Episode 17: Running and Reunion

"Where are you, little prince?" Keith yelled.

Deni didn't budge from the closet he had hidden himself in.

This house must've been old to have a built-in closet. These days, people just used their terminals.

Why did Rel choose to live here? Their family had summer and winter estates, along with their main palace. Surely, their parents could have let Rel live in one of their apartments.

There would have been plenty of space for her friends and help, too.

Did Rel not like being a princess? His cousin Matt wasn't very fond of being a prince, either. But Deni loved it. Well, minus all the studying his mom forced on him.

He could ask for cake and it would get done. And there were no annoying clown girls or beefcakes trying to steal his big sis.

"Deni!" Keith yelled.

Deni pouted and crossed his arms. Why had he come looking for him? He wanted Rel, not some muscle head.

The boy tensed as the footsteps drew closer. Had that guy figured out where he was hiding? How?

"You know your sister is worried?"

Was she? If she was, she would've come looking for him herself.

"She wanted to come looking for you, but I didn't want her to get behind on her work," Keith said, as if he had just read his mind.

"Do you want her to be sad?"

His lip quivered. No... Rel wouldn't cry, would she?

Keith sighed. "Deni, why don't you come out? Aurelia is waiting for you."

How did this guy find him so easily? Was he using his terminal to track him?

Deni sniffled. "Go away! Rel's mine!"

Keith groaned. "What do I do with this kid?"

Deni curled up into a ball. Maybe Keith would go away if he stayed quiet?

"If you don't come out..." Keith trailed off, "I guess you won't get any food."

Food? Deni uncurled and peeked outside through the slightly ajar door. Keith smirked at him.

Deni glared back at him before crawling out of the closet. As much as he hated to admit it, he was hungry.

Keith ruffled Deni's hair. The boy scowled back at the man. Did he think he was a dog? He growled and bit the air, deciding he might as well play the part of one.

Keith backed away. "Whoa, there. Don't bite. I'll make you something if you're that hungry."

Deni stuck his tongue out and ran off, laughing.

"Hey!" Keith yelled, running after him.

Deni dodged Keith's hand and continued running down the stairs. Rel was sitting at the kitchen table, working on her terminal. Her eyes lit up when she spotted him. "Deni!"

Deni grinned and rushed over towards his big sis, only to trip halfway and fall flat on his face. Rel gasped. Keith laughed.

Deni sat up and rubbed his forehead. Owie.

Rel hugged him. "Deni! Are you okay?"

Deni nodded.

"Let me see. Does it hurt?"

Deni shook his head.

Rel kissed the top of his forehead. "All better?"

Deni blushed. Keith chuckled.

Rel glared at Keith, who raised his hands up defensively.

"Sorry! I couldn't resist laughing at how cute it was," Keith said.

Rel rolled her eyes before smiling down at Deni. She placed another kiss on his forehead.

Deni pouted.

"Let's go to my room." Rel pulled Deni to his feet.

Deni nodded and followed after Rel. Keith watched them leave before going into the kitchen. What was he planning to make? Hopefully not anything weird.

Rel shut the door behind them before gesturing for Deni to sit on the bed. He obeyed.

"Sorry if I hurt your feelings," Rel finally spoke up. She sat beside Deni and wrapped an arm around his shoulder. "But I do mean what I said. You used to be easier to handle when we were kids."

He put his hands on his kneecaps. "You mean more obedient, don't you?"

She hummed. "Not necessarily. You were polite and kind. Not rebellious and rude."

"Hmph. You did tell me to act my age. I'm almost a teen, isn't it normal to act up? You yourself did. You even left home to be away from us..."

Rel sighed deeply, staring at her younger brother with a mixture of affection and frustration. "Deni, it's a bit more complicated than that. I wasn't running away from the family. I needed to find my own path, to understand who I am outside of the palace walls."

Deni looked down at his hands, fiddling with his fingers. "I just don't understand. Why can't we all stay together? Why do you have to live with Yolie and Keith and not us?"

Rel gently lifted his chin so he met her gaze. "Deni, I love you and the rest of our family very much. But sometimes, to grow and become better people, we need to experience life on our own terms. Keith and Yolie are also my friends. We live to together to help support one another. But that doesn't mean I love you any less."

Deni's eyes shimmered with unshed tears. "But I miss you."

Rel hugged him tightly. "I miss you too, little prince. But you have to trust me. I'm not going anywhere. And Keith isn't here to take me away from you. He's here because he cares about me, and he wants to be a part of our family too."

Deni sniffled, leaning into his sister's embrace. "Promise you won't leave me behind?"

Rel kissed his forehead again. "I promise. We'll always be family, no matter where we are or who we're with."

They sat there for a few moments, just holding each other. The warmth and closeness brought back memories of simpler times, when they were just kids playing in the palace gardens, free from the responsibilities and complexities of their titles.

A knock on the door interrupted their moment. Keith's head peeked in, a sheepish smile on his face. "Hey, I made some sandwiches. Thought you two might be hungry."

Rel smiled warmly at him. "Thanks, Keith. We'll be right out."

Keith nodded and closed the door, leaving them alone again.

Rel stood up and offered her hand to Deni. "Come on, let's go eat. And let's try to get along with Keith, okay? For me?"

Deni sighed but took her hand. "Okay. But he better not try to steal you."

Rel laughed, leading him out of the room. "I promise, he won't. You're my favorite little prince, after all."

As they entered the kitchen, the smell of freshly made sandwiches filled the air. Keith had laid out a small feast, complete with chips and drinks. Deni's stomach growled loudly, causing both Rel and Keith to laugh.

"Alright, let's dig in," Rel said, handing Deni a sandwich.

They sat together at the table, the earlier tension melting away as they shared the meal. Keith told funny stories about his own childhood, making Deni laugh despite himself. Rel watched them with a content smile, happy to see her family starting to come together.

After dinner, they played a board game, laughing and teasing each other. Deni found himself warming up to Keith, realizing that maybe, just maybe, he wasn't such a bad guy.

As the night wore on, Deni felt his eyelids growing heavy. Rel noticed and suggested he go to bed. Deni protested weakly but eventually agreed, too tired to argue.

Rel tucked him into bed, just like she used to when they were younger. "Goodnight, Deni. Sweet dreams."

"Goodnight, Rel," he mumbled, already half-asleep.

As Rel left the room, Deni felt a sense of peace settle over him. Maybe things were changing, but that didn't mean they were getting worse. With his family by his side, he knew he could face whatever came next.