The next day, Aria and Daniel both came to college. Daniel had arrived earlier and was already seated when Aria reached her seat.

Daniel said to Aria, "Now that Yale is gone for a week, you'll sit with me until she returns."

Aria agreed and moved her bag to sit next to Daniel. After a while, the teacher entered the class and started distributing the test papers.

When Aria and Daniel received their papers, Aria scored very well, but Daniel didn't do as well. When Aria saw Daniel's paper,

she said, "Don't worry, Daniel, I'll help you prepare for the next test."

Daniel thanked her. The teacher then addressed all the students, "Okay, class, we'll have another test soon on the topic I taught you yesterday."

The students said, "Okay, teacher." Aria and Daniel agreed to meet in the library during lunch to prepare for the test, as it was too noisy in the classroom. Daniel agreed, and when lunchtime arrived, Aria helped Daniel understand the topic, and Daniel thanked her. After a while, the next class began, and eventually, it was time for the college to close

Today, Daniel was feeling very fresh and happy at home, and after eating, he left for his duty. Sunny said, "friend! You seem very happy today,

Daniel replied, "I'm very happy because I prepared very well for Tomorrow test.

Sunny asked, "What happened with the previous test?"

Daniel said, "I didn't score well, but my friend helped me a lot with preparing for this test, so I'm feeling confident now." Sunny said, "That's great news!"

Meanwhile, Aria called Yale to inquire about her well-being and then revised for the test and went to sleep. The next morning, she left for college, where Daniel was already present, reviewing for the day's test. After a while, the teacher entered the class and started distributing the test papers. All the students submitted their tests, and Daniel was very happy because he had performed well in the test.

The teacher said, "Okay, class. I will check your test papers and will return them to you after some time."But before that, I want to tell you something. Our college has organized a party for the students. All the students were very happy when they heard this, but Daniel was worried because he didn't have good clothes to wear to the party. Aria was also worried because Yale wouldn't be attending the party. After some time, the teacher checked the tests and returned them. Daniel got full marks, which made him very happy, and he thanked Aria.

When it was time for the college to close, Daniel saw a mother rushing towards her child, and a truck was approaching rapidly from the front. The driver was trying hard to stop the truck, but it wouldn't stop. Daniel was shocked seeing this and instinctively raised his hand, without touching the truck, which was still at a distance. As soon as he gestured to stop the truck, it came to a halt, leaving everyone astonished. Daniel didn't think much about what had just happened and rushed to pick up the child and hand him over to his mother.

When Daniel reached home, he went to his mother and said, "Mom, there's a party in college tomorrow, but I don't have good clothes to wear. I won't go to college tomorrow." His mother felt bad hearing this. When Daniel went to work, he told Sunny the whole story, and Sunny also felt sad about the college party. After some time, Daniel returned home, feeling depressed, but when he saw a beautiful set of clothes laid out, he was overjoyed. He quickly took the clothes to his mother and said, "Mom, look what I got!" His mother replied, "Son, I knew you wanted to go to the party, so I got these clothes for you. I didn't want your heart to be sad." Daniel said, "Mom, I love you!" His mother responded, "I love you too, son!"

The next day...