Episode 22 Projects: Past and Present

"Deni!" Rel shouted. "I brewed you some tea if you want any."

Deni ran into the kitchen, grabbed his cup, and bolted back to the living room.

Rel giggled. That boy and his tea. Maybe she should've made some that one time he ran off and hid.

It would have saved Keith some trouble.

Today was going to primarily be an admin day, so she hoped the day would be light and short.

Then she could get back to training Deni. As she typed, she recalled their conversation in the backyard. It had been a while since she thought about school.

She hoped her cousin was doing a lot better now. School wasn't exactly an easy time for her.

Rel and Ignacia had just left their class that day.

The redhead had a wide grin on her face. "So, Rel. Do you have any plans this afternoon? I was thinking we could get permission to go shopping."

"Uh… Let me get back to you on that one." A chill in her spine made her spin around and peek her head around the corner. 

A girl who always wore her hair in ringlets said, "Hey, Princess, wanna go to the library after school?"

"I..." Rel wasn't close enough to see if Wilhi looked flushed or pale. "I..."

A girl who always wore pink socks with her uniform said, "Alice, I don't think she wants to."

Alice sighed. "You should just say so, Princess."

Wilhi frowned as she mumbled, "It was so easy talking to Eir and Cole... Why can't I talk to girls my age?"

Rel walked over. "You okay, Wilhi?"

Wilhi gave her a faint smile. "Yeah, thanks for asking."

"You sure?"

Wilhi turned away. "Do I seem cold to you?"

Rel blinked. "No, why?"

Her eyes clouded over. "All the girls seem to think I am."

"You're just a little timid." Rel smiled. "Try to open up. I'm sure they'll love the real you."

"Will they?"

Rel gave her shoulder a tight squeeze. "If they don't then you just have to give them courtesy. They don't have a right to ask for anything else."

"Was I better at talking as a kid?"

"You definitely spoke your mind a lot more."

Rel watched Wilhi's expression soften slightly, the worry in her eyes giving way to a glimmer of hope.

"You really think so?" Wilhi asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

"I know so," Rel affirmed, giving her shoulder another reassuring squeeze. "Just take it one step at a time. You've got this."

As the bell rang, signaling the end of their break, Rel gave Wilhi a final smile before heading back to class. Ignacia caught up with her, a curious look on her face.

"What was that about?" she asked.

"Just a bit of a pep talk," Rel replied, shrugging. "Wilhi's struggling with fitting in."

Ignacia nodded thoughtfully. "She's always been a bit of a loner, hasn't she? It's nice of you to help her out."

"Everyone needs a bit of help now and then," Rel said, smiling. "Plus, she's family."

Ignacia gave her a thoughtful look. "Well, you're doing a great job looking out for her."

The rest of the school day passed uneventfully, and Rel found herself thinking more about Wilhi. She knew how tough it could be to feel out of place. Determined to help her cousin more, Rel made a mental note to spend more time with her.

After school, she saw Wilhi sitting by herself on the stairs.

She was shaking.

Wanting to know what was wrong, she rushed over.

"Wilhi, what's wrong?"

She looked up and grew tense. "Rel, what are you doing here?"

"I was just passing by. What about you? Did something happen?"

She shook her head. "No."

Rel sat down next to her and put a hand on her shoulder. "You sure?"

She nodded.

"Why did those girls want to go to the library with you?"

"We have a group project. Everyone has to talk for ten minutes each."

Ten minutes? That was a lot even for Rel.

"So, they wanted you to help them out?"

She nodded. "I plan to send them my chunk, but I am not sure if they will like it."

Rel patted her cousin's shoulder. "You do good work, Wilhi."

Wilhi chuckled dryly. "Look at me, being consoled by someone younger than me."

She laughed. "You aren't that much older than me. Just a few months."

Wilhi sighed. "Still." She sighed. "Wisj I could be more like you."

Rel blinked. "Like me? What do you mean?"

"You're pretty, smart, and can talk to people. Not sure if you noticed, but the other girls, both younger and older, look up to you."

She blushed and rubbed the back of her neck. "They do?"

She nodded. "Yeah, I hear them mutter how you're the perfect princess." She sighed. "Truth be told, I think you're more worthy of being the heir than I am."

"Hey, don't say that! You got your strong points too, you know."

"Like what?"

"You get full marks."

The crowned princess sighed. "True, but books are all I'm good at."

Rel shook her head. "You're athletic too."

Wilhi smiled. "I suppose I am, but that's because I don't want to fail physical ed. My mother would never let me hear the end of it if I did."

Rel frowned. "Wilhi, you shouldn't let Grandma and your mom's expectations overshadow you like this."

"But aren't you the same? Auntie sent you to this school, away from your little brother."

Rel gulped. It was true. She didn't want to come to this school, but she couldn't just disobey her mother.

If she did, she wouldn't hear the end of it. Ugh, she really was in the same boat as her cousin.

Wilhi sighed. "I miss my own little brother. Wonder if Matt misses me as much as Deni misses you."

Rel smiled. "I bet he does. You should call him. I remember he used to love you reading him bedtime stories."

"Not anymore. He's too old now."