Jump Ships

"Sir! All the drinks of Blue Corn Ltd were found below the standard. We have received a notice from the officials. We have to stop our supply and compensate the buyers." Benard was already reading the news. A large group of customers were showing their products on the screen. A few beverage drinks had a nasty smell and stale taste. A few packaged drinks also had mold on them.

"How did this happen?" Benard's eyes were cold but calm, "investigate the matter properly and give the officials a positive reply. Compensate every customer personally and organize a meeting and apologize to them." 

'It would be.."

"I do not care about the money. Last advertisement had already hit us badly. If the product also fails, I will not forgive it." he warned as he stood up. The manager knew better than arguing. He left bowing his head.

Benard's eyes narrowed as he read the letter.