chapter 10

The next day, everyone was waiting at the college bus station to go on the trip. Daniel was waiting for Aria and Yale in the bus, but it had been a long time and they hadn't arrived yet. So, Daniel called Aria.

Daniel: "Aria, where are you? You haven't arrived yet."

Aria replied, "I've been waiting for you for a long time, but you haven't arrived yet." Daniel: "What are you talking about? I've been waiting for you both for a long time. Where are you?"

Aria: "I'm in the red and blue bus, waiting for you."

Daniel: "I'm in the red and yellow bus."

Aria: "Oh, so you're in another bus?"

Daniel: "Wait, I'm coming to you."

Aria: "Okay, hurry up." Daniel got up from his seat to go to Aria's bus, but the bus conductor stopped him and said, "Sir, where are you going? The bus is about to start moving."

Daniel: "My friend is in the bus in front, I'm going there."

Bus conductor: "Sorry, sir, you can't go. We have orders not to let anyone get off." Daniel: "But I'm telling you, let me go."

Bus conductor: "Sir, that bus is full, you can't go."

Daniel had to sit back down and went back to his seat.

Aria called him again.

Aria: "Where are you? You still haven't arrived."

Daniel: "I was coming, but the bus conductor stopped me and said I don't have permission to get off."

Aria: "Okay, no problem, we'll meet on the trip."

Daniel: "Okay."

After a while, the bus started moving. Daniel was very sad throughout the journey, while Yale and Aria enjoyed themselves a lot in the bus. After some time, they reached the trip destination. Aria was getting off the bus with her luggage when she accidentally collided with a boy, and all her luggage fell down.

Aria angrily said, "Can't you see? You made all my luggage fall!"

The boy: "I'm sorry, ma'am, I didn't see." Aria: "You didn't see? Now you've made all my luggage fall!"

The boy: "Let me help you."

Aria: "No need, I can do it myself." After a while, Yale came searching for her and said, "Where were you? You hadn't arrived yet." Aria: "I was coming, and this gentleman made all my luggage fall."

The boy: "No, ma'am, it wasn't intentional. It was an accident."

Aria: "What accident? You're just making excuses!" Aria was scolding the boy a lot, and Yale intervened, saying, "Okay, stop scolding him. Let's help you, Aria."

The boy picked up Aria's luggage, and when he handed it over to her, Aria apologized for her outburst. Just then, Daniel's bus arrived at the trip destination, and when he saw the scene, he felt jealous

. Daniel went to Aria and took the thing from her and the boy's hand.

Daniel: "What's going on here?

Aria: "Nothing, he just accidentally dropped my luggage."

The boy: "Ma'am, I said sorry. It was an accident."

Yale: "Daniel and Aria, come on, let's go!"

Aria said to the boy, "Okay, fine. We're leaving."

When Aria, Daniel, and Yale were leaving, the boy stopped Aria.

The boy: "Ma'am, what's your name?"

Aria: "My name is Aria."

When they reached their place.....