Within the blink of an eye, Julian disappeared.
The vines that held him suddenly slackened, as if there was nothing to restrain. The girl's razor-sharp blades sliced through thin air, and the earth spikes meant to impale him shattered against the ground itself.
The group of 3 were caught off guard from his sudden disappearance as if he was never there.
"Where did he go?!"
They all looked around for him but he was gone, the only trail he left was towards the cut off tree trunk footprints.
The mist-cloaked figure hovered over the remnants of their failed ambush, eyes narrowing as they scanned the luminescent foliage.
"Spread out, he can't have gone far. If he's avoided combat, he must have one of the mana orbs,"
With a commanding tone, he directed the other two, despite his youth. This demonstrated that natural-born leaders can emerge in any world.