"Do you know why I called you to meet me, Miss Reich?"

Hilda paused for a moment to think of an answer.

"Isn't it because I was the first one to pass the test?"

Evelyn tilted her head.

"You could say that."

She then looked over the weapon strapped on Hilda's back.

"Let me see that crossbow of yours."

"Of course, my lady!"

Hilda laid the huge crossbow on the table for Evelyn to examine.

It was not a regular crossbow. There were evidences of modification to its design, which consequently made the crossbow looked bigger than a regular one.

Evelyn directed her eyes to the stack of arrows under the groove from which the arrow is launched.

"I know for certain this crossbow design can't be found on the imperial military standard-issued crossbow. Care to explain to me how yours is different?" asked Evelyn.

"Certainly, my lady! The design of my crossbow is something that I came up with over my years of experience as an adventurer." explained Hilda. "I've been looking for ways to improve my combat capability and eventually my crossbow ended up in this state."

The former adventurer pointed to the stack of arrows under the crossbow's groove.

"Its unique characteristic is its rapid fire function. My crossbow is able to shoot arrows successively in shorter time a regular crossbow usually took."


Evelyn then looked at the small telescope attached on top of the crossbow.

"I suppose this installation serves a purpose?"

"You're correct, my lady! That is a modified telescope. The lens provides a magnified vision of the target and an accurate projectile trajectory."

Hilda grabbed the crossbow and showed Evelyn how to use the lens.

"The user could use the telescope to help them aim a target at a greater distance from the maximum reach of a standard crossbow."

Evelyn nodded at Hilda's explanation, just enough to show the former adventurer that the lady understood what she was saying. 

"Unload the arrows from the crossbow, please. It is not polite to present a loaded weapon in front of your commanding officer."

"Y-Yes, my lady!"

Hilda was a bit startled by Evelyn's remark. Even so, she did as she was asked and quickly emptied the arrows loaded under the groove of the crossbow. It took the woman less than 2 seconds to do that.

"Anything else, my lady?" asked Hilda.

Evelyn shook her head, "No. I was just curious about your crossbow. That is all."

The noble lady then stood from her chair and walked to the door.

Hilda thought the meeting was over. However, unnoticed by her, Evelyn casted a spell as the young lady began to make her exit.

[Bara Arts, True Mirage]

"Now, Hilda, if you would follow me--"

A large shrieking voice interrupted Evelyn.

The sound alerted Hilda. It came from outside the window.

The former adventurer gasped at what she saw flying outside.


Five gargoyles were flying in the sky and making their way to the mansion, right toward the study where they were at.

Hilda quickly grabbed her crossbow and loaded it with five arrows. She kicked the window open and aimed her weapon to the gargoyles. Then the former adventurer pulled the trigger on her crossbow and shot five arrows rapidly. Each bolt struck a gargoyle in the head.

Hilda managed to kill them all with her crossbow.

But the adventurer quickly noticed something odd from the gargoyles she just shot. She squinted her eyes to examine what exactly was wrong. 


Instead of crashing to the ground, the gargoyles just stayed still. They remained in their charging pose, as if they were frozen in the air.

A moment later, the gargoyles faded into thin air. Leaving Hilda's arrows hovering in place of the gargoyles.

Hilda wondered what was happening. Where did the gargoyles went? Why her arrows were floating in the air?

Evelyn's voice snapped Hilda out of her confusion.

"That's amazing!"

Hilda turned her head and found Evelyn extending her hand toward the window, toward the arrows Hilda sent.

It was then clear that the noble lady was the one keeping the arrows staying still in the air through magic.

"My lady? What is happening right now?"

"It only took you one second to load the empty crossbow. And less than three seconds to fire five arrows at the gargoyles. All with perfect accuracy." said Evelyn. "In conclusion, it only took you four seconds to kill five gargoyles."

Hilda was initially confused by what was happening. But she now realized what was going on: Evelyn was testing her.

"Those gargoyles weren't real, were they?"

"No. They were just projections I created using magic." said Evelyn.

"Why are you doing this, my lady? What did you want me to prove? Haven't I passed your test earlier?"

Evelyn walked over to Hilda and placed her hand on the woman's crossbow.

"Hilda, I will make sure your son and even his future family are taken care of." said Evelyn which surprised the woman.

But Hilda could never expect what Evelyn said next.

"In return, I'm going to use the design of your crossbow as the Leonardo Army standard weapon."

Evelyn turned her gaze to the training ground where the knights conduct their training.

"Not only that, I will also task you to train my knights so they could be as good as you with the crossbow."

Hilda stared at Evelyn in disbelief.

"My lady, but I—I'm still a squire. How could I take the position of an instructor?"

"Your B-Rank badge indicates that your physical capability and mental strength are at least equal to normal knights. So you shouldn't be worried about that." said Evelyn.

She turned her eyes to Hilda's. Evelyn's gaze was serious.

"Hilda Reich, as of today, I appoint you as one of my captains. One of the personnel that answers directly to me and responsible for conveying my commands to all soldiers under my service. You will be tasked with training and leading all the knights and squires of the Leonardo family."

From how Evelyn was sounded, Hilda knew the noble lady was serious.

The former adventurer then bowed to Evelyn and answered, "I will gladly serve you till my dying breath, my lady!"

As such, Evelyn acquired herself a captain for her army.

After her meeting with Hilda, Evelyn made her way to the library where the three mages were waiting for her.

There she went through with the mages all their responsibility in maintaining the barrier protecting the towns and villages under the Leonardo Barony domain.

Evelyn also gave them some final mentoring about the barrier runes each mage will maintain.

After several hours of mentoring, Evelyn was convinced that the mages were ready to execute their job.

"Alright. Now remember, starting tomorrow morning I will be conducting lecture on Demonic Studies." said Evelyn to the mages. "Even though your job is to maintain the barriers casted in my family's domain, all of you are obligated to attend the lecture as you all are in my service. Adjust your maintenance schedule around the lecture hours. Make sure you're able to come to the estate to attend the lecture sessions while fulfilling your duties to maintain the barriers."

"Yes, my lady!" replied the mages. 

"You're all dismissed. See you tomorrow."

The mages then left Evelyn in the library.

The noble lady decided to spend more time there to look for a few books.

While Evelyn was doing that, Giselle walked in.

"My lady, it is almost time for supper and your mother would like you to know that she has taken care of the arrangement for the new squires employment."

"What about Miss Reich's arrangement?"

"The baroness is still preparing the appropriate contract for Miss Reich's employment and the acquisition rights for her crossbow design."

"That's wonderful!" said Evelyn as she grabbed some books from the library. "Anything else?"

"That is all, my lady." replied Giselle. "So what shall I do about your supper?"

"Just bring them to my room. Tell mother I'm not joining her tonight and that I'll see her tomorrow for breakfast."

"As you wish, my lady."

Giselle bowed and made her way back to the door.

"You did well passing the test today."

Evelyn's voice stopped Giselle on her track.

The maid looked back on her lady. She discovered Evelyn's eyes were still wandering around the library looking for her books.

Giselle walked to her lady and bowed once again.

"Thank you, my lady. As you said, it was necessary for me to pass the test if I wanted to accompany you as your attendant in your future expeditions."

"Have you started studying the Methuselah Grimoire?"

"I have, actually. The baroness is gracious enough to mentor me on the basics."

"That's great! Also make sure you attend the lectures on Demonic Studies I'm holding starting tomorrow. After all, you are in my service."

"Certainly, my lady!"

Giselle then made her way out again. But Evelyn's voice stopped her for the second time.

"I will be checking your progress from time to time. Be prepared, Giselle."

The maid was astounded by her master's words.

"You'd do that for me, my lady?"

"Of course! I do would like an attendant who would tend to my needs while I'm out on an expedition. So it's only natural for me to want to be involved in your magic studies."

Giselle was filled with joy when she heard Evelyn would be helping her studying magic. It was more to the fact that Evelyn wanted Giselle to accompany her that made the maid happy.


"Don't thank me just yet. I will be very thorough with my examinations, Giselle. I have a very high expectation and won't be lenient to any display of shortcoming."

"I promise to work very hard to gain your approval, my lady!" said Giselle before she left the room.

With that, Evelyn gained herself an apprentice.