
The next day, Daniel's mom came to wake him up. Mom: Son, don't go to college today, your brother has already gone to school. Daniel: Mom, I'm feeling a little tired today. Mom: Okay, son, do as you like. Daniel went back to sleep.

Meanwhile, Aria left for college. When she reached the class, Daniel was not there, and she thought he might not come today. Then, 7 hours later, college was over, and Daniel was waiting for his brother to come home. But his brother William came home late, and Daniel asked him, "Brother, you're very late. Why are you so late?"

William: What can I do, brother? School is very far, and I came late because I was walking.

Mom: Yes, son, it's always like this. Daniel, there's a solution to this problem. I'll get you a cycle.

William: Thank you so much, brother! Daniel: No problem, just tell me what the issue is.

Then, he went to his room, and his mother followed him and said, "Son, where did you get so much money from? You didn't promise William a cycle, did you?"

Daniel: Mom, I had saved some money, and I'll buy a cycle for William.

After some time, Daniel brought a cycle for William, and William was very happy and then left for his work.

Sunny: Well, brother, I haven't seen you since the party.

Daniel: Yes, I was participating in a presentation at college.

Sunny: So many holidays for a presentation!

Daniel: Yes, and I also had to receive a prize, that's why it was very important for me.

Sunny: What was the prize?

Daniel: The winner was supposed to get a gold medal.

Sunny: Then?

Daniel: I gave it to my friend, Aria. She liked it a lot and was eager to get the gold medal.

Sunny: Wow, you did a great job, Daniel!

Daniel: Good, good, I got a cycle for William.

Sunny: Wow, Daniel, come to my house, I want to show you something.

Sunny: No, not today, maybe some other time.

Daniel: There's no need to come, I understand you're busy. But please come to my home.

Sunny: Okay, fine, I'll come.

After some time, Sunny went to Daniel's house, and Daniel's mom welcomed Sunny and offered him something to eat. Daniel showed Sunny the cycle he had bought for William, and Sunny thanked Daniel. After some time, Sunny left for his own home.

On the other hand, Aria received a call from Yale. Yale: How are you, Aria?

Aria: I'm fine, how are you?

Yale: I'm coming tomorrow. Aria: Wow, that's great! Come soon.

Meanwhile, Yale was traveling by train, where a young man was misbehaving with an old man, but no one was helping the old man. After some time, Yale reached her home and arrived.