Episode 28

Rel took a deep breath as she reached the meeting place. It was a fancy steak restaurant.

Percival was waiting for her by the steps to the place. He smiled when he saw her. His teeth were so white that there was no way they were natural.

"Would I be right to assume that I'm speaking to Lady Aurelia?"

"You would."

Great... Was he going to be one of those? Noble fanfare just stressed the staff out, and make an awkward night all the more exhausting.Percival's smile broadened, and he reached behind his back, producing an orange rose.

"For you, my lady," he said with a slight bow, extending the rose to her.

Rel raised an eyebrow but took the rose, a smile tugging at the corner of her lips despite her initial reservations. "Thank you, Percival. It's lovely."

He straightened up, looking genuinely pleased by her response. "Shall we?" he asked, gesturing towards the entrance of the restaurant.

Rel nodded, and they made their way inside. The interior was as grand as she expected, with dark wood paneling, white tablecloths, and soft, ambient lighting. A waiter greeted them and led them to a cozy corner table.

When they sat down, Percival asked her to tell him something about herself, but before she could get a word in, he began talking about himself.

"As you probably know, Princess. I am Percival the thirteenth, heir of the Cooneyy. My family fought alongside the first King, Alaric. So our partnership is a natural outcome. Your own grandmother descends from house Cooney on her maternal side."

Aurelia wasn't aware of that. Not like her grandma was one to talk about pedigree. Even if she did wish for her and her other grandkids to live up to their lofty position in society. Like Deni said, noblesse oblige and all that.

Percival continued. "My family owns the largest horse breeding operation in the kingdom, which makes us one of the most successful merchant houses. We have been responsible for producing the finest horses for centuries."

She remembered that her grandma adored horses. When she was younger, she used to be a jockey.

--- [Years Ago]

Rel stared at several pictures of a lady who looked like her grandma. Except she was smiling as she stood beside a horse. The lady wore jockey gear.

The door opened and in walked her grandma with Wilhi trailing behind her.

"Grandma, who is this lady who looks like you?" Rel asked.

Her grandma glanced at the pictures, her gaze lingered on them for a while before she finally spoke up. She took a deep breath. "They're from my younger days."

"Grandma raced horses?" Wilhi asked, look up at her.

Their Grandma Mina nodded.

"You still race?" Rel asked.

Mina shook her head.

"Why did you stop?" Rel asked.

"Too old?" Wilhi blurted out.

Mina smiled slightly as she shook her head. "No. I stopped when I married your grandpa."

"Why?" Rel asked, tilting her head.

"How would it look for the queen to race horses?"

"Cool?" Wilhi muttered.

Rel nodded.

Mina sighed. "You both still have much to learn. It would look bad. Some might even think I win because of my status."

"But you won before," Wilhi said, pointing at the trophies and medals.

"True, but..." She sighed. "Well, I also had kids to watch over."

"Like Dad? Bet he was a troublemaker," Wilhi blurted out.

Mina laughed. "Indeed. He was a wild child. Phoebe was more mature despite being younger."

"And Sol..."

Wilhi and Rel exchanged glances. Sol was their missing uncle.

Neither of them knew all the details at the time, just that his disappearance caused their grandpa's heart to break.

Wilhi muttered, "Daddy loved Uncle a whole lot."

Grandma's eyes clouded over. "Your dad spoiled his brother at every opportunity. Their bond was special."

"And Mom?" Rel asked.

"She would rain on their parade."

That sounded like her mom alright.

"Bebe has always been an old soul."

Wilhi tilted her head. "An old soul?" she asked.

Mina nodded, her eyes softening. "Yes, even as a child, your mother was wise beyond her years. She kept your father and uncle in line, most of the time."

Rel could hardly picture her mom as a child, but it made sense. Her mother always seemed like she had the weight of the world on her shoulders. "Did she ever race?"

"No," Mina replied, shaking her head. "Phoebe never had much interest in horses. She was more focused on her studies and later, her responsibilities."

"That's probably why she insists we study so much," Wilhi muttered.

"She just wants what's best for you," Mina said gently. "And she knows the value of a good education."

Rel looked back at the pictures. "Do you miss it, Grandma? Racing, I mean."

Mina's smile was wistful. "Sometimes. But life has a way of leading us down different paths. I wouldn't trade my family for anything."

Wilhi and Rel exchanged a glance, their curiosity somewhat satisfied. They had learned a little more about their grandma and the legacy she left behind. It made them feel a bit closer to her, understanding a part of her past they had never known before.


Percival was still talking about his family's achievements. Rel listened politely, nodding at the appropriate moments, but her mind was still partly on the memories of her grandmother.

Percival snapped. "Hey, are you listening?"

Rel nodded.

He crossed his arms. "Were you really? You appeared to be snapping out of it. Didn't even say a peep."

"I didn't want to interrupt your train of thought."

He narrowed his eyes at her. "Is that so?"

Their waiter approached the table with many dishes on a tray. "Some of your dishes are ready. Please enjoy."

Just how long had this blabbermouth been droning on for? That said, Aurelia was appreciative of the waiter's timing. Percival would be a boar if he dared to talk with his mouth full.

Percival filled his plate to the brim every dish on the table. Had he not learned gluttony is a sin? There was no way they'd be able to eat everything he ordered by themselves. Aurelia would consider leaving if the consequences were minor enough but alas.