Chapter 10: Heart of Bravery

Throughout the history of humanity, people have always rebelled for any cause. For some, it is rid of the injustices of a corrupt system. A change of a new ruler. It may be a facade to take power. 

However, out of all the people, William Wallace was the example that all men strive to be. So what made him the greatest rebel?

One must go to Renfrewshire and stand on a particular hill for the answer.


13th Century Scotland

Elderslie in Renfrewshire

On the hilltops overlooking Renfrewshire is a young William wearing a moss-green tunic, black breeches, and buckle shoes. He gazes upon the morning light, bathing the land in a warm golden glow. 

William Wallace 

Age: 13

A hearty voice called to the young boy as he enjoyed the scenery around him. 

"Enjoying the morning light, m'son?"

Approaching William was an older man with sandy brown hair, a mutton chop beard, and dull green eyes. He wears a cloth beige shirt, a red kilt, pants, and old cuffed boots.

Scottish Knight and William's Father

Malcolm Wallace

"Oh, da'. Come to see the dawn?" William asked

Malcolm gave a husky chuckle as he patted his son's head.

"Ah, isn't this wonderful, son? Every morning, I come to admire the celestial glow," Malcolm said as his eyes cast towards the horizon.

William smiled sadly, "I do, but..."

"But what?" William's father questioned

William lowered his head and asked somberly, "Do you have to leave?"

Malcolm rubbed his neck as he gave a heavy sigh.

"Aye, William. The king called me to drive off the barbarians."

"But why, father? Why must you heed those cowards' every word?" William asked.

He knelt down before his to look at him at eye level. 

"Son... Sometimes, despite not wanting to obey despots, I do it to protect you and this family. To protect the lands we call our land. You understand that, right?"

William reluctantly nodded until he turned his attention back to the sunrise. His face then beamed with pride as he spoke.

"When I see this land, it's like us. The birds sing as the maidens during the festivals. The ground and water give us nourishment so that we can live. The sun greets us on a new day, and the moon lets us slumber. To the English, they see our home as just another land. But to me, Scotland is as such as my family as our people."

Malcolm was speechless at his son's speech. He has never met a Scotsman who has shown love for this land and its people in all his years. And the fact that it's coming from his own kid, well, I'd be lying if I said he didn't feel a surge of pride for William.

"Heh, speak like a true son of these lands. Maybe one day, William. One day, your love will be remembered, and I believe it will be cherished."

William then smiled.

"Thank you, da'. And one day, I will let our people express their love for our home and have their freedom!"

Present Day

"By the will of Zeus! William Wallace, the Son of Scotland, his tattoos are glowing?! Could this mean William is unleashing his Invocation?" Hermes amusingly exclaimed 

The people of Scotland in the crowd beamed with pride for their champion. Among them is Malcolm as he raises the flag of the Wallace heraldry.

"Come on, son! Show him no quarter!" Malcolm cheered as with the Scottish people.

Meanwhile, Crazy Horse huffed in aggravation.

"William, this! Scotland, that! I'm sick of it!"

Crazy Horse charges at his opponent in a bestial state. Before the Lakota warrior could pounce, William sidesteps and delivers a wicked right hook straight into Crazy's face. The force was powerful enough to almost knock him through the arena gates. 

Crazy Horse barely landed on his feet and began to charge again.

"I'm not done!"

Crazy Horse frantically unleashed a flurry of strikes onto Wallace, only to see they have little effect.

"Crazy Horse is throwing it all on the line with a feral barrage, but Wallace is suffering no damage." 

As Hermes announces this, Heyoka pulls back his hair, revealing his prismatic eyes.

"Well, damn! Lugh, buddy, what type of Invocation did you give this human?"

Lugh thought about it for a moment, then came to a realization.

"Well, I'll be. It's the people that's giving him this power."

Meanwhile, Nike was confused by what Athena said.

"Wait, I'm not following. What do you mean by the people giving him his power?"

Athena adjusted her glasses as she explained to her friend.

"William Wallace fought for the freedom of his people and Scotland throughout his life." Following his death, the Scots continued to fight and overcame the British in his honor. It makes sense when you think about it. As a result, the love of Scotland became William's most powerful armor." 

Suddenly, Melinoe yawns at this.

"Well, that's nice, but this isn't over yet."

Bia grimaces at the spectral goddess.

"What are you talking about?"

Melinoe laughed. "The Divine Invocation, silly! What else."

Crazy Horse lunged again, intending to thrust both hands into Wallace's chest.

Spirit Dance: Twin Hill Drills

William responds by going for an upper-arching slash toward Crazy Horse. 

Stirling's Arch

Crazy Horse sees the attack coming and diverts his own to block it. Despite thwarting the attack, William's claymore managed to strike into the left side of the Lakota chieftain's ribs. The impact sent Crazy Horse back and hit the stony ground.

"Crazy Horse has tried to intercept William's attack, but the Scotsman's strength proved too much for the Spiritwalker! Could this be Crazy Horse's Last Stand?" Hermes announces as the Scottish members of the crowd exhilarated excitedly

At the same time, Spotted Tail looked worried for his nephew's state.

"Damn it! He took too much damage from the last attack! One more from that sword and..."

Sitting Bull nodded in agreement.

"Yes, this may be over then how we would like it."

Spotted Tail closes his eyes in anger and dismay.

'I'm sorry, Tashunka. If only I knew about that plot by Little Big Man, you wouldn't have to be in this condition.'

Crazy Horse clutches at the side as he tries to pull himself back up, only to tumble again. His breathing was raspy, and he spit out some crimson while finally making it to his feet. Some members of the audience felt bad for Crazy Horse, especially William.

"Hey. Don't you think it's time to quit?" the Scotsman asked empathetically.

"Quit?" Crazy Horse muttered

"You think I'm just going to grovel before you?!"

"No," William asked sternly.

"Crazy Horse, I understand the pain of betrayal. I do. But look at what your malice brought you. It only brings suffering. It's destroying you more than it's destroying me."

"You don't know me," Crazy Horse said with unadulterated disgust in his tone.

"You say you were betrayed, but here you are, giving me that stupid smile! So why? Why?! WHY FIGHT FOR THOSE WHO DON'T GIVE A DAMN ABOUT YOU!"

The audience went silent after Crazy Horse's outburst. Even the gods didn't you hate to say about this. 

Until William gave a low sigh as he spoke.

"I don't blame you for feeling like this. The man who betrayed me was named John Menteith. Unlike most Scots who stood for freedom, he fought for nobility. Although I gave him a chance, he stabbed me and our people in the back. All for some lousy titles and land in England."

William exhaled as he thought about that day. Being surrounded by British soldiers and Menteith with that slimy grin.

"But, I don't let that define me. Because, regardless of what happens to me, I will always fight for all of Scotland because my people are my family!" William said confidently with a genuine smile.

Everyone was shocked when the Scotsman said that. As for the Scottish people, they all teared up in joy, expressing the same love they have for William.

"That's my son," Malcolm said while almost feeling teary-eyed himself. 

In the skybox above, Nike was balling her eyes out.

"S-so beautiful! What a hero! Showing so much love!"

Lugh sniffled, "I knew I chose wisely with Wallace. A true man in all earnest."

"I know," Heyoka uttered before he and Lugh hugged and cried together.

Athena couldn't help but give a warm smile at this. All the while, Nohime rolled her eyes at this.

Even Zeus gave a nod of respect to William due to his tenacity. 

Crazy Horse couldn't comprehend or express how he felt. After the beatings, the insults, and the hatred he gave to his rival, William still won't yield to malice. 

' I wrong?'


Crazy Horse turned to see Spotted Tail, Sitting Bull, and the Lakota and Sioux tribes cheering for him.

"Come on, Crazy Horse! You can do it!"

"Despite everything, we never stop believing in you!"

"We love you!"

On Crazy Horse's right cheek, a single sparkling tear falls. 

'They still believe in me?'

William watches this and laughs joyfully, "Well, look at this! It seems you're loved as well."

Crazy Horse then gave a self-defeating, wry chuckle.

"Seems so. I guess I was wrong."

He then turns to William with a content smile.

"You know, William. You are the most annoying yet noble man I've ever met."

William gave a goofy smile in return.

"Heh! I get that a lot."

Crazy Horse tightens his fists with determination.

"Yes, therefore. I will no longer fight you with my hatred. With my people behind me, I'll carry their dreams forward!"

Then, astral energy flows from Crazy Horse's arms and forms into spectral blades.

Divine Invocation: Sacred Ghost

William smirks, "Couldn't agree with ya more. Okay then. Let us fight with our people fueling our will!"

They both knew that this was the last stand of one of them as they took their combative stances.

Hope Reunited as Match Two Draws to a Close...!