The next day, Daniel got ready and went to college, but Aria hadn't arrived yet. Daniel looked around everywhere for her, because he wanted to thank her with chocolates for her help the previous day. But he couldn't find her anywhere. Just then, as he turned his gaze, he saw a beautiful girl with open hair, looking like an angel, and he couldn't take his eyes off her. It was Aria, and he was so captivated that he couldn't even blink. He was very surprised to see her like this, and he went towards her, entranced.

Daniel: Hello Aria, how are you? Today you are looking very beautiful.

Aria: Thanks, you too are looking good. Daniel, thanks, I had brought this for you.

Aria: What was the need for this? Daniel: This was necessary because you helped me a lot in yesterday's test, because of which I got full marks. Aria: But this is what friends are for, right? Daniel, you take this. I will like it. Okay, as you wish. Thanks!

Teacher: Okay, children, I hope you all will have a lot of fun in today's party

After some time, okay children, now a dance competition is happening, whoever wins will be given this trophy. Aria got very excited and said to Daniel, "Come, Daniel, let's also participate!" Daniel said, "What are you talking about? I don't know how to dance!" Aria said, "I know a lot, and we will get some trophy or the other, just come for fun!" Before Daniel could say anything, Aria pulled his hand and took him along, they danced and had a lot of fun, but they didn't win the trophy.

Some time after, Daniel said to Aria, "Come, let's go to the college's coffee shop." Aria said, "Okay, let's go." They both went to the coffee shop, Daniel ordered coffee and asked Aria, "Do you converse with Yale?" Aria said, "Yes, I do, but she is very busy, therefore we don't get to converse much." Daniel was gazing at Aria and suddenly said, "Where is your other earring?" Aria said, "Oh no, it went away!" She started searching for the earring and thought that maybe it had fallen off while they were dancing. They both went to the dance floor and searched, but Daniel found it and kept it with him and started teasing, saying, "You didn't get it!" Aria said, "Daniel, you found my earring!" Daniel said, "No, I didn't get it, I don't know where it went!" After some time, a show happened in the party, and Aria and Daniel had a lot of fun, and then they went to their respective . Having gone home, Aria sent a message to Daniel, thanking him for the chocolate.

The next day The teacher entered the class, looking very busy, and said, "Students, I have very big news for all of you." The students were very surprised, wondering what the news could be. The teacher said, "Okay, class, today is Tuesday, so two days later, on Thursday, a very big professor will come to our college and give a gold medal as a prize to the students." The students asked in surprise, "What is the prize for?" The teacher explained, "The professor will come to our class because our class is the senior-most in the college, and he will take the students' presentations. Whoever gives a good presentation will be given a gold medal as a prize, but only three students who are the most active in our class will get to participate in this presentation."

Aria said to Daniel, "You know, I have a lot of desire for a gold medal because I have many silver medals, but I don't have a gold one. That's why my desire for it has increased even more." Daniel said, "oh

Two days later, Aria came to college and started reviewing her presentation, but she was feeling very nervous.

Daniel asked, "Aria, what's wrong?"

Aria replied, "Nothing, just a little fear and confusion."

Daniel said, "There's no need to be confused, just tell me what you understand." Aria said, "Okay, everything will be fine." After some time, the teacher brought the professor to the class, and all the students stood up to respect him. First, Daniel was called to give his presentation.

Professor: "So, you have to give a presentation? What's your name?"

Daniel: "Yes, sir, I will give it, and I'm very happy to present it in front of you. My name is Daniel." Daniel started giving his presentation and gave it very well. After some time, it was Aria's turn to give her presentation, but she was very nervous and couldn't give a good presentation. Professor: "So, I am announcing the winner's name, and today's winner is Daniel because he gave a confident and clear presentation without any confusion." After some time, Daniel was given the gold medal as a prize, but he felt bad because he wanted Aria to win the medal.

Aria: Congratulations, Daniel!

Daniel: I know you deserve this medal, you keep it!

Aria: How can I take it? You won it, not me.

Daniel: Please, keep this medal as a gift from me.

Daniel insisted a lot, and finally, Aria accepted the medal.