Episode 6: Reassurance and Resolution

The robotic masculine voice said, "Destination: Sweet Delights Café. Estimated arrival time: 15 minutes. Please enjoy."

Aurelia brought up the novel she had been reading earlier.

Before she knew it, she arrived at her destination.

Aurelia got out and walked into the cafe. She then got in line to order. Once she got to the front of the line, she ordered an earl Grey hot chocolate.

When she was done, Daisy waved. She was wearing a yellow sundress. "Over here!"

Aurelia walked over to her. "Hey, Daisy!"

Daisy smiled. "Thanks for agreeing to meet me here."

Aurelia nodded. "No problem." She then sat down.

Daisy fidgeted with her hands. "I think that excerpt gave Francesca a migraine..."

"I would be surprised and impressed if someone read that dumpster fire without getting a headache."

Daisy played with a lock of her blond hair. "What am I supposed to do now?"

"Talk to Francesca about it. Mazarine met with her already."

Daisy's eyes widened. "Really?"

Aurelia nodded. "Yeah. Hopefully, Francesca gives you something else to review."

Daisy sighed. "I hope so..."

"I hope Mazarine can save you this time."

Daisy nodded. "I'll be right back."


Aurelia stepped outside, so she could take the call without being a nuisance to the other, patrons.

"Maza?" The blond woman smiled. "How did the meeting go with Francesca?"

"Someone is definitely going to get a piece of her mind." Maza sighed. "I just hope she waits until tomorrow to go on her rampage."

"Why tomorrow?" Aurelia asked.

"Because she's currently indisposed right now." Maza sighed again. "I feel sorry for whoever gets yelled at for that manuscript."

"What's going to happen with that?"

Maza said, "If we do opt to write on that disaster, it's going to be my problem, rather than Daisy's."

Aurelia frowned. "Are you going to get anything for that?"

"Like a bonus?" She chuckled. "I hope so, but I probably shouldn't hold my breath."

Anyone who doesn't want to reward someone for handling that dumpster fire may well not have a heart. That thing never should have been published in this day and age.

"What's going to happen with Daisy?" Aurelia asked.

"Francesca will let us give her an assignment. We can take off our piles if we want or give her something that hasn't been assigned yet."

Aurelia smiled. "Can I take care of that then? Since you might get stuck with that dumpster fire?"

"Be my guest. That would be a big help."

Aurelia's smile widened. "Great! I'll take care of Daisy then!"

"Thanks. You're a lifesaver!"

"You're welcome!"

Mazarine hung up.

Aurelia then went back to the table to wait for Daisy.

Once Daisy returned, Aurelia said, "Mazarine talked to Francesca about it. We'll get you something else."

Daisy's eyes lit up. "Really?"

Aurelia nodded. "Yeah."

Daisy clapped. "Thank you!"

"No problem!" Aurelia smiled. "Would you like something from my pile, Mazarine's, or the unassigned pile?"

"What kind of books do you guys have?"

Aurelia listed off several genres before Daisy chose one. Aurelia then forwarded it to Daisy.

Daisy smiled. "Thanks!"

Aurelia nodded. "No problem. Enjoy!"

Daisy nodded. "I'll let you know how it goes!"

Aurelia smiled. "Great! See you then."

Aurelia then left to drive home.

Once she got home, Aurelia changed into a comfortable outfit before plopping onto her bed.

She smiled as she texted Maza. I had Daisy pick out a new assignment before she left. I could take something off your pile to keep things fair?

Maza sent her the emoji with a toothy smile. That would be great! I'll send you a list of the ones I haven't started yet!

Thanks! Aurelia sent her a thumbs-up emoji before Maza sent her three novels.

Aurelia then picked one that sounded interesting before settling into bed to read. She still needed to finish the story about the lost college students. That deadline was more pressing.

She pulled that text up and began reading the chapter she had been on last time she read.

Aurelia lost herself in the gripping tale of the lost college students, her eyes flying across the screen as she delved deeper into the mystery. The story was captivating, with each twist and turn drawing her further into the narrative. She could almost feel the tension of the characters, their fear and uncertainty resonating with her own sense of urgency to meet her deadline.

As the hours passed, the soft hum of the city outside her window provided a soothing backdrop to her reading. The novel was well-written, with vivid descriptions and a plot that kept her guessing. Every now and then, she would pause to jot down notes, capturing her thoughts and insights for the review she would eventually write.

By the time she finished, it was late at night, and she was exhausted but satisfied. She set the terminal aside and curled up under the covers, drifting off to sleep with the echoes of the story still lingering in her mind.