Evelyn proceeded by telling them a story.

"In the year 723, a B-rank demon was running rampant in the Shenlong Empire in the east. The reigning emperor at the time sent his best warriors to defeat the demon." told Evelyn. "However, out of the 10.000 soldiers that were sent to kill the demon, not even one survived the quest."

Her story immediately captivated her students.

"After killing the warriors, the B-rank demon ran to the mountains where a remote village was located. It was looking for new preys to feed on.

"The emperor of Shenlong then sent the remnants of his army to the foot of the mountain range to prevent the demon from leaving the region.

"The army waited by the foot of the mountains for weeks. Anticipating for the demon to come back down…"

The attendees sat in silence. They listened carefully to the story Evelyn was telling them.

"After three weeks, something finally came down from the mountains. The soldiers immediately prepared their weapon to welcome this approaching figure." said Evelyn. "Little did the army expect what sort of surprise was about to greet them."

The young lady snapped her fingers and dirt replicas of an elderly couple sitting in a carriage with their young grandson appeared out of thin air.

"What came down from the mountain was a donkey carriage rode by a hunched elderly man and an elderly woman, each were way past 80, and accompanying them was a boy not older than 8." said Evelyn.

She continued, "The soldiers were surprised to see these people coming down unharmed from the mountains considering that a strong demon just went there weeks ago. But the soldiers were even more surprised by what the carriage was pulling behind it."

The soldiers and servants of the Leonardo family were all invested by Evelyn's story. They were eager to know what happened next.

Evelyn snapped her fingers again and another construct appeared behind the carriage replica. A hideous construct.

"Dragged by a rope behind the carriage was the dead body of the B-rank demon which had killed the 10.000 of the emperor's warriors." said Evelyn.

Murmurs filled the room. They did not expect such outcome in the story.

"The soldiers shouted at the elderly couple and asked them where did they find the demon."

Evelyn animated the elderly man to stand in front of the demon replica.

"The elderly man suddenly jumped in front of the soldiers and extended his arm to his side. He wanted to block the soldiers from getting to the demon dragged behind his carriage. He said, 'YOU CAN'T HAVE IT! THIS DEMON IS OURS. WE KILLED IT! SO WE'RE THE ONES WHO WILL BE SELLING IT!'."

The crowd gasped. They also did not expect such twist to come from the story.

"The soldiers were shocked by the elderly man's statement. 'YOU KILLED THIS DEMON?' asked one of the soldiers.


"The soldiers, of course, were dumbfounded by his statement. There was no way they could believe two elderly people and a child to be able to defeat a B-rank demon when 10.000 trained warriors couldn't."

The attendees nodded in the logic. They also would not believe the elderly man.

"Even so, the soldiers couldn't deny that there was the body of the said B-rank demon lying in front of them." said Evelyn. "The soldiers then asked the elderly couple how they defeated the demon. The whole army was utterly shocked when they heard the answer."

The students were also curious to hear what elderly couple had to say.

"Apparently there was a folk song that has been passed down in the elderly couple's village.

"The song told a story about how a pregnant lady, who lost her husband in a war, killed a demon using a potion made of garlic and assortment of flowers found around the village, and sold the remains of the demon to gain great wealth.

"Lo and behold, the demon in the song is the same kind as the demon which killed 10.000 of Shenlong emperor's warriors."

Murmurs filled the hall once again. This time they were louder. They now understood why Evelyn told them this story.

"In the year 723, a B-rank demon which ran rampant in the Shenlong Empire found its death, not in the hands of the emperor's warrior, but in the hands of a couple of elderly people who never raised a weapon in their life." said Evelyn.

She recreated the B-rank demon construct to its healthy state and put it beside the elderly couple's replica.

"To think that the formidable demon which killed thousands of mighty warriors was defeated by two elderly people just because they knew a song."

Evelyn then summoned another replicas of people in eastern clothing. All from varied background. Either farmer, seamstress, guard, or noble.

"Imagine what would've happened had the entire Shenlong Empire know about the folk song. How many lives could've been saved if the people there knew it was so easy to kill the demon?"

All the servants in the training hall understood the message Evelyn was trying to tell them.

They now knew it was important to learn about demons. Since such information could be the difference of life and death. Not just their own, but others' as well.

And every person, no matter what profession they had, should take great consideration to those matters.

Evelyn then snapped her fingers, causing all the replicas to vanish and the thick books on the carts to float in the air.

Each of the books flew to the attendees. Every student got one for themselves.

"The book you just received will be your learning material. I found it in the estate's library and used the past week to make copies of the book for each and every one of you through magic." said Evelyn. "If you don't know how to read, I suggest you start learning now."


So was the title of the books Evelyn distributed to the attendees.

"This is the book written by Enoch the Adventurer. It contains the list of demons that exist in this world." said Evelyn. "Though the information within isn't as complete as I'd like them to be, this book will serve as a proper guide for you to begin your study on demons."

Evelyn picked up a white chalk by the blackboard and started writing on the board's surface.

"Let's begin the lesson. Open your book to Chapter 1, Primeval Demons."

With that, the soldiers and servants of the Leonardo family began their first session on Demonic Studies.