Chapter 155

The boundless sea of stars stretches infinitely.

It was only when Lu Qingyang personally traversed this endless cosmic river that he truly understood how difficult it is to encounter vibrant life or even life-bearing stars in such a vast expanse.

Aside from encountering a colossal beast when he first ventured into the starry sky, there had been no other signs of life appearing before him.

No fixed destination!

No trace of boundaries!

Like a wanderer adrift in a foreign land, he drifted aimlessly in the cosmic river, with the ever-present sense of solitude shadowing him. Fortunately, Lu Qingyang was already accustomed to this; otherwise, enduring it for long would have been unbearable.


Ten Thousand Heavens Court, the land of the court.

Lu Qingyang withdrew his divine sense, letting his incarnation continue to wander the starry sky as there was nothing particularly noteworthy at the moment.

He did not know if the incarnation had already strayed far from the star system where the Qingyang Realm was located.

To seek life-bearing stars in the vast universe is no easy task, and one must wait for opportunities.

Subsequently, Lu Qingyang checked on the status of his followers one by one before turning his attention to the heavens.

He realized that creating the Heaven Chat Group was merely utilizing a portion of the Heaven's power; its full potential had yet to be explored.

Whenever he entered his own heavens, Lu Qingyang felt like a creator spirit. With just a thought, it seemed that all things could be derived from it.


Lu Qingyang knew this was merely an illusion.

Even if one day the heavens could truly create all things, making him a true creator god, it was not something that the current small sixth-order heavens could achieve.

Staring at the heavens before him, Lu Qingyang suddenly had a thought. Surging spiritual power and mysterious forces permeated the surroundings, and in an instant, the scene before him transformed into a cosmic river.

The space trembled slightly.

A middle-aged man in a black-gold robe suddenly appeared, exuding an overbearing and unmatched aura.

"It indeed works!"

Lu Qingyang smiled. This person was Gu Tiangang of the Ancient Desolate Cave Heaven.

When Lu Qingyang stepped into the heavens, he had a sudden idea: to use the power of incense to simulate a cultivator's energy and perfectly recreate their image and strength.

In this way, Lu Qingyang could engage with this replica in combat within the heavens, improving himself through actual combat and devising effective strategies against the real body.


Whether the replica of Gu Tiangang was truly indistinguishable from the original, Lu Qingyang could not yet say.

In the blink of an eye, Gu Tiangang launched a full-force attack.

The power of the Ancient Desolate Sacred Body exploded instantly, terrifyingly powerful enough to tear through space. Lu Qingyang's eyes flickered, and he immediately engaged in a fierce battle.


"Boom boom boom!"

The two fought for a short while before Lu Qingyang shattered Gu Tiangang's head with a single move, causing him to vanish instantly.

As Gu Tiangang disappeared, the space returned to calm, and Lu Qingyang stood alone, savoring the recent battle.

Having fought Gu Tiangang multiple times, he knew that the replica's strength was almost identical to the real body's, even displaying many unknown techniques during the battle, proving that the heavens had perfectly replicated Gu Tiangang.

The only difference was that the replica only had Gu Tiangang's personal strength without his protective treasures.

This meant that even if he could defeat strong enemies in the heavens, it didn't guarantee the same result in the real world.

After all, a cultivator's strength depended not only on their own cultivation but also significantly on their treasures.

Despite this,

The new function of the heavens held great significance.

By perfectly replicating a cultivator's strength, Lu Qingyang could engage in battles within this environment, gaining insights into their techniques and achieving lethal effectiveness.


This function could also be applied to the Heaven Chat Group, providing training resources for the followers and further enhancing group cohesion.

To thoroughly verify this function's effectiveness, Lu Qingyang thought again, and a middle-aged man in a pale purple robe gradually appeared.

With his appearance, a terrifying power as deep as an abyss spread out, enveloping the entire space.

The overwhelming sense of pressure made Lu Qingyang's face show a rare excitement, his eyes burning with battle intent.

"Shenxiao Sage!"

This person was indeed Shenxiao Sage.

Lu Qingyang had once, through Ye Jiu's perspective, witnessed the lingering thoughts of Shenxiao Sage and thus captured a trace of his energy.

Now, he attempted to use the power of incense to see if he could recreate Shenxiao Sage.

As expected,

Shenxiao Sage manifested under his command, exuding a terrifying aura far surpassing that of a star beast, demonstrating the supreme power of a Nine-Turn Sage.


Just as Lu Qingyang felt the excitement within, Shenxiao Sage struck. A palm covered the sky, and the overwhelming power shattered the heavens and earth, causing Lu Qingyang to momentarily stop breathing.

At this moment,

Lu Qingyang seemed to return to his ancient tree form, witnessing the shocking scene of the golden divine eagle from afar.

In an instant,

Lu Qingyang unleashed all his power, punching out with the force of thunder, fiercely clashing with Shenxiao Sage.


Ten Thousand Heavens Court, the sacred tree swayed gently.

Lu Qingyang's consciousness had withdrawn from the heavens, returning to his body.

Reflecting on the recent battle within the heavenly space, he couldn't help but take a deep breath.


This was his first taste of true defeat!

Since his birth, no matter the strength of the enemy, Lu Qingyang had always found a way to deal with them, never experiencing a true loss.

However, in the void constructed by the heavens, when he fought Shenxiao Sage solely with his own strength, he ultimately lost.

Nine-Turn Sage!

According to the heavens' level, this equated to the peak of the late seventh order, just one step away from the complete seventh order.

His terrifying power far exceeded that of a seventh-order early-stage star beast by several times.

Even though the heavens could perfectly replicate Lu Qingyang's foundational strength, it was still no match for Shenxiao Sage.
