Once again, Mother Rasmussen and Father Candor watched in Evelyn with confused gaze.

Everything that Evelyn said to them so far made the two wonder even more the identity of the young lady in front of them.

"But enough about me!" shouted Evelyn suddenly. "Let's talk about what you're going to do from now on."


"The Iscariot is plotting to do something awful in Mortalia." said Evelyn. "The invasions scheme is just a build up to yet another grander and terrible one."

"Where do you suggest we start investigating?" asked the blindfolded nun. "The lead from the countess's ledger is just a dead end."

"You can start by investigating the sealed grounds in Pison where the gargoyles escaped." said Evelyn. "I'm certain the Iscariot had a hand in letting them go."

"What do you think they're planning to do within the Empire, Lady Leonardo?" asked the father.

Evelyn paused for a moment before answering him. She surrendered to her mind.