"You've managed to craft all twenty crossbows like I requested?"

After her breakfast with the Akeldama Order higher ups, Evelyn went to the artisan village since Siegfried sent word for her about his progress.

Laid in front of Evelyn were twenty huge obsidian-colored crossbows. Their shape was similar to Hilda's crossbow, but their frame and string looked more robust and sophisticated than hers.

The image of the twenty crossbows was identical to the design Evelyn provided Siegfried when she visited him last.

"Can I test them?" asked Evelyn.

"By all means, my lady!" allowed the craftsman.

The Leonardo lady picked up a crossbow and a tube filled with arrows just beside the crossbow. She tied the tube to her dress while holding the crossbow in her hand.

She proceeded to snap her fingers and cast a spell.

Suddenly, dozens of armor displays from one of the workshops far ahead of Evelyn floated away to the sky.