chapter 02

Teacher: Among them, one student's name is Daniel, who has been transferred to our college. All students welcome Daniel to the college.

Teacher: Daniel, if you face any problems related to studies, please don't hesitate to ask, you can sit in the last seat.

Daniel: Yes, sir.

Aria and Yale were sitting in their seats, looking at Daniel as if they had seen something unique.

Aria tells Yale, "I'll go and talk to Daniel."

Yale: Okay.

Aria goes to Daniel and says, "Hello, my name is Aria."

Daniel: My name is Daniel.

Aria: I had heard that you were transferred here. Daniel: Yes.

Aria: If you face any issues with your studies, you can discuss them with me.

Daniel: Thank you, I'll definitely ask.

Aria: It's my duty, saying this, she returns to her seat.

After a while, it was lunchtime, and everyone was eating. Aria asked Daniel to join them, and Daniel replied, "Thank you."

Aria asked, "Where were you transferred from?" Daniel said, "My family recently shifted from Denver to New York, and my dad found out that this college provides excellent education, so he got me transferred here."

Daniel asked, "Did you also get transferred?" Aria replied, "No, I'm from New York."

After lunch, the students returned to their classes. The teacher began the lecture, and after it ended, it was time for the students to head home. As Daniel was leaving,

Aria stopped him and said, "Daniel, please wait."

Daniel asked, "What happened?"

Aria replied, "You forgot your book in class." Daniel apologized

Aria said, "It's okay, no worries." They both went their separate ways.

As soon as Aria reached home, she was very happy.

Her mom asked, "God, my daughter is so happy today! What's the reason?"

Aria replied, "A new student joined our college today."

Her mom exclaimed, "Wow, that's great news!" Aria added, "And we've become friends too."

Her mom said, "That's even better news! And get ready because your dad is taking us out for dinner tonight."

Aria asked, "What's it is true?

Her mom replied, "yes dear be ready for the dinner Let's hurry up!"

After some time, night fell, and Dad returned home.

Aria hugged Dad and said, "Dad, you're so great, thanks for taking me out for dinner."

Dad replied, "Thanks, I just want to see my daughter happy."

Aria said, "Dad, I really love you."

After a while, they set out for dinner at a hotel. Aria's father ordered her favorite dishes, which made her very happy.

Aria said, "Thank you, Dad." Dad replied, "It's my duty, dear."

After dinner, as they were leaving, they met Daniel.

Aria said, "Hi Daniel, what are you doing here?"

Daniel replied, "I brought my family here for dinner tonight."

Aria exclaimed, "Wow, that's great!"

Aria introduced Daniel to her mom, saying, "Mom, this is Daniel, whom I told you about."

Mom asked, "How are you, dear?"

Daniel replied, "I'm fine, thank you."

Daniel's mom and brother were also with him,

Aria's mom asked, "Are they your mom and brother?"

Daniel replied, "Yes, they are."

Aria apologized, "Sorry to disturb you all, I think we should leave now."

Daniel's mom said, "No, dear, you all come and join us."

Aria replied, "No, auntie, we've already had dinner, you carry on."

Aria said goodbye to Daniel, "Okay, bye, see you tomorrow."

Daniel replied, "Okay, bye."

The next day…