chapter 17

The next day in class, Yale and Aria were sitting together, and Sebastian said:

Sebastian: "Yale, get up from here, I want to sit."

Yale: "Okay." (gets up and sits with Daniel)

Yale: "I know how you're feeling right now."

Daniel: "What do you mean? I don't understand."

Yale: "Don't act so innocent, I know you have feelings for Aria."

Daniel: "If you know, then you also know how I'm feeling right now."

Yale: "Yes, I know."

Daniel: "Then why did you let her sit with Sebastian?"

Yale: "I don't know, I didn't think it would be a problem."

After a while, the class starts, and everyone is late according to their own schedule. Finally, it's time for the college to close.

After going home, Daniel felt very tired and suddenly fell asleep. He had a dream where he saw everything that had happened, like how he saved the little boy and how he saved Aria from falling. Suddenly, his eyes opened, and he wondered what all this was and how it happened.

Daniel: "What was all this? How did it happen? I don't understand."

Mom: "Son, come down and eat something."

Daniel: "Yes, mom, I'm coming."

On the other hand, Sebastian was talking to his dad during dinner.

Sebastian: "Dad, I want a key to an apartment."

Dad: "Okay, I'll give you the key tomorrow."

Mom: "But Sebastian, you know I can't stay without you.

Sebastian:"I have now become accustomed to living without you, and I want to make it a habit."

Mean while

Daniel received a call from Aria.

Aria: "Daniel, hello. How are you? We didn't get a chance to talk properly in college today."

Daniel: "Yes, you were busy with Sebastian, and now you've forgotten about me and Yale."

Aria: "That's not true. You both are my good friends."

Daniel: "Okay, so why did you call me now?"

Aria: "Actually, I wanted to thank you."

Daniel: "What for?"

Aria: "When we got stuck in the jungle, you helped me a lot. That's why."

Daniel: "I had forgotten. You forget too."

Aria's mom calls her.

Mom: "Child, come down and eat something."

Aria: "Yes, mom, okay. I'll talk to you later, Daniel. My mom is calling me."

Daniel: "Okay, take care. I'll talk to you later."

Daniel's mom: "Where are you going?"

Daniel: "I'm going to work, mom."

Mom: "Okay, take care of yourself."

Daniel: "Okay, mom."

After some time, Daniel arrives at his workshop.

Daniel: "Sunny, my brother, how are you? We're meeting after so many days!"

Sunny: "You forgot me, didn't you? You didn't even call me, and now you're asking how I am? Don't talk to me!"

Daniel: "You're my true friend, Sunny. You're the one who's talking like this with me. Actually, I was very busy, that's why I didn't call you."

Sunny: "You're making excuses in front of someone else. Stop lying and tell me what's going on with you."

Daniel: "I'm fine, just a guy has been bothering me a lot. He got transferred to my college, and I don't know what his problem is with me."

Sunny l: "Never mind, let's drop it. Let's go deliver some goods."

They go to deliver goods and after some time, Daniel returns home, eats, and goes to sleep

The next day ....