chapter 03

The next day, Aria leaves for college and enters the classroom, where Yale is already present.

Aria says, "Hi Yale, how are you?"

Yale replies, "I'm fine, I'm very happy today. I went to the modeling industry and debuted, and I got selected too!"

Aria exclaims, "Wow, that's great news!"

Yale says, "I can't express how happy I am."

Aria and Yale continue talking when the class teacher enters the room and starts the lecture. After a while, Daniel suddenly enters the class.

Daniel says, "May I come in, teacher?"

The teacher replies, "Yes, Daniel."

Daniel greets the teacher, "Good morning."

The teacher responds, "Good morning. You're late, and I've already started the lecture."

Daniel apologizes, "Sorry, there was a lot of traffic, and I got late."

The teacher says, "Okay, no problem, just go to your seat and sit down."

Daniel sits down in his seat. Before continuing the lecture,

The teacher makes an announcement, "I want to remind you all that I will be giving a test on the lecture I taught yesterday."

The students respond, "Okay, teeacher

The teacher continued the lecture, and after a while, it was lunchtime.

Aria and Yale were surprised to see Daniel preparing for the test during lunch,

Yale asked him, "Daniel, isn't the test tomorrow? Why are you preparing now?"

Daniel replied, "Actually, I have to go somewhere today, and I won't have time to study later, so I'm preparing now."

Yale said, "Oh, okay, then study well. We'll continue our lunch."

Daniel said, "Yes, okay."

Aria and Yale started eating their lunch, and during the meal,

Aria asked Yale, "When are you joining the modeling industry?"

Yale replied, "Not yet, but I'll join when they give me a date."

Aria said, "Oh, I see."

After a while, lunchtime was over, and all the students returned to their classrooms. The teachers then gave their respective subject lectures, and eventually, it was time for the college to close.

Then Yale said to Aria, "I'm feeling very bored today, so I'll come to your house.

Aria said, "Why not, my mom was also remembering you."

Daniel also headed home and greeted his mom as soon as he arrived. Daniel's home looked quite small, indicating that Daniel's family was quite poor.

Daniel's mom said to him, "Son, you're back, come sit down, I'll serve you food."

Daniel asked his mom about his younger brother, "Where is William?"

His mom replied, "He's in his room, he wasn't feeling well today, so he's resting

Daniel knew that his brother's health couldn't be that bad, but when he reached his room, he saw his brother crying. He rushed towards his brother and asked him the reason for his tears.

William explained, "Daniel, my dear brother, I'm crying because the boys in school tease me, they say I'm poor, and my dad doesn't want to take care of us. They say he has remarried and left us. They never asked about us."

It was clear from William's words that Daniel had lied in college, saying he got transferred because of his father, but in reality, he got transferred due to his good grades and numbers.

Daniel said, "Look, brother, you don't need to worry. Yes, dad left us, but I'll never leave you and mom. People will keep talking, but I'll work hard and fulfill you're and mom's needs. My college has started, and I'll study well and earn money to support my family. Come on, stop crying, mom has prepared food."

Daniel's words comforted William, and he went downstairs with his brother to eat.

Despite their family's poverty, Daniel worked part-time jobs when his college off to support his family. He was a hardworking and kind-hearted delivery boy who took his job seriously.

After completing his work, he returned home late at night and fell asleep, exhausted. He had forgotten about his test

The next day