David scanned everyone with his eyes coldly. He leaned back on his chair and looked at everyone of them observing their expressions. Some of them seemed fidgeted while some seemed relatively calm though trying to hide their nervousness do you know why I called for this emergency board meeting today. His words carried authority laced with a hint of coldness . A man named Higgins Albert stood up we don't know the reason for you calling us here today Mr Higgins said then he sat down. Charlie send the information to their tabs David said. Charlie was efficient and swiftly sent the information to their tabs. When some of the board of directors saw the message on their tabs their face turned pale while some were livid with anger. Jameson Robert suddenly slammed his hand on the desk what do you mean by this David how can you just fabricate this fake information and send it to me. The company is doing well now and you want to kick us out so that you can reap the benefits. Don't forget that I am your uncle Jameson said angrily. David who was trying very hard to hold his cool got angry at the shameless words that Jameson spew out of his mouth. David sneered you suddenly remembered you are my uncle . I saved face for you taking into accounts that you are my uncle David threw the paper that has already been prepared with force you embezzled the company's money for your own interest.Handled project's illegally and falsified my signatures on business projects that has already been rejected and you still have the nerve to bring family ties into this . When Jameson heard his words his face turned pale with blue he felt as if colour was leaving his face. The others that were accomplice of Mr Jameson were ashamed of themselves and was very scared because David was known to be a ruthless person that's why he was giving the name king of hell. Jameson Robert, Authur Joshua, Mike Milton and Sean Hopkins Charlie said as he called out their names. I believe you have heard your names go to the HR and settle with them your services are no longer needed David said coldly Jameson and his accomplices left the conference room with their heads down . The rest of you take this as a final warning. Mr Higgins Albert and Johnson Kirk man continue with your good work your salary for this month is doubled. Mr Higgins and Mr Johnson thanked David sincerely.


Courtney went to the cafeteria to have lunch since David was in a meeting. She was having her hamburger till a shrill voice interrupted her. Who has such meal for lunch lawyer Courtney are you tight on cash do you need me to lend you some money. Courtney rolled her eyes when she heard the voice seems like people really don't like letting her live peacefully. What's it to you Gabrielle you know much better than being a poke noser Courtney said coldly. Truthfully she wasn't really hungry but because of David insistence she had to eat something. Gabrielle looked at Courtney she wanted to say something but she swallowed her words lawyer Courtney I am just looking at for you if you are really that tight on cash I could surely borrow you some money. Gabrielle ate too much fancy things and looked down on people who ate simple food . Courtney continued munching on her hamburger she ate slowly but elegantly . After she had her last bite she wiped her mouth with a napkin and drank her orange juice. Gabrielle don't you know you have fine lines on your face believe me you are aging quite fast simply because you don't mind your business. Your peers might start calling you an aunty Courtney said smiling at her. Gabrielle got infuriated at her words and she got tongue tied. She didn't know what to say so she left angrily. Courtney stood up from the chair and was about to leave but she heard someone calling her lawyer Courtney Karen called . Courtney turned to see Karen at her back . Hey Courtney looked at her trying to remember her name Karen Wayne Karen said Karen how are you doing sorry I forgot your name Courtney scratched her akwardly it's okay lawyer I wanted to thank you for standing up for me the last time. It's nothing Karen just don't allow yourself to be bullied again. The workplace is a tough place if you are too weak you will be squeezed out I believe you got this job on your own merits so you can thank me by not getting bullied and working hard Courtney said. Karen's heart felt warm hearing Courtney's words no one has been good to her since she came into the company all of them has been trying to bully her probably because she appeared weak and nerd like. Thank you lawyer Courtney for your kind words I won't let myself be bullied again and I will work very hard Karen said. That's good Karen I am happy for you I will get going now let's have lunch together some other time Courtney said. Okay lawyer Courtney then courtney left and went back to the office. When she came back David was not yet back from his meeting. So she decided to continue her work . When it was time to get off work yet she saw no signs of David she was about to go and check if he was in the conference room then David came in. Did you miss me wife David said smiling no I didn't it was very peaceful without you here courtney said teasing him. That's a shame I miss you wife David said hugging her burying his head on the crook of her neck inhaling her scent greedily. It was quiet for sometime how was the meeting courtney asked breaking the silence it was good got rid of the company's pest and leeches David said leaving her embrace. Okay I feel like something is off courtney said. My little wife is so smart well one of the leeches in the company was my maternal uncle he betrayed my mom's trust David said. That's bad what an ungrateful human being, David you don't need to feel bad about those backstabbers Courtney said trying to cheer him up. That's sweet my little wife is trying to cheer me up am not feeling bad about them am just annoyed at his disgusting acts. It's okay David let's go home I am so tired Courtney said. Am sorry for making you wait for long wife there was some other work that had to be finished that's why I came back by this time David said. It's okay I understand let's go home Courtney said then she and David left the Williams group together in David's car.