Chapter 9.5: Making Moves

Within the stadium, six armored angels carry a box down the hall. The box has a long, rectangular shape forged from Dwarven steel with runes etched to prevent anyone from scrying what's inside. Leading the angels are two women with two pairs of wings.

"UGH! This is so fucking boring! We should be watching the matches instead of transporting this shit."

The woman who spoke was a young, slender, curvy woman with raven-like wings, ruby, wavy hair in a ponytail with bangs on the right side, mint green eyes, and shark-like teeth. She wears a chain-strapped armor bikini top, spiked wrist bracers, leather hide pants with a chain belt, wing style ear-wear, and metal-clad boots made of hack silver.

Fourth Eldest Daughter of Odin and member of the 12 Valkyries 


"Seriously, Hrist? Can you wait until we bring the weapon to our Allfather's champion?"

The other Valkyrie was like her sister but with a slight tone build with hazel brown wings, shoulder-length orange hair, and heterochromia eyes, one yellow and the other an aqua green. She has Nordic tattoos on her arms and wears a leather armored top, tapped hands, a half chainmail skirt, wool black pants, and padded boots. She also carried a great axe over her shoulder.

Sixth Daughter of Odin and member of the 12 Valkyries 


Hrist rolled her eyes at the statement.

"Oh, come on, Skeggjöld. We missed the opening match, and we'll miss the second one! And from what I heard, this one is really intense."

Skeggjöld chuckled kindly at her older sister's impatience.

"Hrist, have a little patience, ok? I'm sure that man's room is not that far."

"So, sister. How do you feel about our old man's choice?" Hrist asked as Skeggjöld's expression changed to a bit of dread.

"Huh. To be honest, I...I'm horrified by the Allfather's choice. I don't understand how, despite having the best in the Einherjar, our father chooses...him."

Hrist couldn't help but agree with Skeggjöld.

"Can't say I blame you. It may be true that I am the most bloodthirsty of all of us, but I won't skewer any man, woman, or child alive."

"It's almost funny. I expected Loki to choose someone like Jack the Ripper, but Allfather selected Vlad the Impaler. I hope their wisdom to his supposed madness." Skeggjöld said, quaking on the inside despite saving face.

Hrist felt for her sister. After all, what Vlad did at Asgard left her, of all Valkyries, in trepidation. She pulled out a strip of gum and put it in her mouth.

"You and me both," Hrist said before she began to chew. 

As they transport the secret box, they pass a door of a symbol of a silver plaque of a Tesla coil. Inside was a dim room with cold, metallic floors and walls of solid concrete. At the center of the room stands a tall, bulky armor made of copper and titanium with electricity surging within the suit. On its back are a pair of Tesla coils sparking with lightning.

Standing in front of the armor is a slender, somewhat pale man with uncaring electric blue eyes, short, slick raven hair with some whiteness on the front, and a well-trimmed mustache. He dresses in a dark blue buttoned-up shirt, a black vest with a white collar, a belt with a golden buckle, midnight blue striped dress pants, and silver and black shoes.

The Forsaken Genius

Nikola Tesla

Tesla looked at a digital pad to analyze the suit's statistics. 

"Alternate currents are fully functional. The energy distribution is evenly circulated within the Zornlicht. The coils inducements need more testing."

As Tesla looks at his analysis, he turns his attention to the monitor where William Wallace blocks Crazy Horse's flurry of attacks. 

"Hm. Such spirit from those two. It reminds me of a time when I once wanted humanity to flourish by science. A pity I must take it all away," Tesla said with a cold, almost unfeeling tone.

Tesla barely scowls as he sees how his technology was misused for corruption and destruction.

"It's quite woeful. My mother once called me the Child of Light. But when I must rid them of that gift I brought to them."

A few wine bottles surround Ares outside the arena as he drinks on the ground. He miserably sat near the entrance while reflecting on the first match.

"Fu...fucking sun *blurp* bitch and bitchy blibd boy toy! I should've if it w...weren't for Ñeonidas's w-wussing out of the plam! Ares sloshes as he thankfully grabs a new bottle of wine.

As he drinks, the battalion of angelic knights lines up parallel near the entrance to the coliseum. From there, in the skies, is a silver and black carriage drawn by blue phantasmal horses. The carriage landed on the marble ground. A specter of a coachman floats from his seat to open the carriage door.

The first to step out was a tall woman with a well-built and full-figured build. Her skin was ashy white with dark azure hair with side-swept bangs and tied in a low ponytail. She has a silver visor covering her eyes, ghostly green lips, large steel-colored wings, and a tattoo of Melinoe on her upper right arm. She wears an adamantine breastplate with black and silver accents, a blackened spaulder on her left arm, a Roman-style leather skirt, clawed silver gauntlets, and studded tsarouchi boots.

Greek Goddess of the Retribution and Leader of the Erinyes 


Nemesis scouts to see if anything is afoot. After a brief moment, she grinned in satisfaction.

"My lord and lady. It is safe to come out now. Area secured."

"*Sigh* Nemesis, you don't have to explain that to us. After all, we're no strangers strange to conflict." A voice of a stern man spoke within the carriage.

Stepping out was a dashing man with a dull beige skin tone, slicked-back raven hair, haunting black eyes with piercing grey pupils, and a well-pruned van dyke beard. He dressed in a dark red coat over his shoulders, a satin black blazer with a gold and ruby chain brooch, a silk red tie, a white shirt, ebony dress pants, and polished hard leather shoes.

Greek God of the Dead and King of the Underworld


Hades gazed at the coliseum and gave a mildly annoyed sigh.

"To think my youngest brother actually went through with this ludicrous idea. And after the tournament is over, I will have to deal with grieving families. Huh, no rest for the dead, I suppose."

"Now, dear. There's no need to be dreary. Remember, we're here to suppose our little Ghostflower." The voice of a calming and kind woman calls to the king of the Underworld.

Emerging was a beautiful young woman with long, wavy, rosy hair with flowers, medium-tone skin, a crown made of roses and gems, eyes with one black and the other white, vibrant green irises, and a beauty mark on her left cheek. She wore a dark green and maroon off-shoulder lace dress, a pomegranate necklace encrusted with jewels, and light red high heels.

Greek Goddess of Spring and Queen of the Underworld


Heh, you're right, my darling. While I'll hate the inevitable outrage from the champions' loved ones, I'll be there for our Melinoe," Hades said as he helped his queen out of the carriage.

"Yes, but I wish Zagreus and Makaria could've come with us to support their sister," Persephone said sadly.

Hades nodded as he and Persephone held each other's arms and made their way with Nemesis in tow. All of the guardian angels show their respect for the rulers of the Underworld.

"It seems Zeus knew we were coming," Hades stated.

"Seems that way or our daughter..." Persephone trailed off as she saw a drunken Ares trying to empty one of the wine bottles.

"Oh dear, it seems we already know who lost in the first match."

Hades looks disappointed at his nephew as he and his wife approach the entry.

Ares saw this and sneered.

"OOh, yrs! Judge me. JUdge Me, king and-d queen of the danned!"

"Ares, I'm gonna regret this, but what happened?" Hades asked despite knowing what came next.

"SHIT!" Ares yelled

"I got shir on!"

"I had yhr perfect game plan. I selected. LeOnidas,, thw so-callrd Soe.Ae of Sparta! But then,..Then came a blind...koser!! A blind loser led ny thw sun bitch. Thpsr twi fucked me, uncle! Fuck me hard!!!!!!!!" Ares ranted much to Hades and Presephone's aggravation.

Nemesis steps forward with a smug grin.

"Hmph, it's not a surprise. Of course, I would never make such a poor choice."

Ares drunkenly scoff, " Oh, thar's funny. Says yje bitch whose screwing Li. ñ MMiss Craxy!"

"Shut your mouth, or I'll smash every last wine bottle on your head!" Nemesis growled

"You two, enough. Nemesis, don't kick Ares while he's down," Hades asserted with utmost authority.

"Yes, my lord," Nemesis said.

Persephone gave a tired suspire.

"Alright then, you two, come here." Persephone motion for two guardian angels.

"I want you two to take Ares back to Olympus and tell Hestia to keep an eye on him."

The guardian angels saluted and helped the intoxicated war god.

"Everytjing sucks!" Ares groaned while being dragged away.

"I feel so bad for him," Persephone said with a sympathetic tone.

"Yes, but he needs to learn not to underestimate one's opponent and their champion. Now, shall we?" Hades winked at his wife.

Persephone blushes a bit.

"Of course, my dear."

In the meantime, Hades, Persephone, and Nemesis walk into the stadium to watch the second bout.