In New York City, USA, there was a warm and compassionate family who were blessed with a stunning, youthful, intelligent, kind-hearted, and loving daughter. She was deeply concerned about the well-being of those around her and went out of her way to care for the people .

"She always treats others with kindness and compassion, and she can't bear to see anyone struggling. That's why she's so well-liked by everyone. She's a student at The Bright Futures College."

: "They were members of the Society of Arcane Seekers, and their family's financial situation was quite ordinary.

Her mother would enter her room to rouse her, saying, "Aria, sweetie, you're not going to college today, hurry up and get dressed, or you'll be late. We can't afford to be delayed." And, as it turns out, the girl's name is indeed

Aria.": Aria: Yes, mom, I'm getting out of bed.

Mother: Quick, I've prepared your breakfast and left it on the dining table.

Aria: Alright, mom, I'm on my way

: Aria, all dressed up and beaming with joy, comes downstairs to join her father for breakfast.

She adores her dad. "Good morning!"

Dad: "Good morning, sweetie! How's school going?" "

Aria :It's going great, Dad."

With that, she begins her breakfast, showers her parents with love, and heads off to college. Aria attends the most prestigious college in New York, a hub for students from all over the country and even international students. Upon arriving at college,

she hurries to her classroom as if someone is impatiently waiting for her. As she enters the class, she rushes to her best friend, Yale, and gives her a warm hug.

: Aria: How have you been? I've been trying to reach you for ages, but you didn't reply. Is everything okay?

Yale: (tearfully) My parents died in an accident.

Aria: Oh, Yale, I'm so sorry. Don't worry, I'm here for you; you're not alone.

Yale: (embracing) You're the only one left who truly understands me. With you by my side, I never feel lonely

: Just as the class was about to start, the teacher entered and all the students stood up to show respect.

The teacher said, "Okay, students, open your history books, and we'll continue today's lecture" (with a smile).

Everyone opened their books, and after a while, when it was time for lunch,

Yale turned to Aria and said, "I'm thinking of going back to my village now that my parents are no longer in this world. What's the point of staying here?" (looking dejected).

Aria replied, "Don't think like that, Yale. Although your parents are not in this world, they must have had some wishes for you. You used to say that your parents wanted you to become an engineer. Won't you fulfill their dreams?

" Yale looked embarrassed and said, "You're right, Aria. I won't give up. I'll continue my studies."

Aria said, "Good, that's what I expected from you."

: After a while, lunchtime ended, and the two friends returned to their classroom. Later, the mathematics teacher arrived, and the students welcomed her with a standing ovation. She began teaching, and during the lesson, she asked, "Who can solve this question?"

Aria raised her hand enthusiastically and said, "I can do it!"

The teacher replied, "Come here, aria." Aria proceeded to solve the question and showed her work to the teacher, who praised her, saying, "You've solved the question perfectly! I'm proud of you,

Aria. Thank you!"

After a while, it was time for the college to close, and all the students began leaving for their homes. Aria also bid farewell to Yale and headed home.

After returning home, Aria showed affection to her mother.

Mother: "Something special happened in college today."

Aria: "Yes, mom, Yale's parents passed away."

Mother (in shock): "Oh, how sad! If she need anything, don't hesitate to ask."

Aria: "Yes, mom."

Saying this, she went to her room and suddenly felt sleepy, and soon she fell asleep.

This is how the next day began, as usual.

Aria went to college, and as soon as she entered her class, her teacher also arrived.

The teacher announced, "We have a new student joining our college."

The teacher called out to the student, "Dear, please come.

To be continued