Episode 19: Jealousy and Jibes

Yolie hummed a song the rest of the way home. People gave her weird looks, but she didn't mind them. She was happy to have made a new friend.

She knocked on the door and Deni was right there, looking up at her.

She frowned.

The boy turned around and ran off.

Keith chuckled while Rel sighed.

Yolie blinked. Wasn't he gonna insult her? She was sure he was going to say, "The clown is back!"

"Why is the brat still here?" Yolie asked, stepping inside.

Rel shut the door behind her. " Well, he promised to be a good boy. Let him learn. He is only ten."

Keith chuckled. "He was supposed to apologize, but I guess he got shy."

Yolie hummed, skeptical about the kid's apology.

"How was work?" Rel asked.

Yolie slipped her shoes off. "The female lead is a witch."

Rel raised her eyebrows.

Keith said, "Well, you're just in time for dinner."

Yolie looked up as he gestured towards the kitchen. Steam came out from it along with the smell of spices that made her stomach grumble. Keith grinned and Yolie looked away, embarrassed. She went into the kitchen with Rel following after her. She sat down and waited until her friends were seated before grabbing her plate and filling it with food.

As they ate, she felt eyes peering in.

Rel chuckled. "Deni, if you are hungry, come and eat. No need to be a stranger."

Keith chuckled. "Yeah, Yolie is eating so not like she is gonna bite your head off."

He hid.

Yolie shrugged and grabbed more food. "More for me!"

"Hey!" Deni said, walking in.

She chuckled and popped a into her mouth.

The boy's stomach grumbled.

Yolie smirked.

Deni huffed.

"Sit," Keith ordered.

The boy hesitated but complied, sitting across from Rel.

Yolie stared at him as he filled his plate. He glanced up and she quickly looked away. Keith chuckled while Rel smiled. Yolie ignored them and focused on eating. Deni stayed quiet as well.

"You were saying the lead is a witch?" Keith asked.

"Yeah. She got mad at the male lead for practicing with me."

Rel scoffed. "She sounds immature. What did she want you two to do?"

Yolie shrugged, chewing on some potatoes. "I dunno. They had their script but I'm not in any scenes with either of them."

Keith asked, "So why'd she get mad?"

Yolie swallowed the potatoes. "Dunno. Jealousy maybe? She glared daggers at us when we were rehearsing."

Keith frowned. "That's kinda petty."

Rel added, "Sounds like she wants your spot."

Yolie scoffed. "She already got the lead."

Rel smirked. "Lead isn't everything. Maybe she was jealous that you were rehearsing with the meal lead."

"She probably thinks you want to take her spot," Keith said.

Yolie hummed. "Would be nice if I could, but the director seems to favor her anyway. He quickly settled on her. Not even a day passed."

Keith suggested, "Maybe she has dirt on him?"

Rel chimed, "Or maybe she bribed him."

Yolie snorted. "Yeah right!"

Keith added, "Money can make people do things they wouldn't normally do."

Rel hummed, tapping her chin. "True."

Yolie thought about it. The actress seemed spoiled enough to try bribing someone, but what could she possibly use? Money? Blackmail? Sexual favors? She shivered at the last one. That would be gross!

Rel asked, "What's wrong?"

Yolie shook her head. "N-nothing."

Keith raised an eyebrow.

Rel tilted her head. "Are you sure?"

Yolie nodded.

Deni watched quietly.

They finished dinner and cleaned up together before heading into the living room to watch TV. Rel sat next to Keith while Deni sat by himself on the floor. Yolie sat between them. It was a news channel talking about politics, which was boring, so she changed the channel. Some action movie played. hey finished dinner and left things for the robots to clean before heading into the living room to watch TV. Rel sat next to Keith while Deni sat by himself on the floor. Yolie sat between them. It was a news channel talking about politics, which was boring, so she changed the channel. Some action movie played. Yolie relaxed against the couch, feeling tired from rehearsal. She yawned.

Keith chuckled. "Tired?"

Yolie rubbed her eyes. "A bit."

Rel hummed. "Guess it's your turn to be the sleepy one."

Yolie mumbled, "Sorry..."

Rel ruffled her hair. "It's alright. You worked hard today so rest all you want. We'll wake you up later."

Yolie nodded sleepily and stretched as she stood up. "Night."

"Ouch!" Deni said as she accidentally kicked him.

She yawned again and walked off.

The boy grumbled and stuck his tongue at her.

She was surprised he didn't accuse her of doing it on purpose. He must really have had a good talking to while she was at the theater.

Yolie trudged up the stairs. It felt like someone tied cinder blocks to her legs. The silent siren song that came from her bed spurred her on. There, she could take refuge from brats and other annoying things in the outside world.

When she reached the top of the stairs, she paused, taking a moment to breathe in the quiet of the upper floor. The house was still, save for the faint sounds of the TV downstairs and the occasional clink of dishes being cleaned by the robots. She pushed open her door and stepped into her room.

The room was painted with warm colors. Posters of her favorite bands and movies adorned the walls, and her bookshelf was crammed with novels and scripts. The small lamp by her bedside flicked on, casting a soft, comforting glow across the room.

She changed into more comfortable clothes, a mismatched set that was worn but comfortable. As she climbed into bed, she could feel the day's tension begin to melt away. Her thoughts drifted back to the actress who had caused so much trouble during rehearsals. Yolie couldn't understand why someone would be so possessive and jealous. Not that it mattered right now.

Yolie pulled the covers up to her chin, feeling the cool fabric against her skin. She closed her eyes and let out a long, contented sigh. Her mind began to wander, thinking of the new friend she had made and the strange but amusing interactions at dinner.

"Tomorrow's a new day," she whispered to herself, a small smile playing on her lips. "Let's see what it brings."

With that final thought, Yolie let sleep take over, her breathing steadying as she drifted off into a peaceful slumber.

With that final thought, Yolie let sleep take over, her breathing steadying as she drifted off into a peaceful slumber.