Chapter 3: Divine Invocation

The two warriors waste no time to begin combat. Sasaki dashed toward the spartan king with his blade poise to strike. Leonidas readies himself as he raises his shield. Sasaki's blade made contact with the king's shield. Their clash creates a small shockwave, much to the audience's surprise.

"Incredible, folks! They're evenly matched," Hermes declared

"W-What?" Ares yelled in disbelief.

Amaterasu merely smiled as she watched on.

Leonidas grins heartily as the two warriors stand still. 

"I must say, Sasaki, you are stronger than I thought. But Lord Ares wants me to show you no mercy."

"I expect nothing less," Sasaki said with a cheeky smile.

Leonidas smirks as he pushes Kojiro back. He then launches into a quick torrent of spear thrusts. Sasaki senses this and repels the attacks. Leonidas tried to bash the swordsman with his shield. Sasaki sidesteps the attempt and prepares to take off Leonidas's head. Leonidas rolled to duck under the beheading attack and back to his feet.

"Wow, that's a close one," Hermes watches the action with pure amusement.

As Ares looks on, he appears a little disgruntled.

'You got to be kidding me! How is this loser not dead yet? Kojiro died by a damn oar?! This should be easy for Leo.'

Nike sees the Greek war god a little frantic and looks smug.

"Hah! What's wrong, Ares? Where's that confidence you were flaunting earlier?" Nike blurted out, much to Ares's ire.

Athena sighs, "Nike, don't patronize him. Unless he wants to fix the damage he'll create?"

The victory goddess lowers her head as she realizes what Athena meant.

"Sorry, Athena. Got a little carried away."

Seeing Leonidas and Kojiro fight, Gorgo watches with pride, knowing her husband will win.

'I almost feel bad for this samurai. He's good, but nowhere near the level my Leonidas went through in the Agoge. It won't be long now.'

As Gorgo snickers, she hears a rumbustious male voice catching her attention.

"Cut him down, Sasaki! Show him the lessons I taught you, m'boy! Hahaha!"

"What in the name of Ares..." Gorgo's words trail off as she sees an older gentleman cheering across the arena. He was in his mid-fifties with short greyish-black hair, rectangular eyebrows, faded yellow eyes, and he wore a plain red kimono and sandals.

Sasaki's Sensei

Kanemaki Jisai

Jisai beamed in pride at watching his pupil fighting.

"Hehe, it was only yesterday I had to help him wield a bokken. Now, he's fighting against someone held from a different time and place. I'm so proud! Am I right, Nobutsuna-sama?"

Jisai looks to his left at a man sitting beside him. This man is in his late 30s with black hair reaching his shoulders, a medium-trimmed beard, grey eyes, a scar on his right cheek, and wears a white kimono and maroon haori.

"Quite so, Jisai-san. That boy's talent is something alright," Nobutsuna grins, stroking his beard.

Founder of Shinkage Ryu

Kensei Kamiizumi Nobutsuna

"Yeah, but I wish I was fighting in this tournament instead. I would've had so much fun!" Another more energetic voice chimes in.

In addition to Kamiizumi, another man with a lean build rested his sheathed katana upon his shoulders. He was about twenty-two years old, with long spiky hazel hair in a ponytail and emerald green eyes. He dawns on sky-blue haori with white triangle patterns on the edge of the sleeves, a black kimono shirt, white hakama, tabi, and sandals.

1st Division Captain of the Shinsengumi

Kensei Okita Soji

"Soji, couldn't you think of anything besides fighting?" Nobutsuna questioned his fellow sword saint

Soji lamented miserably, "Come on, Kami! You can't tell me you don't have the urge to wield your blade once more. Even now, I can barely contain myself!"

Before Soji can do something, Nobustuna takes Soji's sword.

"H-hey!" Okita was annoyed when Kamiizumi seized his katana.

"Lady Amaterasu already has her champions, and this is Sasaki's match. Understands?" Nobustuna says as he scolds Soji

"Tsk, whatever," Soji grunts.

Meanwhile, as Kojiro advances, Leonidas keeps his distance from the swordsman. Despite this, Sasaki got close to the spartan and prepared to strike again. Leonidas braces himself as held up his shield to protect himself.

Sasaki drew a deep breath, then unleashed a blur of sword strikes towards Leonidas. The king was stunned when he felt immense pressure as his shield was being bombarded as if he were defending against the crashing waves. 

Ganryu Style: Ishi no Kōzui (Stone Flood)

Sasaki continued his barrage with no hint of slowing down. With each strike, the shield slowly becomes scarred and dented.

"Look at this, folks! Leonidas is starting to be overwhelmed by the minute! The champion of Ares better do something fast," Hermes announces as Leonidas struggles to keep his defenses up.

Gorgo felt a small lump in her throat as she worried for Leonidas.

Meanwhile, Yagyu was fascinated with Kojiro's technique.

"Continuing strokes with fluid motion, striking to the same spot to weaken the guard and prevent your opponent from reacting. It seems Kojiro's sword style has continued to evolve."

Jisai laughs cheerfully, "That's m'boy for ya! Don't let up, Sasaki!"

Leonidas could feel his footing getting loose.

'D-damn it! How long is he gonna keep this up? If I even move a muscle, I'll be cut down!'

Meanwhile, Ares growled, "ENOUGH OF THIS!"

Ares's yellow eyes glowed, and then Leonidas heard the patron's voice within his head.

"Leonidas! Can you hear me?!"

Leonidas muttered, "M-my lord?"

Ares barked, "Yes, it's me! Now, enough of shielding and use the power I grant you to DESTROY him!"

Leonidas sighs frustratingly, "Yes, my lord."

Soon the lambda on Leonidas's chest radiates a bright red hue. Leonidas experienced a surge of energy coursing through his body. Channeling this power, Leonidas interrupts Sasaki's barrage and pushes the swordsman back with great force.

"What?" Jisai cried out while Gorgo smiled with relief.

"Unbelievable! King Leonidas has managed to break through Sasaki's uncounterable attack," Hermes exclaimed as the crowd cheered at the high pace of action.

Sasaki manages to land on his feet and stretch his sore arms. Then he exhales, letting out a gust of mist from his lungs.

After getting his bearings, Kojiro seemingly looks at Leonidas and tips his hat with a smile.

"Not bad, King of Sparta. My Rapid Stone Flood was meant to give no breathing room for armored opponents, but you stop the momentum. You have to praise."

Leonidas couldn't help but smirk at the compliment.

"I'm honored, but don't think I'll let you use that technique again."

In the skybox, Nike is confused with Leonidas's symbol glowing.

"Weird. Lady Athena, why is Leonidas's tattoo glowing?"

Athena begins to explain.

"Throughout the history of humanity, we gods gave miracles to those in need, but for a few, we grant them a blessing. This blessing gives them tremendous power combined with the essence of a champion. So behold...Divine Invocation!"

Divine Invocation: Sentinel of Sparta

Leonidas lunged at Kojiro instantly with a powerful thrust. Sasaki manages to sidestep the attack. However, Leonidas lifts up his spear and brings it down to Kojiro. Kojiro felt the approaching danger and jumped back to evade it. The spearhead manages to strike Kojiro's hat, much to the horror of Jisai.

Sasaki's kasa fell off his head as the swordsman checked for scars. He felt a small wound near his forehead. As Leonidas prepared to attack, he gasped as he saw the eyes of Kojiro for the first time. Kojiro's eyes were a cloudy blue with no sign of pupils.

Kojiro chuckled as he wiped the blood from his forehead.

"Let me guess, you looked at my eyes, yeah? Never fought against a blind swordsman before?"

The Warrior Revealed His Misted Eyes...

The Endless Talent of the Sword Demon Revealed!