chapter 09

Yale: Daniel, you're here in this uniform, yet you told us your dad is a businessman. How are you a delivery boy then?

Daniel: I...

Yale: What's going on?

Aria: Daniel Come inside, and you'll know everything. Yale asked Daniel to come in and repeated the question.

Daniel: My dad left us and remarried, which is why my family and I are facing difficulties. So, I decided to work while attending college.

Aria: I'm so sorry to hear that, Daniel. Your dad shouldn't have done that to you.

Yale: Forget everything, but why did you lie to us about being a businessman's son? Daniel: What could I do? I didn't want to embarrass myself in front of you all, so I said I was a businessman's son. Please keep this between us; don't tell anyone, or I'll be humiliated.

Aria: Don't worry, we won't tell anyone.

Yale: But I still have a question - if your dad left you, how did you get admission to this college?

Daniel: Actually, I got in based on my grades and marks.

Aria: Okay, let's drop the subject and come eat with us.

Daniel: No, thanks. I have to go to work now. Aria: Okay, as you wish.

The next day, everyone went to college on time. As soon as they entered the classroom,

The teacher announced, "I have great news for you all that will make you very happy!"

The students were thrilled and asked, "What's the news?"

The teacher replied, "Our college is going to organize a trip, and you students will get to go!"

Yale: "I don't have any plans to go anywhere right now. I just got back from New York a week ago, and I'm not feeling like going on another trip."

Aria: "What are you talking about? I've been searching for this opportunity for so long, and now that it's finally happening, you're refusing to go?"

Daniel: "I think it will be a lot of fun!"

Aria: "Daniel is right. If you don't go, I won't go either. What's the point of going without you?"

Aria's persistence eventually convinced Yale to agree to go on the trip.

After a while, it was time for the vacation, and everyone left for their homes.

When Daniel reached home, he told his mom, "Mom, our college is going on a trip, and I don't want to go because I don't have enough clothes, and I also have a job."

Mom: "Son, what are you talking about? Such opportunities don't come often. You go, and don't worry about clothes. I'll get some for you tonight. And about your job, you go and tell them that your school is going on a trip, and they'll understand. Your owner will also agree."

Daniel: "Thank you, Mom, you've solved my problem."

Meanwhile, Aria also told her mom, and her mom was very happy and gave her permission to go.

Yale also packed her bags, and Daniel went to Sunny's place and told him everything. Since Sunny's owner was also very friendly, she also gave her permission. In this way, everyone was ready to go on the trip.