Episode 27: Makeup and Meetings

Rel yawned as she woke up, the day she dreaded was here.

The door suddenly swung open. Yolie walked in with a box of makeup.

Aurelia blinked. "What do you think you're doing?"

Yolie sighed. "While I don't agree with you going out with whoever your mom sets you up with, I will still help you."

Rel jumped out of bed. "Hey, hold on. I can do my own makeup."

Yolie gave a villainous chuckle. "Come on, you know I love doing makeup."

"I don't wanna look like a clown!" Rel shouted as she ran out of the room.

"Hey! Rude!"

Keith poked his head out of his room. "What are you two shouting about so early in the morning?"

Rel skidded to a stop in the hallway, nearly bumping into Keith. "Yolie wants to turn me into a circus performer," she said, exasperated.

"I just want to help Rel get ready for her date!"

Keith raised an eyebrow, glancing between his friends. "It's just makeup, Rel. Besides, Yolie's pretty good at it."

Yolie caught up to Rel, makeup box in hand, her outfit as eclectic as ever—a mix of bright colors, patterns, and accessories that somehow worked together. "Thank you, Keith. At least someone appreciates my talents."

Rel folded her arms, trying to stay firm. "I just... I want to look like myself, not some doll."

Yolie's expression softened. "I promise I won't go overboard. Just a little something to enhance your natural beauty. What do you say?"

Rel hesitated, glancing at Keith, who gave her a reassuring nod. "Fine," she relented. "But I'm watching you, Yolie."

Yolie grinned, grabbing Rel's hand and pulling her back into the room. "Don't worry, you'll look amazing! People will mistake you for a super star."

Keith chuckled and went back into his room, shaking his head. "Girls and their makeup," he muttered with a smile.

Rel stumbled into the kitchen, where the smell of breakfast still lingered from Keith's earlier cooking. She plopped down at the table, groaning.

Yolie appeared in the doorway, makeup box still in hand. "Come on, Rel, it's just makeup. Let me help you."

Rel sighed, knowing she was outnumbered. "Fine, but no crazy colors, okay?"

Yolie beamed and started setting up her supplies. "I promise, you'll look amazing. Trust me."

Keith walked into the kitchen, changed into a polo shirt and khakis. "So, who's the lucky guy?"

Rel rolled her eyes. "The kid of some guy Mom knows from work. His name is Percival. He's around my age."

Keith looked down as he poured himself a cup of coffee. "Well, just be yourself. It's just one date. No pressure."

Rel took a deep breath and looked up at Yolie, trying to shake off her nerves. "Okay, let's do this."

Yolie began applying makeup.

Keith snorted occasionally.

Aurelia's cheeks warmed up. "Yolie!"

"What?" Yolie asked. "You look fine."

Keith snorted. "You overdid her blush. She looks like you before work."

Yolie narrowed her eyes at him.

Keith's smile faded somewhat.

Rel took the powder from Yolie and wiped the excess away.

Keith blushed as he watched her work.

Yolie smirked at Keith. "Hey, why are you red?"

He turned away. "Red? Who is? Not me!"

She snorted. "You sound as childish as the brat."

He narrowed his eyes at her. "Should I really be hearing that from the likes of you?"

Rel smiled slightly as she continued to applied her make up. Once she was done, she had Yolie help her curl her hair into ringlets.

Keith's eyes were wide. He put a hand over his face and turned away.

Rel inspected her reflection in the mirror, pleased with the subtle enhancements. "Alright, I guess I can live with this," she said, adjusting a stray curl.

Yolie grinned, packing up her makeup supplies. "See? I told you I'd make you look great without going overboard."

Keith peeked through his fingers and gave a thumbs up. "You look awesome, Rel. Percival won't know what hit him."

Rel blushed slightly, feeling a mix of nerves and excitement. "Thanks, guys. I just hope this date isn't a total disaster."

Yolie patted Rel on the back. "You'll be fine. Just be yourself and remember, if he doesn't appreciate you for who you are, he's not worth your time."

Rel nodded, taking a deep breath. "You're right. Okay, let's do this."


He watched as Rel walked away. Yolie's words about Rel's date not appreciating her worried him.

What if he was one of those rich jerks?

"What's wrong, Keithy?" Yolie asked, glancing at him.

He sighed. "I'm worried about Rel..."

She smirked. "Worried she'll hit it off with her date?"

He grumbled. "That's not it. What if her date ends up being a jerk?"

"A jerk? Is that jealousy talking?"

He huffed. "Listen, Rel knows nothing about this guy. For all she knows, he could be total creep!"

Yolie crossed her arms. "We don't know a thing about him either, though. He could be a surprisingly nice guy."

Keith shook his head, frustration evident on his face. "I just don't want her to get hurt."

Yolie softened, her usual playful demeanor giving way to genuine concern. "I get it, Keith. But Rel's smart. She can handle herself. Plus, we've got her back."

Keith nodded slowly, appreciating Yolie's attempt to reassure him. "Yeah, I guess you're right. I just can't shake this feeling."

Yolie gave him a reassuring pat on the back. "How about we do something to take your mind off it? There's a new art exhibit downtown. Heard it's pretty cool."

Keith managed a small smile. "Alright, let's check it out. Maybe it'll help distract me."

As they headed towards the exhibit, Keith couldn't help but glance back one more time, hoping Rel's date was as nice as Yolie suggested.

As they headed towards the exhibit, Keith spotted Rel at a restaurant. She looked stunning in that flowing, red dress. She was walking up a handsome-looking blue-eyed blond.

"Wanna spy on them?" Yolie asked.