
Aria: "What's going on? How long will we stay here?"

Daniel: "How long will the rain stop? We can't inform anyone."

Meanwhile, the teams that had found the clothes of the designated color had already arrived at the spot.

Yale: "It's been a long time, and the rain has started too."

Teacher: "Don't worry, they will come when the rain stops.

Yale:I am very tense.

Sebastian: Dont worry It's still early.."

Aria and Daniel were waiting for the rain to stop,

Aria: "I'm feeling very unwell, I'm getting dizzy and having palpitations."

Daniel: "Aria, please control yourself, the rain will stop soon. Let's go a little further and sit."

Aria: "I can't stay here for long, I've never been in such a situation before."

Daniel: "I know, I'm here with you, what are you afraid of?"


Sebastian was telling the teacher, "I'll go after them."

Teacher: "Your mind is not working, it's raining so heavily, and you want to go? You won't be able to find them, it's my order." After a while,

Aria said, "Daniel, it's getting dark."

Daniel: "Look, the rain is slowing down, we'll leave from here and find a safer place soon.

After a while, Aria and Daniel left that place and started searching for a safe spot.

Aria: "Look, there's a faint light coming from over there, let's go that way."

Daniel and Aria went towards the light and found a small hut. When they entered, they met an older man.

Daniel: "Sir, can we come in?"

Older man: "Yes, come in."

From his demeanor, it was clear that he was a kind-hearted person.

Older man: "Children, what are you doing here so late, and you both look very tired too?"

Daniel and Aria told him their whole story, and the older man listened carefully.

Older man: "Okay, don't worry, I'll take care of you. I'll get you something to eat."

He brought them food and took care of them, and then made them sleep on a soft bed. The next morning,

Daniel said, "Let's go now, thank you for taking care of us."

Aria: "Yes, thank you."

Older man: "It was my duty, children. Take care."

And with that, they left the hut and continued their journey, eventually reaching their destination.

After a while, when they arrived,

Sebastian saw them and said, "Teacher, Yale, come quickly! They're here!"

Teacher: "Where were you guys?"

Yale: "Aria, my friend, are you okay?"

Aria: "I'm fine, thanks."

Daniel: "We were completing our task when suddenly it started raining, and we got stuck in the jungle. Then we met an old man who took care of us."

Teacher: "That's good to hear."

Sebastian: "Aria, are you okay? Let me eat you some thing."

Aria: "No, I'm fine, thank you."

But Sebastian grabbed Aria's hand and started pulling her away forcefully.

Daniel also grabbed Aria's hand and said, "When she's saying she's fine, why are you forcing her?"

Sebastian: "What's your problem, Daniel? Mind your own business loser."

Daniel: "How dare you call me a loser? You're the one who's a cheater."

Sebastian: "Maybe you don't know me." Daniel: "I know you're a cheater like those other guys."

Sebastian: "Shut up!

" Teacher: "Boys, stop fighting! I'm here, and I won't tolerate this behavior. Go to your places!"

Aria: "Daniel and Sebastian, please let go of my hand. I want to go with Yale."

Sebastian: "Fine, I'll leave you alone." Daniel: "Go, I've seen enough of your behavior.

Daniel reached his place and started thinking about the moments he spent with Aria. Daniel: "I don't know why I dont like Sebastian , but it's bothering me. I don't like it when Sebastian gets close to Aria. I keep thinking about Aria, maybe I like her. But what can I tell her? I can't say anything." Meanwhile, Sebastian went to Aria's place and asked if he could come in. Aria allowed him in, and Sebastian apologized for his behavior earlier. Aria forgave him, and they decided to have dinner together. Sebastian was happy, but then Daniel appeared and saw them having dinner together. Aria invited Daniel to join them, and he did.

Aria praised Daniel, saying he was her best friend and had always been there for her.

Sebastian felt uncomfortable hearing this and suddenly got up and left, saying he was late.

Aria asked Daniel if he had done something to upset Sebastian, but Daniel just smiled and said it was nothing.

Aria thanked Daniel for dinner, and they parted ways.