All is well?

"Is it morning already?"

I mumbled, blinking against the sunlight that streamed through the carriage window.

"arm…so, sore…"

A voice spoke out as I rubbed my eyes and I realised something soft was pressed against my lap

I looked down and watched Leanne sleeping soundly.

"Thank God…"

I finally experienced relief after all of that.

Just two days ago, I was kidnapped and sent into a slave trafficking with no way out.

The night before my supposed last stay at Aethel, I had met a crazy boy just about my age… his name is Ezekiel and he marched into the camp past all the guards without a plan.

I don't know why this idiot stopped the slave trader's business, because going against a person's trade meant going against all trades within the slavery field.

Meaning Ezekiel would be a future target amongst all merchants in that kind of business.