The knights of Leonardo helped the failed participant to leave the training ground while the squires went to Hannah to report their appointment. Giselle also helped the baroness by escorting the squires to their annex.

The crossbow woman, on the other hand, was meeting Evelyn in Bryce's study. Hannah allowed Evelyn to use the room while the baron was gone.

"Greetings, my lady! My name is Hilda Reich, a former B-rank Adventurer from Mortalia Empire." introduced the woman as she kneeled in front of Evelyn who was seated behind Bryce's desk.

Evelyn looked over to Hilda's crossbow.

"A mage typically condense their mana to their vessel as they needed it to cast spells. The mana inside you, on the other hand, is spread out all over your body." observed Evelyn. "In this instance, your mana is used to reinforce your limbs. That type of mana distribution is typical of a warrior or a fighter which relies on their physique."

"That's correct, my lady. My combat ability revolves around my skills with a crossbow."

"That's impressive! To reach as high as B rank with a ranged-weapon in the Adventurer Guild, you must be pretty good."

Hilda shook her head.

"Not necessarily, my lady. I reached B rank merely due to my participation in many quests. Even so, those missions were carried by multiple adventurers, not just I alone."

Evelyn smiled at the woman's response.

The Leonardo noble then stood and went to the window. Through there she could see the barracks where the knights and the squires were staying at. 

"Tell me, Miss Reich, why do you wish to serve me? Surely a skilled B-rank Adventurer like you doesn't have any problem acquiring money. There's no reason for you to take up a strict profession like being a Leonardo knight. So why would you give up such a carefree adventurer job?"

Hilda laughed at Evelyn's question. For some reason, Evelyn was not surprised nor bothered by the woman's reaction.

"Pardon me, my lady, but I do have a reason to serve as your knight." said Hilda. "As you said, my lady, adventurer's job is a carefree work. We decide which job we wanted to take. Which one we wanted to decline. But there're risks to this profession as well."

"Mind telling me what those risks are?" asked Evelyn.

"Adventurers are often sent to dangerous remote locations. It is not rare for an adventurer to lose their lives while going on a quest." said Hilda. "As an adventurer, we often had to rely on ourselves. There's no one to blame but us if we failed. And if we failed, then the guild only needed to replace us. As simple as that."

"You will find a similar nature when you serve me, Miss Reich. If you fail to fulfill your duty, then I'll eventually have to replace you. It's the same with being an adventurer." said Evelyn.

"No, my lady. There's a difference." denied Hilda. "If an adventurer lost their life while on duty, they'll simply be forgotten. But if a Leonardo knight fell on the line of duty, you will make sure they are remembered."

Evelyn nodded at that statement.

"Indeed. I will make sure my knights are properly compensated for their loyalty." said Evelyn. "So, you are seeking immortality through serving me, yes? You wanted to make sure your name is remembered after your death. Is it mere fame you're seeking?"

Hilda shook her head once again.

"No, my lady. The reason I wanted my service to be remembered and appreciated is not for my own sake."

"Then for whom?"

Hilda sighed. It was not easy for her to explain her reason.

"It is…for my son. MY 13-year-old son, Camille." said Hilda. "I'm well aware that my profession is a dangerous one where I could lose my life in any moment. Which is why I wanted to make sure that my son will be taken care of after I died."

The former adventurer glanced at the Leonardo insignia carved on Bryce's desk. 

"Being a knight of a noble house will serve that goal."

Evelyn turned to Hilda and looked her straight in the eyes.

"Of all the nobles in Mortalia Empire, why did you choose the Leonardo Barony to offer your allegiance?"

Hilda shook her head once again.

"It is not the Leonardo house that I'm pledging my allegiance to. It is to YOU I'm offering my strength."

Evelyn raised her eyebrow. It was remarkable of the adventurer to speak such bold words toward a noble.

"Me? What's so special about myself?"

Hilda chuckled at Evelyn's comment.

"My lady, surely you don't need me to spell it out for you."

"As your soon-to-be master, I'm ordering you to do so. Why do you want to serve me?"

Hilda stared back at Evelyn right in the eyes. Her gaze was sharp and focused.

"I saw you leading those knights in Stonewall. I witnessed how you and your soldiers slayed those demons. It was like nothing I've ever seen." said Hilda. "The way you mobilize your soldiers were effective and efficient. Your whole operation was executed sophisticatedly. But most of all, despite having tremendous strength yourself, you empowered your soldiers by having them killing the demons by themselves."

"And what does that tells you about me?"

"That you're a brilliant leader." stated Hilda. "After all my years as an adventurer, I've learned that the key of surviving in that line of work is to be in a party that is led by a smart leader. Not just a strong one."

Hilda recalled everything she had seen of Evelyn. From Evelyn's quest in Stonewall to her commanding act in the recruitment test. 

"And you, my lady, is both the former and the latter."

Evelyn grinned at Hilda who was begging to be her knight. Because of this, Evelyn could not help but remember something from her past life.

"(Hilda Reich. In my past life you were an A-Rank Adventurer who was instrumental in the Havensground Liberation Operation.)"

Evelyn looked over to the weapon hanging on the former adventurer's back.

"(Your skill with the crossbow was one of the factors that revolutionized military combat. A change which helped my former army won many battles in the war against Satan.)"

Evelyn walked over to right in front of the kneeling Hilda. Her eyes were glassy with reminiscent and bittersweet memories.

"(O Hilda… How glad I am to see you…my comrade.)"