Chapter 11: My Home and Country

The crowd was on their feet as Crazy Horse and William Wallace were ready to clash once more. 

"Hey, can I ask you something?" William asked, catching his opponent off guard.

"If you wish," Crazy Horse said.

"What was your wish if you won this tournament?" William asked honestly.

Crazy Horse gave an awkward chuckle as he said, "Well, my original wish is to exact vengeance, but I realize it's pointless now. All I want is to see the legacy of my people safe." 

Willliam grinned at this, "Glad you changed for the better. So, let's see who's stronger!"

"Lets!" Crazy Horse yelled as he and Wallace charged at each other.

Once they clash, the impact reverberates throughout the entire arena. Both warriors strike and deflect each other's attacks with great speed. 

"Both fighters are laying it all on the line! With both men fighting for their respective cultures, who will be crowned the victor?"

As Hermes declares this, the crowd's cheers reach a fever pitch. Both the people of Scotland and the Lakota-Sioux tribes rally on their heroes with all of their spirit.

"Come on, son! Win this for all of us!" Malcolm yelled, hoping his son would come back alive.

"Tasunka, you better win this right now!" Spotted Tail yelled, accompanied by cheers of the Lakota people.

William goes a quick barrage of sword swings at Crazy Horse, but his opponents weaves through them. Crazy Horse capitalizes on some landing strikes. Despite William's Invocation, Crazy Horse's own attacks seem to leave some scars. William grunts as he kicks Crazy Horse back. 

"I-impossible! William has been cut!" A Scottish woman in the crowd said in horror.

"Do not falter! William is still on his feet! He'll never lose with us cheering. So come on!" Malcolm mustering William's supporters to continue to cheer.

Meanwhile, Crazy Horse uses the Red Road technique to disorient the Scottish warrior. However, William focuses as he blocks any incoming attacks from Crazy Horse. Wallace's sword meets Crazy Horse's spectral blades. Blood flies as they land slashes at each other with everything they have. Then both yelled with utter might as they headbutted their heads and knocked themselves back. 

Crazy Horse and William Wallace are wounded, bleeding, and breathing heavily. However, the fire in their hearts and the admiration of their people push them for a final attack.

'This is it... It's now or never!' William thought as he gripped the sword tightly and leaped into the air. Holding his claymore above his head, he prepared to deliver an overhead cleave.

Glasgow's Waraxe

 Crazy Horse braces himself as he prepares himself for the attack. 

"FOR OUR PEOPLE!" Amid the attack, both men made loud bellows as a shockwave and a dust cloud were created. 

The crowd steadied themselves in their seats while Hermes shielded his eyes from the dust. As the dust settled, the onlookers behold Crazy Horse's right arm nearly severed. All the while, the Lakota warrior's left hand pierce into William's chest.

"Heh...well... I think...I lost." William weakly said as a bit of blood trickled down from his mouth.

Crazy Horse catches his breath as he chuckles wryly.

"Don't...sell yourself short. If I didn't move in the last moment, I would be the one who is defeated."

Then Crazy Horse pulled out his hand, and William rasped in pain and dropped his sword to the ground. In tears, the Scottish people realized their hero was about to leave them.

"My" Malcolm uttered, eyes stained with tears.

William notices this and gives a hearty laugh.

"OI! There's no need to mourn for me! I gave this fight everything I had and failed. So, I'll accept my death with pride. To my people, remember this..."

While William speaks, his body starts to slowly disintegrate into starlight dust.

"As long as you have a love for our home, then our legacy will never die! So let freedom burn bright in your hearts forever!"

With that, William Wallace, the rebel who stood against England for his people, was no more. Move by their champion's last words, all of Scotland saluteed in remembrance of William Wallace.

Hermes clears his throat to announce the victor of Historiamachy's second bout.

"Historiamachy: Match Two has ended, ladies and gentlemen! Here is the victor, representing Heyoka of the Spirits! The Spiritwalker, CRAZY HORSE!!!!!!"

Second Bout

William Wallace (Departed)


Crazy Horse (Winner)

Winning Attack: Hand Thrust

Match Length: 9:48

The crowd praised Crazy Horse as he was declared the winner. However, all that means nothing as he kneels at the claymore on the ground. He touches the blade and gives a sad smile.

"Tókša akhé, kola. (See you again, my friend)" 

Crazy Horse strained himself to get to his feet. He then walked to the opening gates, where a medical team was waiting to treat him.

"Hey, Crazy Horse." Heyoka's voice rang into Horse's mind.


"I'm glad that William changed you for the better."

Crazy Horse smiled as he left the arena grounds.

In the skybox, Lugh wiped a tear from his eye.

"Heh, even in death. That human never ceases to amaze me."

 Heyoka put a comforting hand on his friend's shoulder.

"Yep, a true son till the end."

Lugh grinned as he offered his hand.

"Good fight, my friend. You and your champion deserved it."

Heyoka smiled as he shook it.

"Thank You." 

After a memorable fight between Crazy Horse and William Wallace, Zeus was ecstatic.

"Wonderful! This is what Historiamachy is all about! A clash of cultures, ideals, and dreams. First, the meaning of worth, and now, moving forward from betrayal! Humans are an impressive species! Wouldn't you agree, wife?"

Hera shrugs as she takes a slip.

"Perhaps, but Zeus. I hope you prepared gifts of condolences for the families of the fallen?"

Zeus handwaves it.

"Oh, we'll get there when it comes. Now, what story shall our next fight tell?"

As Zeus says this, the tournament bracket shows the third match highlighted.

The Energy Rises as the Crowd Awaits for the Third Match...

Next time, The Starcrossed Pirates vs The Matron of Generals...!