It was a new Monday morning the sun hit Brianne's face as she stretched her hand good morning baby she said kissing Lucas good morning my love Lucas replied .Brianne got up and went into the washroom to bath. When she was done getting ready she went downstairs and saw Lucas waiting for her at the dinning table after he must have finished taking his bath in the guest washroom. The preparation of the fashion show will start from this week I want your support darling Brianne said holding his hand you are still on about this Brianne the fashion show should be done in a month time by then the multi million dollar exquisite dress will already be completed you should try taking one thing at a time Lucas said Brianne got angry at Lucas words but she still smiled and replied politely baby I just need your support and I will dazzle you I promise the best of you clothing store is more than able to do this fashion show within a week. Bang Lucas suddenly snapped he hit his hand on the table Brianne why can't you just obey me I am your boyfriend and you have to obey me why can't you just be like Courtney who is very obedient and she does whatever I tell her to Lucas said angrily hmmph Brianne suddenly stood up from her chair how dare you compare me to that slut Lucas haven't I shown my faithfulness to you but you compare me to that vixen huh Brianne got up angrily and left the house driving her car out of the compound.


Wake up sleepy head David said while touching Courtney's head but Courtney didn't show any signs of waking up David adjusted the window binds and allowed the sun to hit her eyes like a cat Courtney buried her head in the pillow and curled herself up in a blanket. David was amused by her actions wake up Courtney or I would cut your salary for this month when Courtney heard his words she groaned in annoyance and sat up on the bed immediately I am awake Courtney said looking at David with eyes that could kill so my little wife loves money too much David said looking at her with a smile. When he was coming near the bed Courtney closed her mouth and muffled don't come near me David suddenly being in the mood to tease her carried her in his arms and held her leg wife do you reject your husband David asked Courtney didn't say anything and only shaked her head. Wife stop shaking your head and say something . Courtney muffled while turning her head to the side honey please let me go I haven't brushed my teeth Courtney said with her face as red as a boiled crab. While David wasn't looking she slipped away from his arms and ran into the washroom David chuckled at her actions and went into the guest bathroom to take a bath. After he was done getting ready he went downstairs to take his breakfast. When Courtney came down she didn't know how to face David so while having he breakfast she looked down and didn't even give David a glance. David wanted to talk to Courtney but he allowed Courtney to finish eating before talking to her. When Courtney was done eating Courtney stood up to clear the plates but David held her hand and stopped her you don't need to do it the maids will do it David said. David stood up from his seat and went to her . He pulled her in his arms and flicked her forehead ouch David you love flicking my forehead so much Courtney said feigning anger am sorry wife but you don't need to feel awkward with me we are husband and wife so you don't need to feel ashamed about what happened earlier David said okay honey Courtney said then David kissed her forehead.

Let's go to work now dear husband you don't have to be so romantic this early morning Courtney said this side of me is only reserved for you wife Courtney didn't say anything and only smiled at his words. Courtney and David left for the office together with David driving his Range Rover sports car. When David was parking his car in the parking lot Courtney opened the car and left. She went into the company first and entered David's office using the private president's elevator which David made her to have access to. Courtney entered the office and sat in her desk soon after that David entered the office too. Both of them worked for a long time working side by side together. Soon it was lunch time and David stopped working. Courtney was still working then David tapped her desk Mrs Williams stop working it's lunch time David said . Okay boss Courtney said. I won't be having lunch with you today my little wife I have a meeting with the board of directors. Okay go easy on them Courtney said smiling what do you mean wife David said while furrowing his brows Courtney smiled at his words and replied you didn't get the king of hell for nothing boss and having an emergency board meeting today it's mean something bad happened and you won't take it easy on them. My wife is very smart but you don't need to have mercy on those who did bad David said okay boss Courtney replied. Anyways I will be going now don't forget to have your lunch David said okay boss Courtney said then David left the office and went into the conference room. The board of directors were already gathered in the conference room waiting for David. They were shocked when Charlie young sent them a message of having an emergency board meeting they were suddenly scared. While sitted in their seats they were feeling hot even though the air conditioning unit was on. When David entered the conference room the stood up David greeted them you may all sit down he said while going to sit on his seat looking at the president there was a smile on his face and the suddenly felt terrified seeing his smile the president never smiles. Oh no something is going to happen today they thought.