the atmosphere, adding an otherworldly vibrancy to the scene, making the air shimmer with unseen energy and life.

Ethereal beings, spirits, drifted through the streets, their translucent forms glowing softly in the dim light. These spirits had left the world thousands of years ago. They were still known to exist but were no longer revealed to humans. But why were they in a place like this? Ren saw a floating head spirit, its eyes wide and curious as it looked at him. The spirit seemed shocked at what it saw in him, its expression a mix of wonder and confusion. Ren was confused as well, but he knew he had a mission to complete and needed to concentrate on that.

"Uh, thank you?" Ren said, his voice hesitant and uncertain. He wasn't sure how to interact with these spirits or the strange new world he had found himself in.

"Can you point me in the direction of the 'king of the slums'?" Ren asked with a confused expression, his mind still reeling from the sudden shift in his surroundings.

The stranger suddenly broke out into laughter. "Haha, like hell I'd tell you where that old bastard lives. Want me to die?"

This raised Ren's fear to an even higher degree. The man looked like a beggar himself; if the king of the beggars was willing to kill his own kind, what would he do to Ren? Still, he pushed on, his bravery and will the only things keeping him going. He left the beggar at the gate and began asking around to find the location of the king of the beggars, but whenever he asked someone, they looked at him as if he were crazy, their eyes widening in disbelief and fear.

He soon went over to a group of thug-looking guys rolling dice in a shadowy corner of the street. The dice clattered against the cobblestones, the sound echoing in the narrow alleyway.

"Hey, do you know where I can find the king of the beggars?" Ren asked, trying to keep his voice steady despite the anxiety bubbling up inside him.

One tall, sadistic-looking thug walked up to Ren, a sinister smile playing on his lips. "Of course, anything to help you, my friend. Just follow us." The other thugs smiled sadistically, their eyes glinting with malicious intent.

Ren's heart began to pump faster, a cold sweat breaking out on his forehead. He realized what was happening due to his years in the slums. They led him to an alleyway. Ren stepped into the shadows as the thugs stayed in the light, their figures looming menacingly over him.

"Oh, I'm terribly sorry, friend, but I'm gonna need you to give us everything you have. I don't wanna make this ugly," the tall thug said, his voice dripping with mock sympathy.

Ren chuckled, though there was no humor in it, just a grim determination. "And what are you gonna do if I don't?" he challenged, his eyes narrowing as he prepared himself for a fight.

The thug licked his blade, the metal gleaming in the dim light as the others moved in closer, forming a tight circle around Ren. "This was your decision. Your death," the thug sneered, his voice low and threatening.

The thug rushed at Ren, intending to stab him in the throat. At the last second, Ren dodged to the side, then slammed a punch into the thug's face. The thug managed to redirect the blow slightly, softening it but still staggering back from the force. Another thug jumped up, attacking Ren from behind, but he was met with a swift palm to the stomach from below, doubling over in pain. The final thug stood there, shaking in fear, his confidence shattered by Ren's unexpected strength and skill. Ren then chopped his neck, knocking him out cold. The thug crumpled to the ground in a heap.

Ren stood there, breathing heavily, his body tense and ready for any further attacks. But there were none. The alleyway fell silent, the only sound the distant hum of the city and the soft rustle of the wind.

Ren wiped the sweat from his brow, his mind racing. He knew he couldn't stay here for long; he needed to find the king of the beggars and complete his mission. But for now, he'd earned a brief moment of respite, a chance to catch his breath and plan his next move.

As he stood there, the shadows of the alleyway seemed to close in around him, the weight of his mission pressing down on his shoulders. But he didn't let it overwhelm him. He straightened his back, took a deep breath, and stepped out of the alleyway, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

The city sprawled out before him, a maze of neon lights, dark corners, and hidden dangers. But Ren was undeterred. He had come this far, and he wouldn't back down now. With a determined look in his eyes, he set off down the street, his mind focused on the task at hand, his heart steeled against the trials yet to come.


Author's notes 

Hope you liked the chapter I certainly loved writing it. Sorry i wasn't able to upload on Wednesday it was my moms birthday🎉. I will try to release every other day from now on no promises. My book will be vetted soon so after that if you want to vote plz do. If you have any feed back for me plz leave a comment i love it and it makes me better. If you like the story plz leave a review. Thank you for reading my book.