Chapter 4: Eyes of the World

The audience was surprised as Leonidas to witness that Sasaki Kojiro is blind. 

"Y-you're blind?" Leonidas gasped

Sasaki gave a brazen wink.

"I mean, my eyes should clue you in. Of course, telling by your emotion, you've never met a blind warrior, haven't you?"

In the Gods' booth, Ares was livid at the revelation.

"You mean to tell me that Kojiro is blind, yet he can match Leonidas in combat!!"

Amaterasu smiles at Ares's rage.

"Come now, Ares. You were confident earlier."

Ares scoffs, "Play coy all you want, Ami. Blind or not, Leonidas will destroy your little champion! I will see to that."

Meanwhile, Zeus gave a hearty chuckle.

"I must say, Amaterasu! I'm impressed with this Kojiro fellow! Though, I thought when a human dies and comes here. They're relieved of all ailments."

Athena thinks about what her father says.

"Father, I think I may have a theory on that. The soul may reflect on what the human experience in life. I believe that Sasaki overcoming his hindrance made him who he is."

"Hmm, that would explain it," Zeus stroked his beard. 

"Regardless, I hope to see more of his talent!"

In the arena, Leonidas didn't know what to make of it.

"I...I don't know how I should feel about this. Why would your goddess choose you despite your blindness?"

Sasaki looked surprised at Leonidas's question.

"Choose? I volunteered at my fruition."

Leonidas asked, "...why?"

Kojiro grinned as he spoke.

"Because I have faith in Lady Amaterasu. When she said about her dream to bring peace to Heaven because every word she said was genuine."

After Kojiro speaks, Ares's voice yells in Leonidas's head.


Leonidas muttered, " lord. That's not the Spartan's way."

Ares mocks at Leonidas's plead.

"Spartan's way? This is about changing the course of Heaven. I demand you to forsake your honor and win by any means necessary."

As Leonidas grips his spear tightly, he knows he cannot go against his god.

Leonidas lunges at Kojiro with a couple of swings with his spear. Sasaki focuses on blocking each swing until, out of nowhere, Leonidas connected with a headbutt on Kojiro's forehead. 

Both god and man within the arena were stunned at the spartan king's action. 

Hermes muttered awkwardly, "Uhh, m-my goodness! Leonidas has headbutted Sasaki Kojiro?! This is not what we expect from a spartan."

Sasaki Kojiro tried to get his bearings until Leonidas kept the pressure. As Kojiro guards against the spartan's attacks, Leonidas trips up the leg and lands a gash on Kojiro's right arm. He was about to kick Sasaki's left knee, but Sasaki managed to dodge.

The crowd is incensed at Leonidas's less-than-honorable actions.

"What the hell is this?!"

"I thought spartans were supposed to be honorable!"

"This is messed up!"

"Does he really need to go low against a blind man?"

Queen Gorgo and the spartans don't know what to make of it. They never thought Leonidas, a man who stood against the Persian army, resort to cowardly tactics. 

"M-my love, what are you doing?"

Meanwhile, Zeus looked rather curious at this.

"Hmm, strange. I never knew spartans would stoop so low."

Athena said, "Yes, it's strange. Isn't it, Ares?"

Athena looks at Ares scrupulously.

"Tell me, brother. Do you have anything to do with Leonidas's change of fighting?"

Ares sneers, "And If I did, so what. You should know, Athena. Considering you're willing to use any means to take the victory. Am I right?"

"In war, perhaps. But that doesn't mean I disregard a warrior's honor. You're basically spitting in Leonidas's face," Athena retorts.

Ares's vein bulges as he yells, "Hey, he's MY champion! Not yours. I will do what is necessary regardless of honor."

Nike spat, "You know, Ares. You're such a complete dick!"

Ares groans, "Nike, please SHUT UP! I swear I don't know how Athena deals with your irritating voice!"

"Says Aphrodite's sidepiece!" Nike spats as she and Ares are about to go at it.

"Enough!" Odin bellowed as a powerful aura washed over Nike and Ares.

"The last thing I want to hear is squabbling between a moronic war god and a screeching lesser god. Now, be quiet, and let us watch the match."

They reluctantly agreed but glared at each other as the fight continued.

Kojiro narrowly dodged one of Leonidas's attacks, only leaving a gash across his chest. 

"Kojiro has been wounded! He better do something quickly, or this could be the end of the Sword Demon," Hermes declares, building more anticipation.

Kojiro took heavy breaths as he didn't expect his opponent to be more ruthless.

"Kojiro, can you hear me?"

Kojiro hears the voice of Amaterasu in his head.

'Lady Amaterasu, is that you?"

Amaterasu answers, "Yes, my champion. Whatever you do, don't get overwhelmed. Leonidas seems to act on Ares's word."

Kojiro knew something was wrong with Leonidas's fighting style. Every strike felt less impactful than earlier. 

Leonidas prepared for another strike until Sasaki asked the King of Sparta. 

"May I ask you something, Leonidas?"

For a moment, Leonidas was confused, then he replied, "What is it?"

Sasaki scratches his head, "Your...god. Ares, right? Did he choose you to fight in Historiamachy or, to put it nicely, 'obligated' to fight on his behalf?"

Leonidas narrows his eyes as he frowns at Kojiro.

"What are you talking about?"

Sasaki relaxed his stance and spoke with a firm demeanor.

"Okay, I'll be blunt. I think Ares doesn't value you as a warrior but as a tool."

The crowd let out a gasp.

"Wow," Nike said while Athena had a smug grin.

Ares's veins bulge and his face turns red with rage. Amaterasu, on the other hand, gave a small smile at Kojiro.

Leonidas growled as he sighed.

"Are you saying I'm a thrall to Lord Ares?"

Leonidas's blood boiled as he roared, "I am no one's slave! How dare you insult my dignity? What about you? You're foolishly putting yourself in a fight against me. I stood against the vast forces of the Persian army. What do you have, swordsman?"

Sasaki gave a disappointing sigh.

"I may not be a king. I may not have good eyesight. But the one thing I'm proud to have is my dignity."

With that, Leonidas felt something snap as he rushed towards him. His tattoo blazed on his chest as he prepared for his mightiest strike.

Hercleion: Spear of the First Hero 

The attack came fast as the strike moved in a blur. The moment the strike approached Kojiro, the swordsman dodged it quickly. The ground breaks from Leonidas's missed attack. Before he could react, Kojiro slashed Leonidas's left pectoral muscle.

"What?" Ares yelled

Leonidas gritted his teeth as he tried to go for another attack. Kojiro dodged and landed another strike on Leonidas's shoulder and forearm. Leonidas stumbles back while Kojiro gives a disapproving stare.

"I'm disappointed, Leonidas. Am I fighting the king who fought for his home or the pawn who listens to a fool?"

"Shut up!" Leonidas rushes towards Sasaki with another spear thrust.

Kojiro ducks the attack and sweeps the leg to send Leonidas to the ground.

"Talk about a turn of events? Kojiro has the spartan down on the dirt. Could this be the guy win it all?" Kojiro declared as the crowd cheered.

"Excellent!" Jisai jovially cheered

Nobustuna and Okita gave a knowing smile while Gorgo and the spartans looked on in disbelief. As Leonidas tried to get up, Kojiro held the tip of his sword to the king's neck.

"It's over."

"Incredible! Kojiro's attacks were precise, targeting the muscles that allowed Leonidas to use his spear. Amaterasu, how is he capable of doing this?" Athena asked with a scientific interest. 

Amaterasu opened her eyes and smiled warmly, "Because he never gives up. From the day he was born, he had everything against him. Without sight, he could've been killed. But instead, he hones his sense to a prodigious degree. His ears can hear the slightest shift in the wind. His nose can smell even the most untraceable of poisons. His touch can perceive the vibrations in the human body. This is how he became one of Japan's greatest swordsmen."

Ganryu Style: Sekai No Me (Eyes of the World)


Sengoku Era 

Japan (Fukui Prefecture)

Ruin is what's left of a small village near the mountains. The aftermath of the Battle of Shizugatake Jisai didn't want to see. Jisai sighs as all of this death and destruction isn't warranted. The sun's heat made the corpses reek, and houses were reduced to rumble. As Jisasi surveyed the destruction, something caught his eye. He sees an eight-year-old boy trying to cover the bodies with cloth blankets. 

The boy has messy black hair and wears a plain blue kimono. Jisai couldn't help but feel sorry for the child. Losing your home at this age is awful. 

As he approaches the boy, the child hears him and stumbles back.

"W-who goes there?"

Seiko (Sasaki Kojiro)

Age: 8

Jisai sees the boy's misty cyan eyes and knows the child is blind. 

"Are...are you alright, child?" Jisai asked

Seiko frantically searches the ground and grabs a rusty knife. 

He points at the man and yells, "Go away!"

"It's okay. I'm not here to hurt you." Jisai says as he walks cautiously at the poor boy.

Seiko senses Jisai's movement and lunges at the older man. Jisai dodged, but the boy continued to attack. As Jisai dodged each undiscipline strike, he was amazed by the boy's ability is know where his opponent was. After a while of dodging, Seiko became tired and fell to the ground.

The boy sniffles as Seiko begins to cry while Jisai catches his breath.

"It''s not fair... Why did I have to lose everything? The screams... The smell of blood and fire... It's...too much!"

Jisai felt pity for the grieving child and stuck out his hand.

"Let me help you up, m'boy?"

Seiko was helped up and dried his tears.

"I'm sorry. I-I hate cruelty. This war, the suffering, I don't want it in our lives."

Jisai nodded in agreement.

"What is your name, child?"

"Seiko," The boy said.

"I see. Where are your parents?"

Seiko lowers his head with a sad expression.

"They...die. My father died in the battle, and I buried my mom earlier."

Jisai sees the situation that Seiko is dealing with.

"And you have nowhere else to go?"

Seiko nodded.

Jisai rubs his head as he thinks about what to do.

"Okay. How about you come with me?"

Seiko perks up when hearing that.

"You...want to adopt me?"

Jisai gave an awkward look. 

"Well, more than a pupil. During the scuffle, you kept up despite your blindness."

"I used to get bullied by the other kids, so I learned to anticipate my surroundings," Kojiro replied.

Jisai laughs heartily, "My word, you're almost like Seigen-dono! Well, I think I can help you hone your senses. What do you say, Seiko?"

Seiko didn't know what to say. He teared up as he says, "Thank you."

On that day, Seiko became a disciple of Kanemaki Jisai. Under Jisai's tutelage, he learned the art of the sword and philosophy. The boy grew in body and spirit, slowly creating a sword style that overcomes one's limits. For that, Jisai gave Seiko a new name. A name after a dear friend, Kojiro. Till the day he left the dojo...


The sun rises as Sasaki feels the approaching light. 


Age: 15

He stands outside a wooden dojo with a kinchaku carried on a stick. 

"I hope you weren't leaving without saying goodbye."

Jisai stands near the door as Kojiro.

"No, sensei. I was waiting twenty minutes for you." Kojiro said as he turned to his master.

Jisai chuckled as they hugged for the final time.

"I'm so proud of you, m'boy."

"Thank you for everything, father."

Jisai shed a single tear as he let go and asked Kojiro.

"Kojiro, you do know that this world will not be forgiving. Many will try to break your spirit. Are you truly ready for this next step?"

Kojiro smiled as he turned back to the sun. 

"Before my parents died, I made an oath to them. I will use my strengths to help those who lost everything. I want my Ganryu to be a sword to ensure the weak are safe and no one will ever be afraid. Believe me when I say my sword will usher in a new era of hope!"

Present Day

The crowd cheers as Kojiro holds Leonidas by the edge of the blade.

"Forgive me, Leonidas. While you were a great warrior, you should not have let someone rule your spirit."

In the booth, Athena seems to think this match is over.

"Well, I guess Kojiro got the best out of Leonidas."

"Yes, but Leonidas fought valiantly," Amaterasu praised.

Then Ares begins to laugh sinisterly.

"What with the laugh, idiot?" Nike sneered

Ares gave a devilish grin to unnerved Amaterasu.

"Did you think I chose my champions without a surprise? Let's just say this one is a real ear-popper!"

Then in the arena, Sasaki heard Amaterasu's voice yell fearfully.

"Kojiro! Cover your ears!"

Meanwhile, Leonidas grabbed something from his shield and threw it at Kojiro. Despite Sasaki covering his right ear, a loud sound burst and blew out Kojiro's left ear.

"AAAAAAHHHHH!" Kojiro screamed as blood gushed from his damaged ear.

"Wha-what just happened," Hermes said, confused as the audience.

"Kojiro, NO!" Jisai screamed

Kojiro stumbled back and fell to one knee. Leonidas gets up and removes the helmet with a disgusted expression. 

He wasn't disgusted at Kojiro. He was disgusted at himself.

"I know you're right, Kojiro, but you can't possibly understand what it means to be a king. For a king must do what is necessary for his people."

The Warrior's Lamentation...

A King's Burden and Regret Comes Full Circle...