Finding the King

Ren stands in pride at his accomplishment. He holds his nose in the air with his hands at his waist. "I really am awesome!" Ren laughs. The echo of his laughter rings in the quiet street, the sound bouncing off the nearby buildings. His chest swells with the pride of victory, and he savors the feeling of triumph, letting it wash over him like a warm wave. The satisfaction of defeating the thugs lingers in his mind, making him feel invincible. He can't help but smile broadly, his eyes gleaming with excitement and a sense of achievement.

"Beating up a couple of weak thugs isn't something to brag about," said a particularly pessimistic feminine voice. The tone of the voice is sharp, cutting through the air like a knife and jolting Ren out of his reverie.

Ren looked up to a balcony to see a demi-human gray-skinned teenage girl with octopus tentacles for hair. She seemed to be some sort of engineer and wore overalls with one strap that hung off her shoulders. The sight of her is striking, her unique appearance making her stand out even in the dim light. Ren was slightly embarrassed, a light blush appearing on his cheeks. He fiddled with his thumbs and looked down in an awkward manner. He could feel his earlier bravado slipping away, replaced by a sense of self-consciousness. He then remembered his mission, the reason he was there in the first place, and tried to regain his composure.

"D-do you know where the king of the beggars might be," said Ren awkwardly, not expecting an answer. His voice wavered slightly, betraying his uncertainty.

The girl looked left, looked right, then beckoned him toward the balcony. Her movements are deliberate, and she seems to be assessing the situation carefully. When Ren reached her, she ordered him inside and motioned for him to sit on a mat for questioning. Her gaze is steady and unflinching, making Ren feel like he is under a microscope.

"What business do you have with him," she asked, her tone skeptical and probing. She folded her arms, waiting for his response with an air of impatience.

Ren, having at least enough sense to know he shouldn't give away the mission, lied. "I... uh owe him some money," he stammered, hoping his nervousness wouldn't betray him. He tried to sound convincing, but he could feel the girl's eyes boring into him, searching for the truth.

"Of course you do. The old fart doesn't play about his cash, but it's strange you don't know where he lives. He would at least tell you if you owe him. It seems like you're..." she trailed off, her eyes narrowing with suspicion. Her tentacles shifted slightly, reflecting her curiosity and wariness.

Ren tried to change the subject, feeling the pressure of her scrutiny. "Uh... do you know the king of the beggars personally, or-" he began, his voice a bit shaky.

The girl stopped him abruptly. "Just call him Yuko, and as for your question, I won't ask you about your secrets if you don't ask about mine," she said firmly, her eyes locking onto his. There was a moment of silence, the air thick with tension.

"Uh... sure, my name is Ren, by the way," he offered, hoping to shift the focus away from his clumsy attempt at deception. He extended a hand, trying to break the ice.

"Mia," she introduced herself. "And I guess I'll help you," she added, taking his hand in a brief, firm handshake. Her grip was strong, and Ren could feel the calluses on her palm, a testament to her hard work and determination.

Ren and Mia soon set off to find Yuko. The district seemed to be even busier during midnight than at dawn. Bustling patrons, bright street lights and neon signs, and casinos riddled the district. The noise and energy of the place were overwhelming, a constant buzz that filled the air. The cacophony of sounds and the kaleidoscope of lights created a surreal atmosphere, making it seem like a city that never slept. But the most eye-catching attraction was a massive skyscraper in the center. It was about 20 stories tall and surrounded by guards. It looked enchanting, a beacon of power and opulence amidst the squalor of the slums. The contrast was stark, highlighting the disparities within the city.

Mia then led Ren to a nearby bush, where they could observe the building without being seen. "Yuko lives in the skyscraper," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. She pointed towards the towering structure, her expression serious.

"The king of the beggars and slums? That's the last place I would expect him to be," Ren said, incredulous. His eyes widened as he took in the sight of the luxurious building.

"Exactly. That's why he lives there," Mia replied, a hint of amusement in her tone. She seemed to enjoy seeing his reaction, a small smile playing on her lips.

"How do you know so much about-" Ren started to ask, but Mia quickly chopped him on the head. The suddenness of the action left him stunned.

"Tsk, damn, what was that for?" Ren complained, rubbing the sore spot. He glared at her, but she remained unfazed.

"Again, if you don't ask about my secrets, I won't ask about yours. Anyway, we're gonna need a distra-" Mia began, her tone indicating that she had a plan.

Before Mia could finish, Ren, at speeds faster than the eye can see, neck chopped the guards. The precision and speed of his movements were impressive, and the guards crumpled to the ground, unconscious. Ren straightened up, feeling a rush of satisfaction.

"Or do that," Mia said, a bit impressed despite herself. She raised an eyebrow, clearly reevaluating her initial impression of him.

Ren and Mia snuck through the door, moving silently through the opulent corridors of the skyscraper. The interior was as luxurious as the exterior, a stark contrast to the surrounding slums. The lobby was grand, with marble floors and ornate decorations. Ren couldn't help but feel a bit out of place in such a setting, his earlier bravado diminishing in the face of such splendor. The chandeliers overhead cast a warm glow, and the rich tapestries on the walls added to the sense of grandeur.