Episode 18: Big Hair and Big Attitude

The aspiring actress took a deep breath as she walked into the theater. She had gotten a tiny role in a play she had auditioned for some weeks back. Although, she originally aimed for the role of the lead actress.

Well, at least she got some work. Something was better than nothing. Hopefully, one day, she could land a big role. She wanted to earn enough money to move out.

Living with Keith and Rel was fun and all, but she couldn't live with them forever. She felt like a third wheel. Plus, she wanted to help them get closer. Unfortunately, Deni the bratty prince was ruining her plans.

What was his problem? Was it fun to push people's buttons and make them explode?

Yolie took a breath, slapping her cheeks before stepping into the auditorium. Her eyes widened. Despite the early hour, someone had already gotten to work, practicing.

The mysterious stranger stumbled when he realized that Yolie was watching him.

Yolie blinked in surprise, then recovered quickly, offering a smile. "Hey, didn't expect anyone else to be here this early," she said, trying to ease the sudden awkwardness.

The young man, still catching his breath, gave a sheepish smile. "I, uh, just wanted to get some extra practice in."

Yolie tilted her head, curiosity piqued. "Need any help? I'm pretty good at running lines."

He hesitated, then nodded. "Sure, why not. It couldn't hurt."

As they began, Yolie was surprised to find herself slipping effortlessly into the female lead's role. She delivered her lines with confidence and precision, catching the young man off guard.

"Wow, you really know this script well," he remarked, genuine admiration in his voice. "Why didn't you get the part? You remember a lot better than the real lead."

Yolie gave an awkward laugh, feeling a flush creep up her cheeks. "I practiced it for weeks," she admitted, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "Guess it just wasn't meant to be."

He studied her for a moment, then smiled. "Well, their loss is my gain. Ready to go again?"

Yolie nodded, feeling a strange mix of excitement and nervousness. As they continued practicing, she found herself enjoying the camaraderie and the challenge. Maybe this wasn't such a bad way to start the day after all.

Someone with blond hair so big that Yolie was almost positive it was a wig stomped toward them and practically scowled, "What are you doing, Solis?"

"Practicing." The stranger refused to look at her. "Something one can never get enough of."

Big Hair scoffed. "But you aren't even in costume yet!"

"Even if the make-up artists were already here and ready, why do I need a costume? The opening night isn't even here yet."

Big Hair's expression soured even further. "You're always so insufferable, Solis. Just follow the schedule like everyone else."

Solis finally looked at her, an eyebrow raised. "Practicing off-schedule isn't a crime, last I checked."

Yolie could feel the tension rising and decided to step in. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to cause any trouble. I just offered to help him run some lines."

Big Hair shifted her gaze to Yolie, her scowl softening slightly. "You must be the new girl. Yolie, right?"

Yolie nodded. "Yes, that's me."

With a huff, Big Hair crossed her arms. "Just make sure you're ready when the director gets here. We don't need any more delays."

Solis gave a small, defiant smile. "Understood, Ms. Wiggs."

As Ms. Wiggs walked away, Yolie whispered, "Ms. Wiggs?"

Solis grinned. "I call her that because of the hair. I think it suits her."

Yolie stifled a laugh. "Thanks for not throwing me under the bus there."

"Not a problem," Solis replied, his expression softening. "You've got talent, Yolie. Don't let anyone make you feel otherwise."

Yolie felt a rush of gratitude. "Thanks, Solis. I appreciate that."

They continued practicing until the rest of the cast and crew started trickling in. The theater gradually buzzed with activity, but Yolie felt a newfound confidence and determination. She was going to make the most of this opportunity, no matter how small her role was.

Later, during a break, Yolie found herself chatting with Solis. She learned that he was fairly new to the theater scene too, having moved to the city just a few months ago.

"So, what brought you here?" Yolie asked, sipping her coffee.

Solis shrugged. "Same as you, I guess. Chasing a dream. Figured I'd give it a shot before I decide to settle down into something more 'practical.'"

Yolie nodded, understanding all too well. "I know what you mean. It's tough, but I think it's worth it."

"Absolutely," Solis agreed. "And who knows? Maybe we'll both land those big roles someday."

Yolie smiled, feeling more hopeful than she had in a while. "Yeah, maybe we will."

As the day went on, Yolie threw herself into her role, even if it was a minor one. She watched the lead actress, taking mental notes and learning as much as she could. And every now and then, she'd catch Solis's eye, exchanging a knowing glance that said they were both in this together.

When the day finally ended, Yolie felt exhausted but satisfied. She had given it her all, and she knew she'd continue to do so every day. As she left the theater, she found herself walking with Solis.

"Hey, Yolie," Solis said, breaking the comfortable silence. "You know, if you ever need someone to practice with, just let me know."

Yolie smiled, feeling a warmth spread through her chest. "I'd like that, Solis. Thanks."

With a nod, they parted ways, each heading home with a little more hope and determination. 

Yolie felt a bitter sweetness to their goodbye. Solis was such a nice guy. She was lucky to have met him. As she walked back to her place, Yolie's thoughts drifted to her dreams and aspirations. She

might not have landed the lead role yet, but she was on her way. And that was more than enough to keep her going. Now, if only she didn't have a certain brat waiting to ruin her day...