Giselle, the knights, and the volunteers walked toward Evelyn in a snail-like pace. 

Because of the Gale of Nightmare spell, they all struggled to handle the fear that gets more intensified as they got closer to the Leonardo lady. 

But those who managed to muster their courage persevered in their endeavor.

For hours they walked toward Evelyn. Inch by inch they progressed forward. They got closer with every step they take, no matter how small.

After two hours passed since the test began, one person managed to cross the drawn line. It was the woman with the huge crossbow on her back.

Evelyn smiled at the participant and said, "Come see me after this. I'd like to have a word with you."

The woman bowed, "As you wish, my lady!"

Despite passing the test, Evelyn did not dismiss the crossbow woman.

"Those of you who managed to get past the line shall remain in their place until I say otherwise. You are not to leave the training ground without my permission." stated Evelyn.

Another hour then passed, three hours since the test began, several others managed to cross the line. They were some of the Leonardo knights. Seven of the 20 that went to the extermination quest. 

8 participants passed

Another hour passed, four hours since the test began. Another eight of the Leonardo knights passed the line.

16 participants passed.

Another hour passed, five hours since the test began. The remaining five of the Leonardo knights and ten volunteers passed the test.

31 participants passed

Another hour passed, six hours since the test began. Giselle and fifteen volunteers crossed the line.

47 participants passed 

Seeing the remaining participants were those who had passed out on the ground, Evelyn concluded the test.

"THAT'S ENOUGH!" shouted Evelyn.

Evelyn stomped Lucerna to the ground and creating the same booming sound she sounded when she started the test earlier.

"I announce the conclusion of the recruitment test and hereby declare those who are on the same side of the line with me are worthy to serve me, either as a knight or an attendant. You've done well to be courageous."

20 knights, 26 volunteers, and 1 maid. 47 participants in total passed the test. 

The knights, Giselle, and the volunteers jumped with joy as they heard the result.

But Evelyn did not give them much time to rejoice. 

"Mind you, there are no demon in this world who will hesitate to take your live. Each and every devil out there are dangerous. You'll need every courage you have to face them." said Evelyn.

She then put on an ominous expression.

"But remember, the most dangerous demon of all is not the one with the sharpest of fangs or the biggest of all beings.

"The demon you should be wary the most is the one who lives by your ear. Whispering to you ever so constantly to commit wrongdoings. The acts that distant yourself from Einsof's love.

"The very demon that compels you to take the course of actions that would lead you to your death."

Everyone there gulped at Evelyn's words. What she said alarmed them of the ever-looming threat.

"Make sure you always steel your heart with bravery to face that demon. For if you fail to guard your heart from the influence of evil, then the battle is already lost."

The cold sweats running down their face and the intense stare the people there gave Evelyn convinced her that they understood what she was speaking to them.

The Leonardo lady then continued with her address.

"From now on, the Leonardo knights who are already employed by the barony will become the senior knights. Meanwhile, the volunteers will be employed as an apprentice knight.

"The apprentices will receive training as squires until they are deemed qualified to be a full-fledged knight, which then they'll get to decide on which master they would wish to serve."

Evelyn then looked over to the woman with a crossbow.

"That being said, I will take a different approach in training my knights. There will be new training exercises implemented, all that will be suitable in fighting against demons.

"There will also be mandatory lecture sessions on Demonic Studies for all of those in my service. Be prepared to not only train your body, but your mind as well.

"All knights and squires are to reconvene here tomorrow an hour before dawn for training. Then at 9, all of those in my service will gather at the Leonardo private training hall for a lecture on Demonic Studies.

"All squires are to report to the baroness for the detail of your employment such as pay and living arrangement. That is all."

The people who passed the test bowed and shouted in unison.


But before they all dispersed, Evelyn stopped them.

"One last thing…"

She pointed her finger to the black aura still lingering in the training ground.

"I will keep this Gale of Nightmare spell active. The intensity of the fear induced by the spell will also be at its highest in every part of the training ground instead of gradually intensifying from one end to another." said Evelyn. "From now on, all of the trainings in the training ground will be conducted in this condition."

The knights and squires could only stand there in silence and let out cold sweats as they heard they will be training under such horrifying state from then on.

It took them hours to move from one end of the training ground to the other under that spell. Now they had to train everyday while under the effect of such dark magic.

Despite such demanding condition, the knights of Leonardo who went to battle with Evelyn were certain that this training arrangement was for their own good.

The squires, on the other hand, were still struggling to secure their motivation and decided to wait and see how their training will go, or rather, whether serving Lady Evelyn Leonardo will amount to something worthwhile.

With that, the crowd dispersed.