chapter 04

The next day, Aria and Yale prepared to leave for college, but Yale always reached college before Aria because her house was closer to the college. When Aria arrived, Yale was already there.

Aria said to Yale, "Aria, I'm so tired, I only came for the test."

Yale replied, "I have something to tell you, Aria. Those people from the modern industry called me yesterday, they want me for a week."

Aria asked, "A week? Is this the first time?" Yale replied, "Yes, Aria."

Aria asked, "But why?"

Yale said, "For the next process."

Aria said, "Oh, I see. Then you'll have to submit a leave application."

Yale said, okay thanks for reminding

After a while, the teacher also came to class and started talking to the students. "Are you all prepared for today's test?"

The students replied, "Yes, sir."

After this, Daniel also entered the class.

Daniel said, "Teacher, may I come in?"

The teacher replied, "Come in, but don't be late. Take your seat."

Daniel said, "Yes, teacher."

After a while, the teacher started distributing the test papers. Daniel couldn't remember much of what he had studied the previous night, and he only wrote what he had memorized in school.

After the test, when the teacher was about to leave,

Yale stopped him. "

Teacher, please wait for a minute.

" The teacher asked, "What is it, Yale?"

Yale replied, "My one-week leave application."

The teacher said, "Okay, that's fine."

After a few hours, it was time for the college to close. Daniel reached home, had a snack, and then left for his part-time job.

When Daniel arrived at his workplace, a young boy named Sunny, who was his friend and colleague, gestured for him to come inside.

Sunny said, "Daniel, come quickly! I'm very excited today, we've received a big order!"

Daniel replied, "That's great news!"

Sunny said, "Let's go, we have to deliver these orders together."

Sunny handed Daniel some delivery items and packed some himself, and they set off on their delivery route.

Sunny asked, "How's your studies going?" Daniel replied, "It's going well, but managing work and studies together is getting quite challenging."

Sunny said, "I know it's very difficult for you, but you have to struggle for your family's sake. But tell me one thing, you never used to talk about giving up, so why are you doing it now?

Daniel, my friend, I had a test today that I wasn't prepared for, and that's why I'm upset

Sunny said, "Come on, it's okay! Let's prepare well and give the test again. Daniel, you're right, you're speaking the truth."

Sunny said, "Come on, I'll treat you to coffee!

Daniel, not today, but you'll treat me sometime later. For now, I'll finish my work and head straight home."

Sunny replied, "Okay, as you wish!

After finishing their work, both Daniel and Sunny headed home. Daniel was very tired and fell asleep without eating dinner. Meanwhile, Aria was feeling sad because Yale had gone on a week-long leave. When her mother saw her sadness,

she asked, "What's wrong, Aria? Why are you so upset?"

Aria replied, "Mom, Yale won't be coming to college for a week."

Her mother consoled her, "Don't worry, sweet daughter one week will pass quickly, you won't even notice it."

Aria agreed, "Yes, mom, you're right.

The next day....