chapter 19

Sebastian: "Aria, I'm here. I've arrived. Don't worry, I'll take care of the fees."

Aria: "Thanks, Sebastian. You've made my difficult task easy."

Sebastian: "No problem. Where do I need to pay the fees?"

Aria: "Straight ahead, on the right-hand side, there's a counter. You need to go there."

Sebastian: "Okay, I'll go and pay."

Daniel: "Wait, I'll come with you."

Sebastian: "Come on."

(When Sebastian reaches the counter, he takes out his checkbook and pays the fees. Daniel is surprised to see this.)

Sebastian: "Aria, I've paid the fees."

Aria: "Okay, I'll go tell the doctor to start the operation."

After two days

Aria: "Dad, I'm so happy you're completely fine now!"

Dad: "Beta (child), where did the money for the operation come from?"

Aria: (smiling) "Sebastian paid for it, Dad. He helped us a lot."

Dad: (surprised) "Sebastian? Who is he?"

Aria: (smiling) "A friend, Dad. A very good friend."

Dad: "He paid my operation fees? Where is he now?"

Aria: "He went to get some juice and will be back soon."

Sebastian: "Hello, Uncle. I'm Sebastian. I'm glad to see you're feeling better."

Aria's Dad: "Son, I will never forget your favor. You have helped us so much."

Sebastian: "Uncle, consider me your son. I don't want any thanks for this."

Aria: "Thanks, Sebastian. You helped us a lot."

Sebastian: "I don't want any thanks for this. I'm just glad I could help." (He then leaves the room)

Aria: "Sebastian, I'll pay back your money, slowly but surely."

Sebastian: "We both know that, Aria. Even if you dedicate your entire life, you won't be able to pay back this amount. So, instead of that, accept my one condition."

Aria: "What condition?"

Sebastian: "I'll tell you later. Just say yes to my condition."

Aria: "I agree, you've been an angel in my dad's life."

Sebastian: "It's nothing, Aria. I just want to take you to my family party."

Aria: "Family party? But what will I do there? You know me, Sebastian."

Sebastian: "You don't need to do anything, just come. It's my way of repaying your debt."

Aria: "I'll come, but I don't have good clothes to wear to your party."

Sebastian: "Don't worry, I'll take care of everything. I'll pick you up and take you to the party. You don't need to worry about a thing."

Aria: "When is the party?"

Sebastian: "I'll tell you later. Just be ready, I'll come to pick you up.I'll come tomorrow, we'll go shopping."


Sebastian: "Just relax, nothing will happen. I'll take you to the party, okay? I'm running late, I'll see you tomorrow. Take care."

(Sebastian leaves, and Daniel arrives)

Daniel: "Aria, you seem worried. What did Sebastian say to you?"

Aria: "Nothing, Daniel. He just wants to take me to his family party."

Daniel: "What will you do at the party, and why does Sebastian want to take you there?"

Aria: "He paid for my dad's operation, and I can't repay him. So, he's asked me to attend his family party as a condition."

Daniel: "Oh, I see. So, you'll go?"

Aria: "I have to go."