chapter 18

The next day, Aria was getting ready to go to college when her mom called her.

Mom: "Aria, come quickly! Your dad's health is deteriorating."

Aria: "I'm coming, mom!" (runs to her mom)

Aria's dad was already unconscious, and her mom was worried.

Mom: "Aria, we need to take your dad to the hospital right now."

Aria: "Yes, mom, I'll just change my uniform."

Mom: "No, don't change, let's go quickly to the hospital."

Aria's dad was taken to the emergency room. Meanwhile, in college, Daniel and Yale were talking.

Daniel: "Yale, do you know why Aria didn't come to college today?"

Yale: "I don't know, she doesn't usually skip college."

Sebastian: "You know, Yale, Aria didn't come today."

Yale: "Why are you telling me? Do you have her number? Call her and find out."

Sebastian: "I tried calling her, but she's not picking up."

After some time, the college closed, and Aria called Yale and Daniel, crying.

Aria: "Yale... my dad..."

Yale: "What happened? Tell me quickly, my heart is racing."

Aria: "Dad's health deteriorated this morning, and he became unconscious. He's in the emergency room now."

Yale: "Don't worry, I'm coming."

Meanwhile, the doctor said that immediate surgery was required, which would cost a lot of money. Aria was worried about where to get the money, but Yale and Daniel arrived at the hospital after some time, ready to help.

Yale and Daniel arrived (at the hospital).

Yale: "My dear, are you okay? What happened? Is your uncle okay?"

Aria: "Dad's health is very bad, and..."

Daniel: "And..."

Aria: "The doctor said they need to operate."

Yale: "That's good news, isn't it? He'll get better after the surgery."

Aria: "Yes, but..."

Yale: "But..."

Aria: "They're asking for fees."

Daniel: "Okay, how much is the fee?"

Aria: "The operation is a big one, they're asking for 30 lakhs."

Yale: "30 lakhs is too much!"

Aria: "Can you lend me the money?"

Yale: "I only have 6 lakhs in my account right now."

Daniel: "You know our financial situation."

Aria: "So, does that mean my dad will never get better?"

Yale: "Don't you think Sebastian can help? He's very rich, he'll definitely help you out."

Aria: "Okay, I'll call him." (Aria calls Sebastian)

Aria: "Sebastian..."

Sebastian: "Hi Aria, how are you? And how did you think of me today?"

Aria: "I'm not doing well, Sebastian. I need your help."

Sebastian: "Help? What kind of help do you need from me?"

Aria: "Yes, from you. Actually, my dad's health has deteriorated, and the doctor is asking for a fee of 30 lakhs. I don't have that much money. Can you help me?"

Sebastian: "Yes, of course, I'll help. But I've heard that Daniel is very rich. Why don't you ask him for help?"

Aria: "He..."

Sebastian: "Okay, I'm coming. Text me the name of the hospital."