Chapter 21

Beta VII

Tamar March, Lyran Commonwealth

September 16th 3050

Beta VII was not an important world, so it made sense that there wasn't a strong garrison there. Always wary and on the lookout for Being X's shenanigans, I knew better than to make assumptions. Fortunately, for once, the fraudulent bastard hadn't stacked the deck.

After arriving at a Pirate Point, we scanned the system and detected only one JumpShip. I initiated the challenge to the surface and waited. It would take some time to receive a response, as we had jumped into a Non-Standard Proximity Point rather than one of the riskier Transient Points. I had no desire to experience a Misjump.

My batchall was simple. I, Colonel Katherine Steiner-Davion, leader of the 1st Royal FedCom Guards, wished to know who defended the world from me and what forces they had available. I also requested Safcon and asked where they wished to conduct the Trial of Possession.

A response finally came from Star Captain Colton Icaza. The usual Jade Falcon extravagance was in full effect, but ultimately, I learned that Beta VII was defended by a Trinary of Elementals and a Trinary of 'Mechs. He even granted me Safcon, though, lacking Aerospace support, it seemed more a gesture of politeness than anything else.

That wouldn't be too difficult if we had to fight a full-out brawl. The area they specified was a two-kilometer radius within a heavily forested region. Fifteen 'Mechs and seventy-five Elementals were well within the capabilities of the force I had brought.

"We should just crush them," Aiko recommended. "We have enough firepower; there's no need to propose a smaller battle to try to gain equipment."

She made a good point, but I was quite eager to acquire more of their 'Mechs.

"If this were the only world we were striking, I would agree. But our orders from my father state that we need to, and I quote, 'do all that you can to keep them on the back foot. We'll start with Beta VII and then go from there.' I suspect he wants me to push deeper into occupied territory, and likely, that's what the Jade Falcons will assume too. As I explained on Blackjack, I intend to follow the orders in a surprising manner and will instead double back, using a one-system Command Circuit through Blackjack to Goat Path," I explained.

Serves my father right for giving me vague orders. But if I can creatively interpret them to keep me around Blackjack and avoid getting cut off, I will.

Aiko, Gregory, and Ainsworth just shook their heads. I could only assume they were worried that the bidding would leave them unable to participate in the battle. Such was my fate – to be surrounded by overeager, bloodthirsty meat shields.

Don't get me wrong, I appreciated their ardor in protecting me, and they were quite obedient. It's just that, at times like these, they exasperated me.

"I have sent you the forces I have at my disposal. As you can see, they are more than enough to crush you with sheer numbers. However, I propose we settle this – your Star against five of my 'Mechs in honorable combat, following Zellbrigen. Should I win, the Trial of Possession is decided, and I claim the rest of your two Trinaries as Isorla."

Again, the long wait for a reply.

"Neg, I am not allowed to provide you with equipment. I would be willing to fight you with my Point of Elementals and four 'Mechs against your Star, but only on the condition that the remainder of my command be granted hegira if I should lose."

Hmm, hegira would allow the rest of his command to retreat off planet. Not worth it honestly since in less than two weeks we would be jumping out of here anyway. They could then retake the planet easily.

"That would not be sufficient. Come now, Star Captain, I have defeated three Star Colonels. If you can defeat me, your name will be renown throughout your Clan. I am willing to give you an even battle, but I want your equipment. You are the defender—what else do you require for victory in this Trial of Possession? I have more than a Star's worth of 'Mechs that could be returned to your Clan."

I was confident in my victory. By adding additional bounty, perhaps they would break.

"Neg. I obey my Khan. Face me in honorable combat and show that you are worthy, not a barbarian."

I struggled not to roll my eyes at the absurdity of this. Fine. If he wanted to just be crushed, so be it.

"We will arrive in three days. I will open communications one final time when we land, Star Captain Icaza, in case you have changed your stance on giving up you inventory after a smaller engagement. Until then, bargained well and done."

He wasn't going to change his mind, but that didn't matter. I had just under fifty 'Mechs, twenty-eight Elemental suits, artillery, armored support, and Aerospace.

"Hauptmann Mauer, your Aerospace squadron will take flight, but I don't want to risk you unnecessarily. Heavily forested areas are not ideal, and they will have plenty of cover. However, when the fighting no doubt clears an area, be ready to make a strafing run when you see an opportunity."

I turned to my XO. "Hauptmann-Kommandant Fischer, I want artillery deployed quickly. You'll have our armored company as protection. The rest of us will be nearby. The rest of you, I want fire teams at the lance level. None of this Zellbrigen shit. Combine your fire and rip each 'Mech apart one at a time. Remember, Elementals are dangerous. Your 'Mech is an even better weapon than your guns for dealing with them. If they get on you and you can't dislodge them, it's up to the others in the lance to pry them off."

The Clans didn't want to give me their shiny toys? Fine. I'll just break them instead.


Beta VII

Tamar March, Lyran Commonwealth

September 19th 3050

Aiko moved forward with her Timber Wolf. The additional weight of the Elementals riding on her 'Mech did not slow her down, though it had taken a few minutes to get used to. The artillery had already begun setting up, and their scouts were carefully searching for signs of the enemy. Comms chirped – they had their targets. Artillery immediately began laying firing solutions as the scouts, led by Gregory, fell back out of range.

Artillery would soften them up, but these were Clan warriors in fast 'Mechs – they would need to be put down in close quarters. As contact was made, the Elementals used their jump jets and leapt from her 'Mech. Several trees snapped as 'Mechs thundered in, and the battle quickly turned into a close-quarters struggle. Which was fine with Aiko, while the Timber Wolf had fantastic long-range power, it was a 'Mech designed to be effective at any range.

The enemy had a few OmniMechs, but only a handful. The rest, while more advanced than Inner Sphere designs, still showed a noticeable difference from the Clan's top of the line designs. As one closed the distance, weaving through the trees, her lance acted as one. LRMs smashed into trunks and the advancing 'Mech, followed by autocannon fire, lasers, and ER PPCs. In a single, deadly-accurate barrage, the enemy 'Mech was torn apart.

More 'Mechs pressed forward, and an enemy Adder sent two ER PPC blasts into one of the Summoners. From the cover of the high branches, Elementals fired their SRM launchers before descending in a rush. Trees ignited as laser fire set them ablaze.

Heat may become a nuisance.

Aiko saw the great Atlas fire its AC/20, turning one Elemental into shards of metal and bloody mist. At the same time, two of its lasers missed, but its SRM-6 pummeled another. The Princess was further back, as Aiko had demanded, laying down punishing ER PPC fire into the Adder in response. But the Adder could not withstand that kind of damage with its lighter frame, and already, streaks of man-made lightning had stripped it of much of its armor.

Several Points of Elementals rushed past and went straight for Katherine.

Not on my watch.

Aiko punched one out of the air with machine gun fire. The warrior was still alive, but the heavy rounds had smashed them against a tree, aborting their attempt to get closer to the princess. Her ER medium lasers skewered another, burning flesh after searing through armor.

Captain Rogers and his crew laid down their own deadly fire with the laser and machine gun attachments of their suits. Aiko had to give the Clanners this – they died bravely. Two managed to unleash their SRMs on Katherine before being taken down, and before they knew it, the battle was over.

The Elementals had managed to take down three 'Mechs, while the enemy 'Mechs had managed only one other. They never got close enough to threaten the armor or artillery. Two of Captain Rogers' trooper had been taken down, but only one was KIA. The other survived. Hauptmann Mauer, meanwhile, was disappointed that his squadron hadn't even been able to participate in the fight – it had ended too quickly.

She opened a channel to Gregory. "That was a bit too easy."

"Was it? We had overwhelming firepower compared to them. Even the 12th Star Guards have learned how to handle the Elementals and not panic. The sheer power of Launer's assaults and our OmniMechs means we could fight an equal number of Clan opponents somewhat evenly. But it wasn't equal—we outnumbered them completely, and were completely fresh while some of them had already taken some damage from our artillery."

Aiko understood all that, but it still seemed strange to her that a once seemingly intractable and deadly foe could be managed so easily. Nonetheless, she was happy. Her charge was safe, and they had struck another blow against the Clans.



Draconis March, Federated Suns

September 24th 3050

"I appreciate you coming," Field Marshal James Sandoval told Jackson Davion. Jackson was his direct superior, but given the distance between New Avalon and Robinson, they had only met in person a few times in recent years.

The taller man inclined his head in a nod. "The First Prince is aware of the discontent in the Draconis March and asked me to complete a tour. Lord knows I don't have much say in the war."

Perhaps I shouldn't have invited the others if he was going to be this open.

His aide, Marshal Henry Capston, was by his side as always. While James held operational control over the entirety of the Draconis March, which consisted of over a hundred worlds on the Federated Suns side of the border with the Draconis Combine, Field Marshal Vanessa Bisla commanded the Robinson Operations Area. She was effectively the second most important member of the AFFC in the region after him, and she was far too 'by the book,' which had led to a strained relationship. He did credit her for her competency, and she had become an asset to the defense of the Draconis March, but all the same, he'd prefer she wasn't in this room with him now.

"Oh?" James raised an eyebrow.

Jackson gave a diffident shrug. "The First Prince has temporarily relocated to be closer to the front; he is on Tharkad. You know as well as I that he doesn't get along well with Nondi Steiner, but he's made a concentrated effort to take her advice of late." The head of Federated Suns State Command frowned before taking a sip from the expensive wine Sandoval had provided. "This is good." He paused to appreciate the wine before continuing. "As I was saying, he's compromised to keep the Lyran morale up and won't listen when I advise that he make Victor a Colonel as well."

James truly did not care. That wasn't why he was eager for this meeting. Oh, he did think it odd that Katherine was being elevated before her brother. Victor was a rare, once-in-a-generation genius. He had shattered records at the Academy and had clearly been groomed to be the Fox's heir on the battlefield. Meanwhile, Katherine was better known for her extensive holovid appearances. She was precocious and an elite MechWarrior, but clearly in her brother's shadow. At least, until recently.

The vagaries of war make fools of us all. No one thought she could hold Blackjack, but she did. Whoever Hanse has looking over her shoulder at the operational level and planning her tactics is worth their weight in gold.

His primary concern however was the threat of the Draconis Combine. The Clans were obviously a danger, but they weren't invincible – Twycross and Blackjack had proven that. Meanwhile, the Combine was here, and the idea that Theodore Kurita would bare his belly to Hanse Davion by leaking troop movements… it was ridiculous.

Maybe the Clans invaded the Combine too, but if they have, we have no idea if it is to the same extent. Those dictatorial monsters don't have a free press. We know some of what has happened in the FRR because of the media, but nothing from within the Combine – save for our intelligence network, which may be compromised.

"I am sure Prince Victor will receive what is his due," Vanessa politely replied. "He's an ace MechWarrior, whom I understand is helping Morgan Hasek-Davion plan strategy. Perhaps our Marshal of the Armies wants him focused on strategy and tactical performance over the administrative duties of a larger command."

"Bah, it doesn't matter what he does, just give him the rank," Jackson groused unhappily.

"Regardless, my point was that visiting the most important element of Federated Suns State Command is not pulling me away from any other pressing duties."

"Excellent. Field Marshal Davion, our biggest concern is the orders that we've recently received. You wish to strip the Draconis March of the 4th Davion Guards from David, the 10th Fed-Com RCT from Royal, and the 1st New Ivaarsen Chasseurs from New Ivaarsen. And then – when JumpShip capacity becomes available – you wish to further take the 3rd Lyran Regulars, 12th Deneb Light Cavalry, and the 5th Donegal Guards RCT! You'll strip whole worlds of their primary defenders. Some of those worlds are on the border." James took a breath when he realized his voice had risen in volume as he finished.

"I understand the concern, but the First Prince is certain that the Draconis Combine is also under siege and has repositioned units away from our borders. The Skye March has likewise been stripped of several commands, leaving them just as vulnerable. We must all do our part."

James shook his head. "And what if he's wrong? You know how innovative and deadly Theodore Kurita is. The Gunji-no-Kanrei is not like his father, the Coordinator. He's less samurai and more… well, more like the Fox himself. It would be trivial for him to feign being attacked, wait until our units are mid-transit, and then launch a crippling assault."

The units he had mentioned weren't traveling via Command Circuit. It would take them four months to reach Sudeten, and the JumpShips would likely have to remain in the Tamar March with them. Not only was he losing some of his best RCTs – the 4th Davion Guards in particular stung – but he was also sacrificing nearly all tactical flexibility to counter an invasion.

"Thirty regiments, led by the Sword of Light and Genyosha units, could come pouring over the border and shatter the Draconis March, and we have nothing to stop them."

Jackson Davion leaned back. "Don't exaggerate, Sandoval. You'll still have over 40 regiments under your command. Justin Allard is rarely wrong about these things. Put your trust in the FCIS to provide good analysis."

Henry added his own two D-Bills. "Field Marshal, I've noticed Skye, Draconis, and even Crucis March units are headed to the front. But none from the Capellan March, save for Morgan's old unit. Secretary Allard may have some bias, unconscious of course, in regard to keeping his wife's realm safe. His focus is not on the Draconis Combine, as it is on other fronts."

Jackson laughed. "Oh, you are a bold one, Marshal. Look, no one wishes their command to be diminished, but these decisions have already been made, and the First Prince won't accept delay. I will petition the Prince to move a few more units around and create a small task force, perhaps pulled from the Capellan March, to provide reinforcements if the snakes do invade, but that's all I can do."

So you come with nothing but excuses and platitudes and your own personal gripes. You are a disappointment.


Goat Path

Tamar March, Lyran Commonwealth

September 26th 3050

We juggled our DropShips a bit to drop off our salvage and prisoners, while receiving another DropShip with another company of vehicles while in orbit around Blackjack. There had been a disappointingly limited amount of useful gear to take. It was a bit amusing how quickly Star League-era LosTech salvage was becoming a 'disappointment' in my mind. Times change, and other than some welcome spare parts, we hadn't added any more OmniMechs to my roster.

We had also left behind some of our forces, who were not there to defend against a potential attack, but to harass and potentially destroy any defending units through attrition after the Jade Falcons retook the planet. A company of vehicles, a lance of 'Mechs, a few of Captain Rogers' men, and the sniper from Blackjack underground would hide out and then begin their resistance months later. They were already recruiting locals and preparing nasty surprises in some of the areas the Jade Falcons would likely retake and use as quarters.

The big win was the confiscation of the Sassanid-class DropShip. This was pure Clan technology. Not only was it perfect for carrying Elementals, but it also had an array of Clan weaponry. More than just that, there were also holographic simulator training areas designed for Elementals! Since all my docking collars had been in use, we left one of the Union's behind, well hidden. It would allow field repairs for the lance of 'Mechs I left behind and function as an ad hoc command center.

In the future, I believe I would consider bringing an extra JumpShip, or at least leaving a docking collar open, for the potential of capturing enemy DropShips. Overall, it had been a solid victory, and after spending several hours transferring my DropShips from the existing JumpShips to the previously charged ones we had waiting, we jumped to Goat Path.

The news I had received from Blackjack also buoyed my spirits somewhat. I wasn't sure if it was my communication to Father that had done it, but they were moving Victor away from Twycross, along with the unit he was part of and the Kell Hounds. The good news there was contrasted by word of the loss of several other worlds. The Jade Falcons were pushing deeper into our territory, as were the Wolves. We were still losing ground despite the victories on Twycross and Beta VII.

We arrived in the Goat Path system to find… nothing, save for a single Point Commander. A Point Commander, five Elementals, to hold onto an entire world. I was… flabbergasted. At least I was, until a comm link connection was established with the last remnants of the Goat Path Militia.

"FedCom vessel, I am Leftenant Jessica Adams, the last surviving officer of the Goat Path Militia. We were defeated, absolutely destroyed, by enemy Clan 'Mechs. We have what amounts to a company of light combat vehicles and half a dozen platoons of infantry scattered about. Even so, we thought we could retake Goat Path, but the Com Guards are aiding the Clans. I repeat, the Com Guards are aiding the Clans. They have declared us terrorists and claim they are doing nothing more than defensive actions, but again I say, they are providing military support for the Clans."

I cursed the laws of physics and the time lag they imposed, but I sent a response with an exhaustive list of questions, most importantly asking if they had any battle ROM data or video of the Com Guards fighting Inner Sphere units, as well as how many Com Guards they had on the world.

I received my answer almost an hour later. The Com Guards had a lance of 'Mechs, a battalion of armor, and a battalion of infantry. They did have footage, and I saw Gregory back away from me while Ainsworth looked at me warily.

What? I'm just smiling.

"I'll issue the batchall to the Point Commander so we know where he is and then we'll take him down. In the meantime Get the Demi-Precentor on the line. I want a face to face with her once we land. I also have some tasks for you Ainsworth…"

Did I feel bad about having a lance of the Star Guards deal with five Elementals? Not at all. They took some minor damage, but it gave them more experience fighting against them. I also believed that after Icar, and the sheer panic they faced when first encountering them, it would prove to be cathartic. Sadly, there was no DropShip to loot, and basically nothing else was worthwhile either.

The Demi-Precentor was a woman of advancing years named Leslie Lepik. Ainsworth supplied that she was almost certainly an unimportant individual, as the FCIS files merely had a name, origin world, and time within ComStar. Goat Path was just not an important enough world to devote intelligence resources to.

She agreed to our meeting, suggesting the local Com Guard facility, which I vetoed and instead invited her to a private dining establishment nearby that would be cleared out of other customers just for our meeting. Lepik greeted me with a bow. It was odd meeting her with guards, besides Ainsworth and her team, but they had other assignments while I met with the Demi-Precentor.

"Princess Katherine Steiner-Davion, may the Peace of Blake be upon you. I had not expected such an august visitor to our world. It warms these old bones to know that Goat Path is once again in Lyran hands."

"Is that so? It seems as if the local Com Guards saw some fighting. Please explain how that came to pass."

The smile faded from the old woman's face. "As you know, ComStar has taken steps to mitigate the excesses of the occupation. Part of that is ensuring terroristic and criminal actions are stopped. Unfortunately, when a world falls and its rightful rulers are disposed of by the Clans, anarchy and lawlessness tends to break out. The Com Guards take no joy in policing actions, but they are often required."

"I see. Is that the lie you intend to sell? That survivors of the Goat Path Militia were just… what? Looters and criminal opportunists?"

She shook her head slowly. "I'm afraid you must be mistaken. The Goat Path Militia was completely wiped out by the Clans. I suppose it is possible that some enterprising members of the criminal element had surplus military equipment… I know you are a stranger to this world, Highness, but Goat Path is practically run by the Malthus crime syndicate. They, of course, would be more than eager to make the lives of Lyran citizens even worse the moment they could."

I laughed in her face. "Those are pretty lies, Demi-Precentor. I must admit, the audacity in your falsehoods is simply incredible. Let us let the pretty façade fade for a moment. The bottom line is, you are aiding the Clans and have been from the start. There is no possible way the limited number of forces the Clans leave on some of these worlds could manage to hold them from local resistance."

Her eyes flashed. "You are a child who knows nothing. What will you do? Claim we are aiding the Clans? These claims will lead to heightened costs for messages being sent. It may even lead to an interdiction if you make enough noise."

I pinched the bridge of my nose. She was correct in a sense.

"Your Com Guard killed military servicemembers loyal to the AFFC. We have video evidence. But you are correct, your complete monopoly on communication between the stars leaves us with limited options. But options nonetheless."

She flinched at my gaze.

"What are you saying?"

"What I am saying is that I may not be able to defy ComStar openly, but I can make life very unpleasant for you. It would be trivial for an 'accident' to occur when those members of the criminal element attack this fine restaurant and you suffer quite terribly before succumbing to your injuries."

"Blake's Blood! You think you can get away with such a falsehood? You think you can threaten a Demi-Precentor of ComStar? The First Circuit will see through your lies and Interdict your nation until it is ground to dust!"

I gave her a chilly smile. "You are a traitor to the Inner Sphere. Perhaps I should take that risk just to see your painful end."

I was hamming it up quite a bit, but I needed a bit more pressure so she could reveal what contingencies she may have set.

"Do you think I walked in here without instructions for the Com Guards? If I don't report back within the hour, a Priority Alpha message will be sent to the First Circuit."

An hour. That will cut things close, but it must be done.

I subtly clicked the device hidden in the pants of my uniform, giving the green light for Ainsworth and Captain Rogers to begin Operation: SIGNALUNTERBRECHUNG.

"Perhaps, but this is a B-Class HPG system world. We could throw some confusion on the whole matter. Given the relative unimportance and already your stated disclaimer that criminal elements were using military uniforms…" I let my voice trail off before continuing. "Meanwhile, you'll be dead."

She sniffed. "You are bluffing. Besides, the Primus and the First Circuit are just waiting for the right time to Interdict your father's realm. How many millions will your petty vengeance here cost? How many billions? You wouldn't dare; you are a girl in over her head."

I held her gaze and then let my own drop. "I… I just wanted to earn some concession from you. My father hates ComStar and if I could bargain for something…"

With a superior look toward me, she took a bite of the chicken.

"As I suspected. I suppose all those holovid advertisements that you do have made you a good actress. For a moment there, I thought you were serious."

I nodded and gave her a conspiratorial smile. "I do enjoy theatrics. I would much rather star in a stage production than be fighting out here on the front." I paused, trying to avoid moving too quickly. I wasn't sure how well she would resist more forceful interrogation, so I wanted to try my hand at this first. "But I suppose neither career is likely moving forward. Why are the Com Guards siding with the Clans? I've seen parts of Clan society; it is alien and strange."

Leslie looked at me for a moment. "The First Circuit almost certainly has a plan. Our aid to the Clans will allow Blake's Vision to be fulfilled. I am not important enough to know all the details."

"I believe you," I said as I signaled for the guards to take her.

They arrived in waiter uniforms from the local establishment, and as one asked her about dessert, another slipped a mask on her with fast-acting gas to make her lose consciousness. The other grabbed her jaw to prevent any sort of cyanide pill from being triggered. She probably didn't have one, but it never hurt to be certain.

I was taking a gamble here, but one that was necessary. We couldn't keep fighting this war while being kneecapped by ComStar. I had directional mics that had picked up everything she said, as well as footage of the Com Guards' activities. It wasn't something I could use yet, because Interdiction would be disastrous, but long-term, I'd keep it in my back pocket. In the meantime, the ComStar facility would be taken down before they even realized the infiltration had been successful. Ainsworth had once again proven to be a goldmine of knowledge and expertise. While neither her, or anyone else's, actions during Operation: FLUSH had involved attacks on HPG facilities, plans had been drawn up, and she had been part of those planning sessions.

The die is cast and it is up to Ainsworth and Rogers now.