Episode 4: Messages and Meetings

When Aurelia woke up, she took a quick shower and put on a pink blouse and blue jean shorts.


Maza sent her a thumbs up emoji. I have a meeting with Francesca at ten. I'll let you know how it goes.

Please do.

Aurelia then went downstairs and started brewing a pot of tea. Once it was done, she poured herself a cup and added a spoonful of honey.

Keith walked into the kitchen with his hair tussled and wearing a gray shirt and black pants. He rubbed his eyes before saying, "Morning."

"Good morning," Aurelia replied. "Want some tea?"

"I'm good." Keith opened the fridge. "Think we still have some coffee left?"

Aurelia shrugged. "Shouldn't you ask Yolie if she wants one, too?"

He chuckled. "I guess I should. Thanks."

Keith went back upstairs and came back with Yolie in tow. Her hair was still down, so she must not have showered yet. She was wearing a white t-shirt and brown capris.

"Morning, Aurelia," Yolie said. "I heard Keith say something about coffee?"

Keith dug around in the cabinets. "I can't find any, but you and I can go get some?"

"Sure!" Yolie smiled. "I'd love to!"

Keith grabbed his keys. "Want anything, Rel?"

"Nah, I'm good." Aurelia took a sip of her tea. "I brewed some tea this morning."

"Okay, see ya."

Keith closed the door behind him and Yolie. Aurelia then took a seat on the couch and resumed reading her book. She had gotten to the part where the group realized that they were stranded without any means of contacting anyone.


Aurelia picked up her terminal. It was Maza. Can you meet Daisy for lunch? She wants to talk to you about her assignment.

Of course. Where? When?

The usual place at noon.

Let her know I'll be there.

Maza sent her a thumbs-up emoji.

Aurelia wasn't meeting Francesca today. Could she get away with going in her current outfit? Yolie might not be happy with her, but it wasn't pajamas at least.

It wasn't even nine yet. What should Aurelia do in the meantime? She was going to have the house to herself, at least for a little while. She could do nothing, but that wasn't a productive use of her time. It wasn't like anyone in their right mind would pay her to table a nap. Not that that would be a worthwhile way to earn money. Aurelia sighed before taking a sip of her tea.

To think that there were people who could do nothing and be perfectly happy. How they did that was beyond her…

Aurelia finished her tea before going into the kitchen to put her mug into the sink for the cleaning robot. She then went back upstairs to change into a white dress with floral accents and pink flats. She then pinned her hair back before heading out.

Aurelia got into the driverless car that she had called and put in her destination. She then scrolled through the news feeds while she waited to arrive. There were articles about politicians and their policies, but Aurelia decided that she didn't care enough to read any of them.

There was a grocery store closer to where they lived, but this one was on the way to the café.

The robotic masculine voice said, "Destination: Evergreen Essentials. Estimated arrival time: 15 minutes. Please enjoy."

Aurelia brought up the novel she had been reading earlier.

Before she knew it, she arrived at her destination.

Aurelia got out and walked into the store. She first got a cart and then headed to the produce section.

Since Keith enjoyed Blitzvine and Gustry salads so much, she would pick up some of those ingredients while she was here. Maybe she would even make him one tonight. Aurelia was certain that Keith would appreciate it.

While looking for Gustry salad ingredients, Aurelia bumped into a familiar face.

Frankie waved. "Hello, Aurelia." He was wearing a gray button-down shirt and khakis.

Aurelia smiled. "Hi, Frankie. Shopping alone today?"

"Yeah. Ely is visiting her folks until later this evening."

Frankie looked Aurelia up and down. "What brings you here?"

"Grocery shopping, obviously."

Frankie chuckled. "I meant alone. Aren't Keith or Yolie usually with you?"

"I had some free time before I meet my coworker for lunch, so I figured I would go ahead and take care of it. Keith and Yolie went out for coffee since we don't have any at home right now."

Frankie nodded. "Have you seen Yolie's latest commercial?"

Aurelia shook her head. "No, I haven't. Was it recently?"

"It was released this morning."

Aurelia brought up the commercial. A beautiful woman with olive skin and short pale hair was walking around with flowers surrounding her. She was smiling and gesturing at the camera. The words, "Make your home smell lovely with Flowery Bloom Air Fresheners!" appeared at the end.

Frankie smiled. "Doesn't she look great?"

Aurelia nodded. "She does."

"Anyway, I should get back to my shopping now." Frankie bowed. "See you around."

Aurelia waved. "Later."

Frankie then walked away. Aurelia then continued shopping for Gustry salad ingredients. As well as some other meals they could prepare. Once she had everything she needed, she paid for them and drove home to put them away.