Chapter 9: A Blood Betrayal

Crazy Horse sprinted ferally towards William with a burst of startling speed. William held his sword in a defensive stance to ready himself. 

"Wallace!" Crazy Horse roared as he unleashed a blurring series of strikes at the Scotsman. 

The attacks came out faster than William expected as he tried to block them. William's chainmail began to unravel as he try to thwart each strike. Wallace feels his skin being cut while the chainmail shirt is torn asunder.

"Crazy Horse is living up to his name as he unleashes an animalistic hail onto the Son of Scotland!" Hermes announces

The Scottish people watch with dread as their hero struggles against the rapid aggression from Crazy Horse.

Seeing a narrow opening, William pulled back his sword for a potent thrust.

Nuada's Piercing Strike

Before the strike could land, Crazy Horse sidestepped and answered it with a thrust kick to Wallace's face. William stumbled back and dropped to one knee with multiple small scars on his body and his armor torn.

"Heh, not bad lad. I have to say you're one hell of a warrior." William grinned as he wiped the blood from his nose.

Crazy Horse scowls at the compliment as he attacks once more.

"Stop that!"

William asked with a bewildered expression on his face.

"Huh? What do you mean by stop? All I did was give ye a compliment."

"I don't need praise from the likes of you! Your people are nothing but chaos. Such that needs to be destroyed." Crazy Horse uttered with every word dripping with venom.

"MY people!? Oh, you've done it now. I'll be damn if I let you insult my countrymen," William declared as he rose.

"Come on, Crazy Horse! I'll show you the pride of the Celts!"

"I'll rip your spine, you filthy wasichu!" Crazy Horse growled as he and William clashed at each other.

In the crowd, Benkei and Tomoe observe the fight inquisitively.

"It seems this Crazy Horse's attacks have gotten stronger," Tomoe stated.

Benkei nodded.

"Yes, Tomoe-sama. Like you, the angrier he gets, the more strength he draws on."

Upon hearing that, Tomoe sharply turned and glared at her ally.

"What do you mean by like me?" Tomoe said as a vein flared from her forehead.

Benkei already felt Tomoe's temper rising and proceeded to watch the match.

"I mean no ill will, but you have a vicious temper about you."

"No, I don't!" Tomoe yelled, which scared some of the audience members.

"See," Benkei stated as he showed Tomoe the frightened onlookers.

Tomoe scoffs as she watches the match.

"Doesn't matter. At else, that bitch isn't giving me one of her sny remarks. In fact, where is Nohime?" 

Benkei thought about it but only uttered, "I don't know."

Meanwhile, in the skybox for the gods, Odin discerned something felt unnatural. It is as if someone shouldn't be here.

"Zeus, do you also sense a presence in this room like I do?" Odin said, glancing at the Olympian.

"I do, old friend. Alright, whoever you are, show yourself." Zeus spoke with the authority expected from the ruler of Heaven. 

"Oh dear. It seems even I can't evade the omniscience of the gods," Nohime's alluring caught the other gods by surprise.

The gods turn to see the form of a woman emerge from the walls until it is revealed to be a large drape as Nohime appears in front of the divine. Many of the male gods, especially Zeus, were enamored by the alluring beauty of Nohime.

"Oh, my, my, my! Such a delightful VIP section you all have here. I knew coming here was worth it." 

As Nohime admired the decorum, Bia and Nike got from their seats to confront Nohime.

"Listen, human, we don't have a problem with you. However, this section is for the chief gods and the others who are part of this proxy tournament." Bia said sternly

Conversely, Nike sounded more friendly in its message.

"Sorry, but my sister is right. You can't be here. But we'll take you to a stadium seat if you want?"

Nohime laughed haughtily as if Nike and Bia told her an amusing joke.

"Ohohoho! You two are amusing, but I'm not leaving here."

Then she sat on a leather chair, much to the shock of the sisters and some of the gods.

"For you see, I am the daughter of the Viper of Mino, Saitō Dōsan, and the wife of the Demon King, Oda Nobunaga. I am Saitō Kichō, but as history dictates, Nohime. So when you are in my presence, you will show me respect."

Hera coughed up a bit of wine upon hearing those words.

She turned to Zeus and demanded, "Zeus! Surely you can't let her be in here, let alone say such blasphemy?!"

Zeus thinks about it for a moment but shrugs.

"Well, Bia did say this area is for those who are part of the tournament, so I'll allow it."

'Besides the curves on her, mmm.' Zeus thought about it with a cheeky grin.

Nike huffed as she headed back to her seat. Nohime smirks in satisfaction before still noticing Bia glaring at her.

"Oh, have a problem?" Nohime feint innocence.

Bia quietly growled as she headed back to her seat.

Back in the arena, William's blade and Crazy Horse's hands collide as they intercept their attacks. William raised his claymore for the cleaving strike, but the Lakota war chief caught it. 

"Your attacks are predictable and slo-"

Wallace headbutts Crazy Horse before he can finish his insult. 

"You talk too much."

As Crazy Horse held his face, he snickered sinisterly, much to William and the audience's shock.

"You think you are in control, don't you, wakansica? Well then, it's about time for you to feel the helplessness my people once experienced."

Then Crazy Horse slowly started to tread around the Scotsman. William was bewildered by this action and thought about what his opponent was planning. The audience especially was baffled.

"Folks, I...uhh. I don't know what to say except Crazy Horse walking in circles around Wallace? There's...that," Hermes expressed with utter perplexity.

Meanwhile, William Wallace waited for his rival until he felt slightly lightheaded. He doesn't know why but feels something's off. Then he saw Crazy Horse become two, four until he was surrounded by multiple copies of his opponent. 

'Oi! How the hell is he doing this?'

Before he could get his bearings, William felt a slash across his back. William turns to slash at Crazy Horse, only to be met with nothing. Then, another attack struck him on the side of his legs. He turns around, and nothing. Then William's jaw gets smacked, almost knocking him out. One after the another, a multitude of strikes fell upon the Scottish rebel.

"I don't know what Crazy Horse did, but he unleashed a barrage of attacks. Can Wallace even survive this relentless onslaught?"

When Lugh saw his champion being overwhelmed so quickly, he could not believe it.

"I don't believe it. Wallace's Divine Invocation should be resisting these attacks. How could this be?"

Heyoka handwaved it as he casually said, "Oh, that's one of Crazy's techniques. It's called Spirit Dance: Chanku Luta (Red Road)."

"Chanku Luta?" Lugh questioned

"Chanku Luta, or the Red Road, is a phrase for those seeking a spiritually fulfilling life." Athena chimed in.

"Though I don't know how that translates into combat?"

"Yes, truly ironic." Heyoka retort.

"Crazy Horse's feet created a rhythm when walking around William that created auditory hallucinations. With just the right tune, it can even affect you're seeing."

"My goodness. Such terrifying yet intriguing technique all the same," Athena said with a scientific curiosity.

Nohime overheard the conversation as an angel served her a glass of wine.

'Kojiro may have a problem if Crazy Horse wins. Amaterasu might need to hear about this.'

William changes his approach by dodging some of Crazy Horse's attacks. Crazy Horse got behind his opponent and prepared to deal a fatal blow. However, William was aware of the incoming attack, grabbed the blade with one hand, and slammed the pommel into Horse's stomach.

Moffat's Ram

Crazy Horse coughed as he was knocked back. 

"Dammit! I...I won't lose to you, bastard."

As Crazy Horse clawed back to his feet, William felt pity for him. William has met a few wrathful people, but never to this extent.

"Hey, Crazy Horse."

Crazy Horse growls while glaring spitefully at the Scottish warrior.

"What do you want?"

"Why are you filled with so much hate?" William asked with an empathetic tone.

"I mean, I get your people were victimized like mine, but you treat this more as a vendetta than me."

Crazy Horse gave a spiteful chuckle at the Scotsman.

"You think I shouldn't have vengeance? You're more of a fool than I thought. Do you even know how I die?"

In 1854, the Sioux Wars were fought across the western United States. The Sioux nations battle against the U.S. to defend the Great Plains, which they call their home. This led to one of the most crucial battles in American history, The Battle of Little Bighorn. From there, Crazy Horse led his Lakota and Cheyenne warriors into a surprising victory over General Cluster's battalion. Eventually, with the retaliation of the U.S. and the enemy tribes, Crazy Horse had no choice but to negotiate peace terms and live on a reservation near Fort Robinson.

September 6, 1877

Fort Robinson, Nebraska

The cool, crisp air floated around the semi-blackened night sky. The moonlight illuminates on a dirt road with two men riding on horseback. One was Crazy Horse, while the other was a tall, muscular man with a woven bandana, hide shirt, and pants, and he had short ebony hair and brown eyes.

Fellow Lakota Warrior

Little Big Man

"I don't trust this, Little Big Man. Why are we meeting them in the middle of the night?" Crazy Horse said as his muscles tense with anticipation.

Little Big Man let out a small chuckle.

"Curly, my friend. Don't be so anxious. The U.S. government managed to keep their end of the bargain. They wouldn't risk restarting the war again."

Crazy exhaled heavily, "Perhaps, but I don't trust these fiends to keep their promises."

"Let's just keep our wits sharpen, Little Big Man."

Through the night, the natives rode until they saw a grand building in the distance. The structure was a long, white complex with a black stone tile roof and moss-green window frames. In front of the building is a squad of U.S. soldiers armed with Enfield Model rifles.

Once Crazy Horse and Little Big Man stopped in the area of Fort Robinson, a man stepped out to greet them. 

With a sidecomb haircut, a forked beard, and a prestige uniform fitting for a general, he was an older Caucasian male.

U.S. Army General

George Crook

Crazy Horse and Little Big Man got off their steeds as they approached Crook. Standing beside the general was a young native american in an army uniform and with a low mohawk. Crazy Horse knew this man was from the Pawnee tribe, one of the Lakota's oldest enemies. He glared at the young man and then at General Crook.

"(Chief Crazy Horse. I, General George Crook, welcome you to Fort Robinson.)" General Crook spoke with earnestness.

The Pawnee soldier translated the greeting to the Lakota warriors.

Crazy Horse huffed as he said, "(I do not wish to linger any further, general. Tell me why you have summoned me on this night?)"

The native soldier translates this to George. The general stroked his forked beard as he thought of what to say next.

"(Well, as you know. It is with deep respect that I acknowledge you before I move on to the topic. Despite our differences, you were a worthy adversary on the battlefield.)"

The Pawnee soldier translates this despite the disgust on his face. Crazy Horse couldn't hold back a little satisfying grin on his face. 

"(Well, I appreciate your compliment but why am I here?)"

George Crook gave a brief cough as he sternly spoke.

"(Well, I have word that you planned to leave the reservation and potentially kill me.)"

Once what George said was translated, Crazy Horse was shocked and outraged.

"(You is the meaning of this? I have no intention of going back on our agreement.)"

As the Pawnee scout translates this, George Crook briefly suspires as he signals his soldiers to come closer.

"(Unfortunately, I can't take any chances. Therefore, you're under arrest for the possibility of treason and conspiracy.)"

The soldiers point their rifles on Crazy Horse. Crazy Horse was livid to see the soldiers aiming towards him. 

"(Do you expected you to come quietly?)" Crazy Horse said with fury in his voice.

"(It would be for the best.)" Crook said as his words are translated.

Crazy Horse then snickered as he replied, "(You can forgive it. I've done nothing wrong, and I will not be taken in.)"

Before Crazy Horse could make his turn, he heard the cock of a revolver as Little Big Man pressed it on the back of his head.

"I think it best to do what he says, 'my friend'."

Then, emerging to join the U.S. soldiers were a couple of Lakota and Sioux warriors, much to the disbelief of Crazy Horse.

"Little Big Man, what is the meaning of this?!"

Little Big Man sneers, "The meaning is that me, Red Cloud, and other chieftains had enough of you. You act like some messiah, don't you? Our people hail you as if you were some god. A man who was trained by the legendary Spotted Tail. The Hero of the Battle of Big Littlehorn. Time and time again, it's always you that our people talk about. And I, for one, am tired of it."

Crazy Horse was beside himself upon hearing this. He never wanted to be placed high above his people. All he was doing was to help his people, so why are they turning on him.

"Now, Crazy Horse. You have two choices. Either you let the general put the cuffs on you or breathe your last breath?"

Crazy Horse's heart races as his skin becomes hot, and his face twists to a near-primordial rage. 

"! YOU BASTARDS!" Crazy Horse bellowed, which shocked the nerves of the soldiers and the traitors.

On that night, Crazy Horse attacked the entire battalion on his own. Almost no soldier or traitorous Lakota was safe from Crazy Horse's wrath. The last two to stand against him were Crook and Little Big Man. Before he could kill them, a soldier used his bayonet to stab him in the lower back. Upon dying, Only Crazy Horse lamented how his people had been corrupted by the Wašíču.

Present Day

Crazy Horse ball his fist as he stares down on the ground. 

"My people once valued tradition until those worms infested their minds with greed and vanity. And for that, I will never forgive them!"

Everyone in the arena could feel the overwhelming tension in the air produced by Crazy Horse's malice. But as for Wallace, he sat on the ground with a knowing expression.

"So that's the reason you're angry. Not only just the Wašíču, as you put it. You were also betrayed by your kin. And because of it, you never let it go."

"Where is this going?" Crazy Horse spat

"It means you held on to such a grudge that you didn't make peace with yourself."

Crazy Horse growled as he pointed a finger.

"What do you know about peace after being betrayed by those once-called brothers!"

The Scotsman gave a grin as he rose to his feet. In awe, the audience watches as azure glowing Celtic tattoos appear on his body.

"Because I never desired vengeance, Crazy Horse. My dream has always been to see my people live a free and untethered life. And with the children of my homeland cheering me on, I will carry their hopes and dreams upon me!"

Divine Invocation: Exalted of the Braveheart 

A promise made...!

The Story of a Man Who Gladly Carried the Burden of His Home...!