Chapter 156

In the days that followed, Lu Qingyang devoted himself to exploring the newly activated functions within the Heavenly Court.

He could accurately replicate any powerful being he saw, either personally or through the eyes of his followers.

To this day, he had not yet reached the limits of this function.

Among the powerful beings he had encountered, the Sage of Shenxiao, with his late-stage seventh-tier cultivation, was the most extraordinary, followed by the early-stage seventh-tier star behemoth.

However, the consumption of incense power needed to replicate the power of these strong beings was much greater than that required for ordinary techniques or artifacts, though still far less than the act of creating something out of nothing.

Through repeated simulations of battles, Lu Qingyang had a clear understanding of his own strength.

Without supreme treasures, relying only on the foundation of the Heavenly Dao Immortal Wood, he was clearly at a disadvantage compared to late-stage seventh-tier experts.

Perhaps the Sage of Shenxiao was exceptionally outstanding among his peers, hence he could easily suppress Lu Qingyang and secure victory in an instant.

However, when facing the early-stage seventh-tier star behemoth, though it took a bit longer, he could also successfully defeat it.

The reason was that the star behemoth's tough armor was hard to break. While he could suppress it, breaking through its defense was not easy.

He believed that the star behemoth must have a weakness; it was just that he didn't understand it well enough to find it.

As for Gu Tiangang, who was at the peak of the sixth tier, after Lu Qingyang advanced to the mid-stage of the sixth tier, it took him no time to easily defeat him.

As for those at the peak of the sixth tier without any special physique, like the Lord of Tianyang Cave, he could even kill them instantly.

"Right now, my strength is approximately equivalent to the mid-stage of the seventh tier. By the standards of the Wuxian Realm, it might be comparable to a four-turn or five-turn sage. But this is not my limit; I should at least be able to instantly kill the star behemoth!"

Lu Qingyang thought to himself.

Since he was stronger than the star behemoth, theoretically he should have the ability to kill it instantly. After all, in a battle between powerful beings, victory or defeat often happened in an instant.

However, at present, it was quite difficult to instantly kill the star behemoth. Therefore, Lu Qingyang set a small goal: to first aim to instantly annihilate Gu Tiangang!

After all, before the golden age arrived, Gu Tiangang was considered one of the top experts in the Wuxian Realm.

Although the ancient desolate lands were remote and desolate, it did not mean they were weak.

In the current situation where the shackles of immortality shrouded the world, Gu Tiangang's might was still top-notch, even in places like Xianhuang Central State, he would be hard to match.

After all, the Ancient Desolate Sacred Body was extraordinary; once at the peak of the sixth tier, its power was remarkable.

Gu Tiangang was hopeful of reaching the Great Dao in this life, but strength and heritage were both important.

Compared to the great sects in Xianhuang Central State, the heritage of the Ancient Desolate Cave Heaven was slightly lacking.

When Lu Qingyang first arrived in the Wuxian Realm, he had roughly grasped the status of the various forces.

The Ancient Desolate, Tianyang, and Taixu Cave Heavens were not emperor-level forces.

The Tianyang and Taixu Cave Heavens only inherited the sage's path.

The Ancient Desolate Cave Heaven once had a quasi-emperor in residence, almost reaching the emperor-level force.

However, after the quasi-emperor passed away, the Cave Heaven went through turmoil, the quasi-emperor's treasure was shattered, and the inheritance was lost, causing the quasi-emperor force to fall to a sage-level force, allowing Tianyang and Taixu Cave Heavens to emerge.

The word "Ancient Desolate" alone indicated its former glory.

With these thoughts in mind, Lu Qingyang decided to integrate the new divine ability of the Heavenly Court into the Heavenly Court Chat Group, aptly named "Simulated Combat."

Participants in combat would consume the offerings of followers, allowing for the recycling of some offerings and preventing excessive offerings from leading to the loss of incense power.

The offering threshold was set low, with first-tier cultivators only needing one offering to duel, second-tier ten offerings, and so on.

Seventh-tier duels required a million offerings.

Compared to a seventh-tier lower-grade treasure, which could be exchanged for ten billion offerings, a million offerings were only enough for about ten thousand duels, making it quite inexpensive.

However, followers could not arbitrarily choose their opponents; they could only challenge the powerful beings Lu Qingyang had simulated.

After setting this up, Lu Qingyang immersed himself in the simulated combat once again. Each battle with a powerful opponent allowed him to better grasp his own strength.

Even if his realm did not rise, his strength would greatly increase.

Before that, he needed to simulate all the cultivators he had encountered from the first to the seventh tier to enrich the combat options.

Within three days, he had simulated all the powerful beings from the first to sixth tier, with only the star behemoth and the Sage of Shenxiao at the seventh tier.

After all, he had only seen these two who had reached the seventh tier.

Everything ready, Lu Qingyang formally entered the simulated combat once again, replicating Gu Tiangang and engaging in an intense battle in an instant.

As the battle concluded, he defeated Gu Tiangang faster than the last time, yet Lu Qingyang was not satisfied with this result.

In his view, if he could not instantly kill Gu Tiangang, how could he deal with other powerful beings?

Cultivators had many methods; only by quick victories could one minimize risks.

Otherwise, in a prolonged battle, unexpected changes could occur at any time.

For this reason, Lu Qingyang resolutely entered a new round of simulation, vowing to instantly kill Gu Tiangang, or he would not stop.
