Episode 21: Practice and Patience

Deni smiled as they ran to the backyard. "Training with Rel, training with Rel!"

His sister giggled as he skipped. "Remember to stretch first."

Deni groaned and reluctantly followed her instructions. Deni moved his arms left and right, stretching them. He wondered if this even helped. Not like he was gonna lift boxes. Was he? After a few minutes of stretching, they were ready to start their training session.

"So, what are you teaching me?" Deni asked, smiling at his big sis.

Rel hummed. "You already know how to shoot targets, so how about something more defensive in nature?"

He blinked. "Defensive?"

She nodded. "While we're only the children of a spare, we are still potential targets for bad people."

"Like those people with the keys?"

She nodded. "Yes. Like them. Now, watch carefully." Rel held her hands forward and spread them out as if she were zooming out on her terminal screen.

As she kept doing it, Deni noticed particles of light pour out of her fingers.

Rel smiled. "This, time I'll do it for real. Keep watching."

Deni nodded.

Rel repeated her motion, this time a screen of light appeared in front of her. It was translucent, barely visible.

Deni gasped.

Rel smiled. "It takes a lot of focus, but you should be able to learn it someday."

Deni clenched his fists and nodded. "I will! What is it anyway?"

Rel hummed. "It's a reflective shield. It can defend and even deflect."

He hummed.

"Try punching it."

Deni nodded and spun his arm as he prepared to give it his best punch. The boy gasped as he was sent flying back.

Rel sighed. "Maybe I should have told you to not put everything into that."

Deni chuckled as he shook the shock off. "That was awesome!"

Sweat beaded Rel's brow. "Although, you should probably not use it on kids at school or on Aes."

Deni giggled and moved his arms all coy. "Why would I use it against Aes?"

Rel sighed, detecting his sarcasm.

He tried focusing energy into his fingers. Nothing happened. "How do I make a shield?" Deni asked as he stopped focusing energy into his fingers.

Rel hummed. "Think of it like an extension of yourself. An extra layer of protection and defense. Once you've mastered that, you can start making other kinds of screens. It takes a lot of practice, but I believe in you."

Deni nodded and focused on creating a shield. He imagined a layer of light surrounding his body.

Nothing happened. The boy frowned. "Why didn't it work? I did what you showed me."

Rel chuckled. "You need to pay more attention, Deni." She extended her hands. The tips of her fingers glowed. "Focus the energy into your fingertips."

He tilted his head. "I did that, but nothing happened."

"Try adding a bit more."

He nodded and tried it again. This time, twin beams flew out, spooking a neighborhood cat.

"What went wrong this time?"

Rel patted his shoulder. "Think you used a little too much and didn't hold it long enough."

"Too much?"

She nodded. "Yeah, it's like when one swings. If you push a little, you won't move much. Too much and you risk falling off."

Deni blinked. "So, my first try was too little and the second was too much?"

She nodded. "Exactly. I mean, it is possible to do it with a lot of energy but like the analogy, you need to hold on to it tightly. Else it'll go flying off like it did just now."

"So, someone might get hurt?"

Rel patted his back. "That's why I'm helping you practice."

Deni furrowed his eyebrows. "If someone tried to kidnap me, could I bonk them over the head with my shield?"

Rel chuckled, sweat beading her brow. "Uh, you could, but you got your beams too."

He grinned. "Yeah, I'll make them into sweerini cheese!"

"Please do your best to avoid that kind of situation in the first place."

Deni just giggled.

Rel sighed. "Maybe Yolie's right to say you're a little gremlin."

He frowned.

She chuckled. "Well, try again. Remember, moderation is key!"

Deni slowly let energy flow out of his hand until it grew to the size of a dinner plate.

Rel hummed. "That's not quite right either."

He stared at it and sighed. "What's wrong now?"

"Remember, two points and spread." She showed him again.

Deni slapped his cute face and steeled himself. This time, he was gonna do it!

A yellow rectangle formed when Deni copied his sister.

"I did it!" Deni cheered. Although his smile was short-lived as his barrier vanished.

Rel patted his shoulder. "It isn't as easy as it looks."

"Tell me about it! You made it look like a walk in the park!"

"That's because I trained hard," Rel replied. "People might like to pretend that it's not, but diligence is important in every facet of life."

Deni tilted his head. "So, Sis isn't a genius?"

"Being a genius isn't what people think it is, either."

Deni hummed. "All of my teachers call me a little boy genius."

"I went to school with a girl who went on to become our valedictorian. Socialization was extremely challenging, and she didn't have many friends. Her academic genius came at a cost."

"You were her friend, right?"

Rel smiled. "Yeah. You actually know her."

Deni blinked. "I do?"

"Yeah, she's our cousin, Wilhi."

"Wilhi has issues making friends?" the boy exclaimed, eyes wide.

"Well, apart from me, she has Eir and Cole who she's known since they were kids, but yeah."

Deni frowned. "I got a whole yacht load of friends! Maybe I should introduce them when she visits!"

Rel chuckled and ruffled his hair.

"I'll invite you too when she does!"

She giggled even more. "Think that would be up to Mom or Uncle." Rel took a breath. "Mind if I get some work done before dinner?"

Deni frowned. "Okay."

She patted his back. "We can train some more later. In the meantime, you can watch your show."

Deni grumbled. "I'm not a toddler who can be distracted with a screen anymore, ya know."

"I know, but it didn't hurt for me to suggest, did it?"

He smiled and marched back to the house. "Fine. But you better keep your word!"

Rel nodded as she walked beside him. "I promise."