chapter 20

Some time later, your dad got a discharge then they came home."

Aria: "Dad, Sebastian wants me to go with him to his family party."

Aria's Dad: "If he wants to take you, then you should go. He has done a great favor for us."

Aria: "He wants to bear all the expenses of the party."

Aria's Dad: "Now what can I say? If he wants to, then you should go."

Aria: "He will come to take me."

Aria's Dad: "Okay, that's good. He's a nice guy."

The next day, Sebastian came to take Aria.

Aria: "I am getting ready, wait in the car."

Sebastian: "Now what are you doing? Sit in the car."

Aria: "Yes, I am getting ready."

Sebastian: "What color do you like?"

Aria: "I like black."

Sebastian: "Okay, I will get a black dress."

After some time, they reached the mall.

Then they went to a shop, and there were many black dresses. Sebastian said, "So, tell me, which one do you like?"

Aria picked up a dress and when she saw the price, she started laughing. Aria said, "Sebastian, this is for 96 thousand! It's too expensive, I can't take it."

Sebastian: "What are you saying? Just take it."

Aria: "No, I can't take it. It's too expensive."

Sebastian: "Just take it, I said."

Aria: "You're wasting your money. I can't take it."

Sebastian: "Just take it, I want to make you look beautiful."

Aria: "You're wasting your money on me."

Sebastian: "Shut up and take it."

Mean while

Yale: "Now I know you are a food delivery boy, so show me your workplace. Aria is not with us right now."

Daniel: "Okay, come, I will take you there."

Yale: "Now I know you are a food delivery boy, so show me your workplace where you work. Aria is not with us right now."

Daniel: "Okay, come, I will take you there. After some time, they reached that place."

Daniel: "Hey Sunny, meet Yale."

Sunny: "Hi, nice to meet you, Aria. I am very happy to meet you."

Daniel: "This is Yale, not Aria."

Sunny: "Oh, I am sorry. Your name was not mentioned by Daniel, but he often mentions Aria's name."

Yale: "Hi, my name is Yale. Maybe Daniel has not mentioned my name to you."

Sunny: "Oh, I see. Nice to meet you too, Yale. I have made some coffee, would you like some?"

Yale: "You make very good coffee, Sunny."

Sunny: "Thanks!"

Here is the translation:

Daniel: I heard you've bought a new car.

Sunny: Yes, I forgot to tell you. I've been saving money for a few years and finally bought a car. It's a small one.

Daniel: Good, that's great. You're making progress.

.Sunny: Thank you