Tamar March, Lyran Commonwealth
September 2nd 3050
Twycross was an important world. Trellshire Heavy Industries had a BattleMech production facility that produced Stalkers, Battlemasters, and Riflemans. Assault and heavy 'Mechs were a Lyran favorite. The factories there had just started producing the more advanced Rifleman-5D before the Clans invaded. Victor knew how important the world was, and even if they couldn't hold it, denying it to the enemy for a time would be crucial in slowing their advance.
No one knew where the Clans came from, but it couldn't have been all that close to the Periphery, or they would surely have been known of. Worlds like Twycross allowed them to refit, rearm, and repair damage between attacks. Intelligence from that captured Wolf clansman had led the Inner Sphere strategists to believe that worlds would be protected by less skilled warriors piloting 'Mechs that weren't quite as advanced as their front-line ones.
That intelligence has been mostly correct.
One of the appealing things about choosing Twycross as their target was the massive ongoing storm called the Diabolis. With winds ranging from 200 to 300 kilometers an hour, it cut visibility and comms dramatically. Within the storm itself, the armor of a 'Mech would be undamaged, but trying to fire LRMs or SRMs would be impossible. Fights would be brutal and close, a place where the technological edge wasn't quite so bad.
The problem was that the same horrendously powerful storm may have delayed the departure of a front-line unit.
We had thought of everything, damn it. We even had the Great Gash defended, but they slipped through somehow and killed the team we had in place. Now we're about to get hit by their elites!
When the commanders had learned not just of the 100+ 'Mechs, mostly of their second-line variety, headed for them and into the trap they had prepared, but also of the elite unit of more than fifty top-of-the-line 'Mechs, the call to retreat and get Victor to safety had been made by Leftenant General Milstein.
The Kell Hounds had already started engaging over a regiment of enemy 'Mechs, and attempting a fighting retreat would be painful. It would also put them out of position, preventing the waiting 9th FedCom RCT from joining the fight along with the Diabolis. They could end up getting destroyed in detail.
"No, we can't pull out now. The Kell Hounds must hold their line, but we can reposition it so that the oncoming elites have to wade through their own forces to get to us. By then, the Diabolis will have us all in the thick of it, and they may even hit their own 'Mechs. Just have the Kell Hounds 1st Regiment pull their right flank back, while wheeling the left around," Victor said.
Dan Allard replied, comms still working as the storm hadn't quite reached them yet. "That could work. Good thinking."
Milstein's shocked voice came through on the line. "This was not what we planned for. We cannot risk Prince Victor's life."
Damn idiot! We've committed so much to this, it has to work! We have two full RCTs and two regiments from the best mercenary unit in the Inner Sphere.
Even as he thought it, he realized that wasn't fully true. One battalion of the Kell Hounds was on a FRR world due to an existing contract, and one of their battalions was still undermanned from earlier fighting. They also didn't have two full RCTs, in order to save DropShip and JumpShip capacity they took far less infantry, who wouldn't have been able to do a thing within the great sandstorm.
"Colonel, please don't pull me out. We still have a large numerical advantage, and the Diabolis will be the best ground we can possibly hope for. For once, their range won't play a factor and—"
Daniel Allard's voice broke in. "Victor, I've already given the order. You've convinced me."
"Colonel Allard!" Milstein protested. "I don't know who he thinks he is, but he is not his father. I have a duty to ensure his safety. I will not be the man who loses the heir to the Federated Commonwealth!"
"Then get in your 'Mech and protect him, this fight is happening," the Kell Hounds leader replied.
The 'Mechs of the 10th Lyran Guards were to shore up the Kell Hounds' battle line, while several armor battalions were added to screen for the incoming elites. Victor knew those poor tank crews had no chance of stopping the advanced 'Mechs of the enemy, but they would slow them down and hopefully chip away at their armor before the real fight began. Saluting their bravery, he turned to his own command and ensured everyone was ready within his own battalion.
Galen checked in, as did the other Hauptmanns. Everyone was locked and loaded, and readiness checks were made across the board. The timing was tight, but as they moved into position, the order of events was clear: the storm would hit, then they would engage, and sometime after that, the enemy elites would punch through their armor screening, and the real party would begin.
Katherine showed us that we can beat them. Now we're going to show them that Blackjack wasn't a one-off, but something that will be a regular and repeated occurrence!
Not for the first, or last time, Victor expressed his thanks that the RCT commander had one of those black boxes. Otherwise, they would not have known about Katherine's victory, and Victor would have gone into this fight a nervous wreck. His battalion moved into position. Ahead of them, he could see lasers flashing about, but even that was soon swallowed up by the storm. The howling sandstorm made it difficult to see more than 30 meters in front of him. He knew Galen was by his side, but his Crusader was already shrouded and difficult to make out.
Another couple of minutes ticked by as they advanced, and then the battle was upon them. A 'Mech he wasn't familiar with suddenly appeared before him and sent a trio of lasers his way. One missed, but the other two burned into the armor on his chest and right arm. In response, Victor struck back with his custom Devastator. His precious AC/20 had enough punch behind it to stay on target, at least at this close range. The depleted uranium shells pounded the enemy 'Mech, which appeared to be only about half his size. He followed up with a Gauss Rifle round that spun the enemy 'Mech around. For a moment, he thought it would fall, but at the last second, it righted itself.
Galen's Crusader had limited resources in this fight, but he still had his medium lasers and his 'Mech's fists. Those lasers ate into the unidentified 'Mech, and Victor had to adjust his aim as Galen charged into the other 'Mech's face and slammed a fist into its shoulder. That finally knocked the 'Mech down. However, even on the ground, its lasers sought out Victor, and they stripped away a chunk of armor from his legs.
On the ground, that 'Mech was vulnerable, and Victor took full advantage by pouring more fire from his AC/20 and lasers, stripping away the outer shell and destroying internal systems. Galen added his own lasers to the mix, scoring an engine hit. The 'Mech rose and fired one last barrage of energy at Victor, but something was now off, and each of the lasers missed. The return fire destroyed the 'Mech easily.
From the storm came more 'Mechs. A sixty-tonner with two Gauss Rifles unleashed its fury into Galen's Crusader. Both shots landed, spinning his 'Mech around. Without the storm, Galen would likely have been able to keep it upright, but with the added push of the wind, the Crusader went down.
"Ugh, I'm fine. No serious damage." Galen's voice sounded pained, and Victor was already putting his own 'Mech between the attacker and the Crusader. He had his own worries, as an enemy Rifleman – likely literally taken from the factory within the last month – let its presence be known with direct firepower.
Victor was getting battered, and the sixty-tonner had turned its fire on Victor's Devastator as well. Being such a big target, it would have been hard to miss even outside the optimal range of Gauss Rifles. While He managed to keep his 'Mech upright and replied with his favorite weapon. The autocannon tore apart armor plates like paper, but not enough to put the enemy down. Galen was back on his feet, but now slightly behind Victor. From out of the blinding sand came another member of his command lance. The Hatchetman was one of those rare 'Mechs with a melee weapon, and in this environment, it proved its worth. The axe smashed straight into the Rifleman's chest, and the two began their own duel, leaving the twin Gauss Rifle-wielding 'Mech to Victor and Galen.
After putting it down, there was another 'Mech. And then another. At some point, Victor took an engine hit as damage mounted, and at another, Galen lost one of his 'Mech's arms. Despite the heat, Victor kept firing until he was completely dry of ammo and had to carefully cycle between his PPC and lasers so as not to overheat. Comms came in and out, and he had no clue what was happening in the larger fight.
Over two hours later, when the storm blew past the battlefield, he could see the extent of the carnage and who had proven victorious. They had done it. They had won, but at what cost?
God in heaven, the 'Mechs of the 9th FedCom look like they still have the better part of two battalions, but the Kell Hounds and my own 10th Lyran…
The losses had been devastating. The Kell Hounds were down to just twenty operational 'Mechs after having started with over 170. The 10th Lyran Guard was down to thirty from 120, and nearly all of its combat vehicles had been destroyed or immobilized in the storm.
Victor was numb. They had won, but many more victories like this would bankrupt the Federated Commonwealth of 'Mechs and pilots.
"Colonel Allard, are you still with us?"
A tired voice came through on the other end of the line as communications cleared enough. "I am. I'm glad you made it out of this alive." Victor could tell the voice was tinged with grief.
"Dan… who'd we lose?"
"Christian Kell, and many others. Ejecting in this storm…the winds… baring a miracle there won't be anything left but bones and a bit of flesh."
Victor shivered. He had liked Major Kell; the man had a quiet intensity that he appreciated. He had helped diffuse that volatile situation with the commander of the Light Horse. Today had exacted a heavy toll. Many had sacrificed their lives to see them victorious. This had been his plan; this was his responsibility. Any military action had casualties, but he didn't think they would be this atrocious.
I promise I won't waste your sacrifice. This won't have been in vain.
WarShip Emerald Talon, Assault Orbit, Alyina
Tamar March, Lyran Commonwealth
September 4th 3050
Khan Elias Crichell raged as setback after setback continued to put his Clan, and more importantly himself, in a precarious position. The disaster on Blackjack and the loss of two Clusters had been a dire blow. This latest failure was even worse. Twycross was the largest 'Mech-producing facility they had taken. It was a centralized point for 'Mech repair and re-supply. Due to that, there were almost always two or three second-line and garrison Clusters guarding the world. The Ninth Talon Cluster had still been there after taking the world due to needing repairs, and when they were finally ready to leave, the atmospheric conditions were poor, and no one wanted to risk losing an entire Cluster after Blackjack.
Instead I lost the better part of four.
Elias had tried to keep the invasion on pace as he scrambled to fix the mess, but it was impossible. Too many units had been lost. Even bringing in Iota Galaxy and some of the other Clusters spread across their Periphery conquests – leaving them completely bare except for a Star or two per world – had not resolved their manpower issues.
The accursed Ulric Kerensky had foreseen the need for Provisional Garrison Clusters and had them ready to be deployed as soon as the ilKhan had reluctantly agreed. Freebirths and elderly warriors made up those Clusters and their role in Clan society was to protect against the pathetic attempts of the Bandit Caste to raid. They were a necessity, but the role was one that promised no honor or hope for advancement. All the Invading Clans had brought some to hold their Periphery territories, but the Khan of the Wolves had staged whole Galaxies before any would have thought it even necessary. The sheer number of PGCs he had on hand was staggering. Twenty-six! Twenty-six Clusters!
Leo Showers had wanted to reject Ulric, but he had little choice with his own Smoke Jaguars were already relying on them as well. Provisional Garrison Clusters were never considered part of the bid, so it was fair game and even the staunchest Crusader allies would cry foul over the hypocrisy of allowing some Clans to use them and not others. Their purpose was to hold ground, not attack, without them we would waste our warriors in honorless garrison duty.
The loss of materiel was so excessive that he would need reinforcements from the Home Worlds. The order had been sent, and an armada was bringing fifteen additional PGCs, as well as three Clusters' worth of OmniMechs. On paper, Star Colonel Diane Anu and others were being removed from their Galaxies and transferred to units back home. Moving personnel was not a violation of the bid, since, in theory, it was an equivalent exchange. The fact that it was not did not bother him. He and Leo Showers had come to an understanding on many matters, and even if his maneuver came to light, his saKhan would take the fall because he had signed the orders.
Still, it is a risk I would never take if our situation was not so dire.
Those reinforcements had been called for in August and would not be arriving until February at the earliest. Their fifth wave would be another anemic one, though not quite as embarrassing as Wave Three. Elias knew that steps would need to be taken to prevent his Clan from being forever shamed and out of the race to become the ilClan. He also recognized that the Star Adders had been at least somewhat correct in their assessment of how difficult this invasion would be.
To that end, he was making additional moves to rectify the situation. That was one reason why Khan Lynn McKenna of the Snow Ravens was in his office. The Snow Ravens were not one of the four chosen Invader Clans, nor were they among the three Reserve Clans. But all the Khans had come to witness the invasion and attend Grand Council meetings here in the Inner Sphere. The Snow Ravens were also nominally more of a Warden Clan, and despite the initial vote being 16 to 1, the Wardens were once again voicing doubts about the invasion's purpose. ComStar was the ally of the Clans, and it was a ComStar exploration vessel that had found Huntress. Only ComStar conducted deep Periphery exploration, so their Home Worlds were safe.
Elias knew that the Snow Ravens did not have strong beliefs either way. Their desire – perhaps a better word would be obsession – was in maintaining the superiority of their space fleet. Far-seeing, they realized that the invasion of the Inner Sphere represented an opportunity to gain power and influence by loaning cargo space on their vessels to the Invading Clans. War spoils, raw resources, and technical knowledge of any captured Inner Sphere naval and aerospace technology were all potential benefits. The last was unlikely to yield much, but the Inner Sphere was vast, and Clan Snow Raven always kept a wary eye on anything that could challenge their dominion of space.
His plans necessitated the Snow Ravens' vote in the Grand Council, both as a means to secure their support and as a tool to help bring Leo Showers onboard with his strategy. The Watch was often lackluster in uncovering useful information – particularly within the Jade Falcons – but Elias had worked hard to rectify that. He knew that the Wolves were poised to explode outward in an orgy of destruction against the Inner Sphere. The Free Rasalhague Republic, the corridor that would bring the least amount of honor due to its weakness, was easy prey for the Wolves. They would soon push past the other three Clans, and Elias had a plan ready to present to Leo Showers to stop them.
Stopping the Wolves is the priority, but I also mean for my Jade Falcons to win.
Glancing at his fellow he took in the image of Khan Lynn McKenna. Her short, spiky white hair, a stark beacon against the muted hum of the ship, framed a face both sharp and resolute. Her eyes were hawkish, and reminded him a bit of the troublesome Marthe Pryde from his own clan. McKeena was a direct woman, and began business immediately.
"Our agreement has gone well, quiaff? You did not wish to communicate through HPG, but in person. Why?"
"Aff. It has gone exceptionally well. Our agreement was well bargained. I wish to expand on it and propose a larger deal that will see your own goals secured as well as mine."
"Speak, then."
"There are four Clans invading, and already the Steel Vipers have had to assist the Ghost Bears in putting down troublesome resistance. Before long, we may have a full seven Clans here participating. The Inner Sphere is doomed to fall. With it, its vast resources will empower those seven Clans above others. Shipyards in Alarion and Tharkad in the Lyran Commonwealth are just the start. Many other locations can be found deeper inside the Inner Sphere. Directly put, Khan McKenna, it leaves open the possibility of your Clan losing the top rank in WarShip strength."
She frowned. "These barbarians have no WarShip capabilities."
"True, but the necessary infrastructure exists. They simply lack the knowledge, knowledge that all of the Clans have."
"What do you propose? An agreement to provide us with the output of shipyards you take? What do you wish in return?"
Elias smiled, showing his teeth. "Agreements can last for years, but your Clan wishes to rule the black ocean for all time, quiaff? Why settle for a temporary agreement when you could have those shipyards for yourselves?"
She paused. "How would that work? Are you speaking of a situation after Terra's conquest?"
The Jade Falcon Khan shook his head. "Neg. The Grand Council ruled that we were to invade the Inner Sphere with four Clans and one reserve Clan. The Nova Cats and Diamond Sharks issued a Refusal Challenge to be included, and they won. The goal is Terra, and none of the Invading Clans would suffer to have more Clans participate in the race. But what if more Clans attacked the Inner Sphere on the condition they do not aim for Terra?"
The Snow Raven Khan leaned forward. "Do you have the votes for that? And why? What great favor would you seek?" Her eyes gleamed hungrily at the prospect.
"Soon, I will need your votes as well. The ilKhan and I have an understanding on the priorities of the invasion. The barbarous tactics of these Spheroids have slowed us, and part of the reason is that our foes are able to concentrate their forces. We know they outnumber us greatly, but if they had other threats on their horizon, they would not be able to do so effectively."
Elias saw his fellow Khan was paying rapt attention. He knew he had her.
"I will propose that an additional two Clans may participate in taking worlds from the Inner Sphere, so long as they agree not to approach within a certain distance of the Invasion Corridors. Given your Clan's grand assistance, one of those should rightfully go to yours. You could then begin invading the Lyran Commonwealth immediately, taking worlds on a path toward Tharkad or Alarion."
"I do not have my Galaxies here to do that."
"No? Do you not have Trinaries of aerospace support on every WarShip you use for transport? Stars of Elementals to repel boarders? You also have your personal guard—a Trinary of 'Mechs to lead, along with entire Clusters of Elementals and Aerospace support you can strip from your WarShips."
She frowned. "That would leave my WarShips unprotected."
"And the Inner Sphere has no WarShips, and therefore poses no threat to them, quiaff?"
"Aff," she replied, and a slow smile crept across her face. "The second Clan will be given a chance to take Draconis Combine worlds, but all they will have is their Khan's bodyguard Trinary. This means the pressure will be lifted from your own as they battle the Lyran Commonwealth almost immediately, while our ilKhan would not have the same benefit for at least another six months."
Was I that transparent? No… she's just more astute than most of my brethren.
"You understand my bid then. I will need your votes to ensure this happens, as well as our continued partnership in transporting even larger amounts of PGCs to the front."
"Bargained well and done, Khan Crichell."
Tharkad City, Tharkad
District of Donegal, Lyran Commonwealth
September 11th 3050
Hanse Davion knew the meeting would be contentious. Beside him was his wife, who could barely keep a relieved smile off her face upon learning that Victor had survived the battle on Twycross. Field Marshal Nondi Steiner, Field Marshal Dean Forney, Marshal Regis, and Marshal Richard Steiner were present, along with half a dozen aides and, of course, Justin Allard and Alexi Mallory. Richard was Nondi's son, and Hanse liked him less than Lisa.
Richard was once a part of ComStar. Nondi claims he left on bad terms with the organization, but I still don't trust him. He's running the Tamar Theater so it isn't as if we can keep him in the dark.
Dean Forney was a classic member of the Lyran 'Social General' class. His role as commander of the Tharkad Operations Area was ultimately unimportant, as Nondi Steiner, being on Tharkad, could overrule any absurdity, should it be attempted. Forney wasn't unintelligent, just not capable of effective military strategy or administration. He knew that, and so instead, he simply attended social gatherings and rubber-stamped what needed to be stamped. His aide, Marshal Mitch Simms, who wasn't present, was capable and likely did most of the work Forney was supposed to do.
"I have good news," Hanse smiled. "Colonel Daniel Allard, with his Kell Hounds, alongside the 9th FedCom RCT and the 10th Lyran Guards RCT, has successfully taken Twycross from the enemy."
The various leaders around the room clapped.
Marshal Regis asked, "Prince Victor's plan was successful, then, and he is well?"
Hanse nodded. "Yes, he took part in the fighting, and he was right about the Clans stationing second-line units on their worlds. Unfortunately, one of their frontline units was also there. The 10th Lyran Guard and both Kell Hounds regiments were mauled badly. Here are the preliminary losses."
Richard Steiner cursed. "The 10th Lyran Guard might as well not exist anymore. The Kell Hounds are also going to be down for the foreseeable future. We can't afford more victories like that."
Hanse frowned. "They won. This was no Pyrrhic victory. The losses the enemy suffered were severe, and we managed to reclaim an important world. The question is, can we hold it, and what should we do next?"
Some ideas were discussed. Nondi Steiner recommended keeping all the forces stationed on Twycross, digging in, and preparing to defend it. Repairs and refits could take place at the extensive 'Mech production facilities on-site. Forney agreed, but Regis argued that it couldn't be adequately supplied.
Richard shook his head. "Highness, we shouldn't risk your son on the front lines in such a vulnerable position, away from support. Given the forces the enemy has at their disposal, they likely have enough to crush Twycross. Other worlds also need to be defended. The Duke of Tamar is requesting reinforcements, and the Wolves are growing ever closer. Unlike the Jade Falcons, they haven't faced any defeats."
Justin frowned, "With what? Anything we provide to Tamar limits our tactical flexibility or leaves other worlds undefended. The 26th Lyran Guards RCT is already stationed there, and he has his own Kelswa Guard, along with the Tamar War College Training Battalion."
"The military strength on Sudeten continues to grow," Nondi pointed out. "The 4th Deneb Light Cavalry has arrived, as have the Davion Heavy Guards, at least the important parts. Morgan already has the Kathil Ulhans, along with three regiments of elite mercenaries in the Grey Death Legion and Eridani Light Horse. What is the goal with these units? Could some of them not reinforce Tamar?" Nondi asked.
"There are proposals on the table. We plan on having the 4th Deneb Light Cavalry hold Sudeten along with the Grey Death Legion. The Light Horse has agreed to be deployed in defensive operations, one regiment each to Dompaire and Colmar. The Davion Heavy Guards will take part in additional offensive maneuvers in conjunction with my daughter Katherine's 1st Royal FedCom Guards. Justin, pull up the local star charts."
The naming of Katherine's new unit had pleased some but not others. He had already received a message from Jackson Davion on New Avalon regarding the new line of units. Eventually, Victor, Peter, Arthur, and perhaps Yvonne – should she also take an interest in becoming a MechWarrior like Katherine – would command similar units. Jackson's concern was that Victor should have command of the 1st Royal FedCom Guards, and the idea of him leading the 2nd Royal FedCom Guards instead seemed backwards.
We have a war on our hands that makes '39 look like a skirmish! If my generals don't start focusing on war strategy, we might not even have a nation for Victor to inherit!
Nondi's jaw clenched. "You cannot be serious."
Melissa took a deep breath. "My daughter has proven herself. I want nothing more than to bring her home to Tharkad, but I cannot ask my people to do anything I would not. How can I ask the Lyran people to send their sons and daughters to the frontlines when I will not?"
Hanse had spoken with her earlier. They needed to present a united front, even if she was upset with him. Katherine had fought the Clans three times, well above what would be expected of a potential heir. But she had won. Up until Twycross, she had been the lone shining ray of hope they had. She had pierced their aura of invincibility, and now, she would help turn the tide.
When the arguments finally ran out of steam, Hanse continued, "The Davion Guards will move into position and strike at targets of opportunity recently taken by the Jade Falcons. Meanwhile, Katherine will lead a smaller strike force of veterans from Blackjack to target some of the less important worlds, like Beta VII, which should be lightly guarded. I aim to flummox the enemy and keep them guessing. In the meantime, the rest of the 20th Arcturan RCT, minus their 'Mechs, will be arriving on Sudeten. They will reinforce the Davion Guards and hold the ground they take." Hanse's voice rose, "We keep them guessing, confused, and vulnerable. If they become paranoid and increase their defenses, their progress will stall. If they don't increase their defenses, we will continue to run rampant, destroy their weaker units, and disrupt their ability to supply their invasion."
"Not to mention we will be freeing our worlds." Melissa added both as a second voice and to undercut any other opposition to their plans by adding a previously planned statement to her husbands.
Marshal Regis put his hand to his chin, thinking carefully before he replied. "You seem to be focusing much of your attention on the Jade Falcons. What of the Wolves? They are a major threat."
Hanse nodded, the man was sharp, and correct.
"Unfortunately, it must be one enemy at a time. Based on our intelligence gathering, these are, in essence, two separate nations. They don't resupply each other, they don't help each other, and they don't even like each other. If we were to spread out attacks, the attrition we attempt would not be as effective."
"You'll just let more worlds fall to the Wolves, is that it, Highness?" Richard Steiner replied forcefully, though still with a thin veneer of respect.
Hanse spread his hands. "If you can conjure up more units for me, perhaps more can be done. More units are moving throughout the interior, but beyond the RCTs and regiments already mentioned, it will be many months before additional support can arrive. Communication with Marik has been difficult, and we cannot strip our defenses from critical worlds on that border. Much of our Lyran industrial capacity lies within their striking range – capacity we will desperately need."
As further talks continued, the decision was made to pull the Kell Hounds and 10th Lyran Guards back from Twycross. The 9th FedCom RCT would hunker down, preparing to defend while ensuring the planet was well-prepared for guerrilla operations. Hanse knew he was likely dooming the unit, but they would make the Clans pay in blood to retake Twycross. Nondi didn't agree with the strategy, but for once, she did not seem eager to talk him to death explaining her reasons. Instead, she wanted something else.
"If this is the best Morgan can do, so be it. Since you'll be utilizing Katherine again, the least we can do is provide her with the support she needs. Her requests are many and varied, but I believe we should prioritize them. She has an excess of vehicle crews and MechWarriors without 'Mechs and vehicles to use."
"I'm listening," Hanse replied.
"TharHes Industries is churning out her Spitfire Cannons quite quickly. She has enough artillery, so those can be redirected to other worlds. I want to send her everything else she requested in terms of 'Mechs, combat vehicles, and ammunition. This won't require sending additional personnel, but those 'Mechs and combat vehicles were already slated to go to other units," Nondi said.
"Given her success, those other units will just have to understand. Do it."
"She also wants more Aerospace assets. We don't have any available without stripping additional worlds, but we can provide piecemeal support by pulling a squadron from RCTs on worlds near Tharkad. We know they are unlikely to be attacked, and even if they are, it would still leave a near-full RCT. We could get her an additional five squadrons if we pull from…" Nondi listed the nearby worlds in question. "That would give her two full Wings of Aerospace support."
Before Hanse could speak, Melissa did. "Yes, I agree with your reasoning, Nondi. She's proven she can defeat the Clans on the ground, but what if they contest a DropShip landing?"
Hanse was a bit taken aback by his wife's interference in military matters, but it wasn't a terrible idea. It would take about three months for those reinforcements to arrive – likely in time for her to attack a world, return, and when she sallied out on her next mission, she would have those assets. He nodded his support, and for once, Nondi Steiner looked satisfied.
Tamar March, Lyran Commonwealth
September 12th 3050
I wanted to scream. This was bullshit of the highest order. This reminded me of the time I was told to by General Zettour to allow myself to be encircled. This was criminal. Did my father not understand the importance of rest after life-threatening battle? Blackjack's repair facilities were a joke compared to the ones on Wotan! Sure, we had DropShips with 'Mech bays and the Blackjack School of Conflict had a few as well, but this was ridiculous! Less than a month after a major defensive operation with heavy fighting and I was to jump to Beta VII and win it back?
I just want to go back to New Avalon! Not only is everyone there professional, but the focus is on meritocracy, and it is away from the frontlines. I want to see if we can incorporate any of this new tech into an advanced version of the Spitfire Cannon! I want to formulate an anti-Clan unit structure, have debates with flag officers on overall strategy and combat doctrine, maybe even discuss proper logistics and support for embattled worlds. Anything but this hell!
Part of me wanted to blame my brother, Victor. He had been the one clamoring to get a combat command, and I bet, in the interest of sibling fairness, they didn't want to pull me back while risking their heir on the frontlines. It would be a bad look. My mother knew her way around the media, so this was probably her doing. Truthfully, she wasn't wrong; it was just monumentally frustrating.
Perhaps I'm looking at this the wrong way. Maybe I should be writing my parents, Morgan, and Nondi about the importance of keeping Victor safe. Then, if they pull him back and away from the front, and if my earlier suspicion is right, they'll also remove me by default. Yes… I'll do that and get it sent before I'm off. It won't save me from my current task, but perhaps future ones can be averted.
More specific orders had come via black box, along with the coded innocuous phrase in the medal approval message sent via ComStar, indicating the green light to begin. If we had waited for the black box message, it would have delayed the movement, but by seeding regular ComStar traffic with key phrases, we could coordinate movements faster. That meant I would be rocketing off Blackjack on our DropShips to the waiting JumpShips soon. I was a bit perturbed that my fleet had been trimmed down, but NAIS did want some working models and more examples of Clan technology. Not to mention the prisoners FCIS wanted to interrogate needed to be sent as well.
I called a quick meeting prior to the larger officer staff one to finalize my plans. Ainsworth and Aiko were on either side of me. Around the table were Hauptmann-Kommandant Sven Fischer, Kommandant Hans Lautner, Hauptmann Sebastian Mauer, Kommandant Dean Bristow, Hauptmann Gregory LeBeau, Colonel Benjamin Withers, and the newly promoted Hauptmann Zach Rogers.
"This evening we will begin our ascent to the waiting JumpShips. From there we will be jumping to Beta VII and issuing a batchall to the defenders. My hope is that we will have only a Cluster, preferably their second-string, to face. If we can win the battle in a small-scale conflict, that would be ideal, but I wouldn't count on it."
I looked at each of their faces. "Given our purpose and the nature of our task, we want to be in and out quickly. Our goal will be to jump back out to Blackjack, and then immediately jump out a second time on freshly charged JumpShips and hit Goat Path. However, if we arrive at Beta VII and the forces are greater than our intelligence suggests, we will not invade. With the need to move quickly, we won't be taking the entirety of our force."
Kommandant Bristow exhaled. "I still believe this is a mistake, Colonel. With the guarantee of the Clans, we don't truly need any forces to remain on Blackjack."
"I disagree. For one, we can't ever be one hundred percent sure there isn't a way around it. For two, not all our soldiers are ready for another battle, nor is all our equipment. I want training, repair, and refit to continue as if I were still here. I understand your desire to get back into the action, Kommandant, but I am trusting you to hold down the fort and continue our training operations."
I gave the battle maniac a smile. "I will be taking some of your better MechWarriors with me. Mark Harris impressed me greatly, and I'll be making him a Leftenant. He may not have all the officer training he should have, but his intuitive grasp of tactical thought and his superb 'Mech handling are enough for the moment."
The Kommandant nodded, and I reviewed what we would be taking to our war. The battalion of artillery would be led by Hauptmann-Kommandant Fischer. I would also be bringing my Aerospace Squadron, and Kommandant Lautner would be leading his battalion. Given that we weren't looking to take and hold ground, I would be leaving my infantry behind, except for Captain Rogers and his Elemental company. Finally, I would be taking roughly two companies of armor for fire support.
"Hauptmann LeBeau, what are we looking at in terms of Clan 'Mechs and pilot proficiency?"
The 'Mech Industrialist CFO's son gave his report in crisp and professional fashion.
"We've outfitted Leftenant Roth's lance with four OmniMechs. She will be piloting the Timber Wolf, and three Summoners will be joining her. In a limited combat Trials scenario, you will be piloting your Gargoyle. My own company has three Hellbringers, one Ice Ferret, one Adder, and four Kit Foxes. In the event of a Star vs. Star trial, it will be you and Aiko's lance, with one pilot substituted for me. In the event of a Binary battle, it will be Aiko's lance along with myself, two Hellbringers, Kommandant Lautner's Atlas, and the Orion from Lautner's command lance."
Battles beyond the Binary level I was less sure of taking. On average the Clan pilots were better than my pilots. Obvious exceptions being Aiko, Gregory, and Hans. I had to hand it to the old war dog, his proficiency in his Atlas was a sight to see. One of my priorities if I ever had an appropriate amount of downtime is to have it refitted with the latest from NAIS, or even possibly Clan version of weapons. Beyond those three, I didn't trust the other MechWarriors to defeat their opponents. I was quite hesitant therefore to take the fighting in a Trial of Possession beyond a Binary level, barring other factors that could give me an advantage.
If they didn't want to play a limited engagement, well, that's when it would revert to combined-arms fights. That was a weakness of the Clans. Their aerospace elements were often just tacked on, without thought to their proper use. The only area they excelled in was the use of 'Mechs and Elementals, and my people have been trained extensively on how to counter Elemental attacks. Meanwhile, I enjoyed creating battlefield choices where no matter what choice they made, there would be suffering.
"As far as proficiency goes, honestly, there's more work that needs to be done, but we are out of time. The accuracy is getting up to par, but firing at the longest ranges still creates hesitations. Ideally, another three months would make me a lot more comfortable."
"Thank you, Hauptmann LeBeau. I believe that is all, unless anyone has further questions?"
There were none and the room cleared save for Kommandant Bristow and Ainsworth.
"Colonel, I know you wished for me to continue the training aspect, but others can handle it. Colonel Withers isn't a MechWarrior, but he is a seasoned commander. I really do think I should come with you."
How do I attract these people? The man is just itching to be in the fight!
"The trainees are our people's future. I promise you, there will be more battles before this war is over. Stay sharp, and I will be sure to use you when the time is right."
It was time to head into the meat grinder again. Perhaps my missive would do some good, and both Victor and I could be recalled. If I pulled off Beta VII and Goat Path, that should hopefully earn me some breathing room, right?