chapter 13

When Aria was about to fall, Daniel quickly extended his hand to support her, but she was a bit far away, and then suddenly she clung to Daniel's neck, and Daniel saved her. Yale: "What happened? She was about to fall!" Daniel: "I don't know, but thank God she's safe!"

Yale: "Aria, are you okay?"

Aria: "Yes, I'm fine, thank God I'm safe!" After some time, Aria, Daniel, and Yale came out of the jungle and reached their destination, where the students from the other college had also arrived.

Teacher: "Okay, students, the other team is here, and that boy who had a collision with Aria is also coming towards her

Sebastian: "Hi Aria, how are you?"

Aria: "Sorry, I didn't see you, I'm fine. How are you here?" Sebastian: "I'm from another college, and we have a competition with your college."

Aria: "Ohh!"

Teacher: "Okay, your first round is a football match. Whoever wins will go to the second round, which is the final round."

Student: "Okay, sir."

After some time, the match starts, and everyone plays well, but suddenly a student from the other college intentionally trips Aria, making her fall. Daniel gets very angry and starts shouting at Sebastian.

Sebastian starts saying, "How dare you push Aria to the ground?"

Student: "Have you lost your mind? You're fighting with me because of a girl from another college?"

Sebastian: "I won't spare you!"

Aria: "Leave it, Sebastian, I'm fine."

Daniel: "Come on,

Aria, let me help you up." But before Daniel could help Aria up, Sebastian helps her up and takes her to a safe place.

LSebastian: "Are you okay, Aria? I'm fine, thank you."

Teacher: "Okay, this competition is ending here, and this match is tied. The next match will start after some time."

Teacher: "Okay, teams are being formed, but this team will not be a mix of both schools. There will be only two members in each team. I will tell you the names - Daniel and Aria are in one team, and Yale and Sebastian are in the other team. You have to find the clothes of the color I tell you in the jungle.

Whoever brings it back in the least amount of time will win. Okay, Daniel and Aria have to find red clothes, and Yale and Sebastian have to find blue clothes. Your time starts now. Everyone, go into the jungle to find the clothes!"

Daniel: "Did you find any clothes?"

Aria: "Yes, look here! I found a red cloth here."

Daniel: "Come on, let's go! We have found enough clothes."

They found a lot of clothes in a short amount of time, but just as they were about to leave, it suddenly started raining heavily, delaying their departure. The rain was so heavy that they decided to stay there and wait for it to stop.