Chapter 12: Starcrossed Pirates Versus The Matron of Generals

Fuuma Kotaro had his back against the wall as he begrudgingly waited outside near a steel automatic door. He taped one of his feet as he had been here for half an hour. 

'Come on. How long does it take to heal a damn soul?!' The Fifth thought with utter annoyance.

Suddenly, the door opened, and Amaterasu walked out calmly.

"Kazama, thank you for waiting," The sun goddess said calmly.

"Yeah, yeah. No problem, Ami," Kazama responded while stretching his arms.

Amaterasu let out a small giggle.

"It seems you spent time with my brother, I see?"

Kazama shrugs, "I'll admit he's alright, I guess. So how's our blind swordsman doing?"

"Like I said, he's fine. But Asclepius said Kojiro still needs to take it easy for a bit." Amaterasu said.

"Yeah, internal bleeding is no joke," Kazama said as he remembered having those experiences in his mortal life.

"Also, did you see that second match?"

"Yes, I did," Amaterasu said with a slightly worried expression.

"Ganryu style wasn't made to handle someone of Crazy Horse's skills. Kazama, once Kojiro fully recovers, will you train him?"

Kazama scratches his beard as he thinks about it.

"Well...I can't do all of that mystical dance stuff. But I may condition him into handling more agile-based fighters."

Amaterasu smiled warmingly, "Thank you, Kazama. Now, I must return to the skybox to watch the third match."

With that, Amaterasu disappeared in a flash of radiant light. Kazama shielded his eyes from the light.

"Urrh! I hate it when she does that! Well, I'll wait here until Kojiro-san comes out."

Amaterasu appeared back in the skybox as she saw Nohime slipping on a martini. The sun goddess sighed with a slight annoyance.

"Nohime. What are you doing here?"

Nohime only looked at Amaterasu and gave a sly smirk. 

"Why, my goddess, I just want to enjoy the delicate the divine has to offer. Surely, you don't mind, do you?"

Suddenly, Amaterasu's voice echoes into the Saito kunoichi's mind.

'Nohime, please. We can't have our plan exposed. Just work with me and go take a seat with the crowd. That's all I ask.'

Despite her irritation, Nohime knew her cards were in Amaterasu's hands.

'Fine, but don't expect me to be chummy with that barbarian.'

Nohime gives up from her seat and smiles at the gods.

"My apologies, everyone. But I must take my leave."

"What? Do you have to leave?" Zeus said, which got a reaction out of Hera.

Nohime sighs sadly, "I'm afraid I must. Must always prepare and all for my inevitable match."

Nohime fluttered her eyes and gave the most alluring smile.

"I hope everyone here will cheer me on."

"No problem!" Many of the male gods said eagerly

Nohime grins as she struts away. While that happened, Hades and Persephone entered the room while wondering who that woman was.

"I hope that wasn't one of your conquests, brother," Hades said flatly.

Melinoe peeked over the throne and squealed with joy.

"Mommy! Daddy!" Melinoe flew over and gave a tight hug to her parents. 

"Aw, my little Ghostflower," Persephone said as she kissed Melinoe on the forehead.

"Well, didn't expect you two to be here. I thought you were doing paperwork in the underworld, Hades?" Zeus said amusingly

"I have Thanatos and Makaria to take over in our stead. No paperwork is more important than my daughter," Hades replied while hugging Melinoe.

"I concur, m'lord. After all, you have to support those you love."

Melinoe gasped to see Nemesis nearby.


The two goddesses embrace and share an affectionate kiss.

"Nemey, I can't believe you're here too!"

Nemesis giggled warmly, "And miss you and your champion demolishing the competition? Not a chance."

Then Nemesis glances over to see Bia, and they both share a competitive smirk. The goddess of vengeance walks over to the goddess of might.

"Bia, it's been too long."

"Likewise, Nemesis," Bia replied in a dominant tone.

Nemesis chuckled, "Gotta say, Bia, you can't change a bit. Guess the cushy life didn't make you...plump yet."

"Hehe. Good one, but I don't let distractions hold me down." Bia spat back.

Nike and Melinoe gulped as Nemesis smiled darkly while a vein bulged from her neck.

"Says the goddess who has gotten any action over a millennia."

Bia's own nerves bulge out of her face, and she smirks.

"You're such a bitch, as usual, Nemesis."

Both Bia and Nemesis sat on the couch while scowling at each other. 

"Oh dear, this always happens every time they cross paths. I wish they get along," Persephone said with a low suspire.

"I know, dear. I know," Hades agreed as he and his wife sat at one of the tables.

Amaterasu approached her seat and saw Nike sitting in it. 

"O-oh, Lady Amaterasu...ugh... I'm sorry, I'll get out of your seat," Nike said awkwardly.

Amaterasu smiled as she sat on the chair that Bia once seated.

"I don't mind, Nike. Enjoy yourself."

Nike sighed in relief.

"Welcome back. How is Sasaki Kojiro?" Athena asked

"He's alright. He'll make a full recovery," Amaterasu replied.

"So, do you know Nohime, Amaterasu?" Athena asked

"Yes, but nothing too personal," Amaterasu said, sounding genuine.

Athena narrows her eyes as she knows the sun kami is hiding something.

Walking near the hallways that lead to the gates are two women. One was a captivating, full-figure woman with long, silky red hair, aquamarine eyes that shone like a sparkling ocean, and light freckles. She wears a white bustier top with a dark blue scaled corset, a navy blue frock coat, tight black pants, a maroon sash belt with a golden skull brooch, and mahogany-colored knee-high leather boots.

The Vixen of the Seven Seas

Anne Bonny

"Well, it looks like it's our turn to fight. Are you ready for this, Mary?" Anne spoke with a honey-like voice.

"Aye! It's been a long time since we've been in a fight!" The second woman spoke with a husky voice.

A tall, athletic, and handsome woman with short, messy wheat blonde hair, brown eyes, tattoos on her arms, and a scar across her right cheek is the other woman. She is wearing a sleeveless, half-lace shirt, bandages taped on her wrists, a belt made of doubloons, red pants with black stripes, and leathered cuffed boots.

Nassua's Finest Brawler

Mary Read

"Damn right. Even more so to brawl against someone far from our time," Anne Bonny replied, giving Mary a cheeky smile.

Mary Read chuckled lightly but looked away with a worried expression.

"Mary, are you alright?" Bonny asked.

Mary and Anne stopped as they looked at each other.

"Annie, I..."

Mary sighed as if she wanted to say something for a long time.

"Anne, there's a chance we'll die, right?"

Anne chuckled, "Mary, why so serious? We have the team advantage, so I think we're..."

"Please, I want to say this." Mary kindly interrupted Anne.

"I... Blimey, come on, say it." Mary whispered to herself.

"Anne, you have been a good friend to me. In life, it was us against the world. But there's something I've never told ya, and I want to say it before we fight our opponent." 

Mary then gently grabbed Anne's hand. Anne gave a subtle gasp.

"Anne, I lo..."


The pirates looked over and saw someone coming over them. The figure was that of a tall, golden skeleton with smoke forming the hair and beard and ruby gems for eyes. His attire is a worn-out captain outfit with multiple rings on his hands, a blue-ringed octopus resting on his right shoulder, and a jagged cutlass on his side.

The Devil of the Seas and Patron God of Piracy

Davy Jones

"Oh, Lord Davy Jones! What are ye doing here?" Anne asked in surprise.

Mary let go of Anne's hand and sighed in irritation. 

"I want to see if my favorite girls are ready to win!" Davy Jones exclaimed.

Anne Bonney puffed her chest and said confidently, "Trust us. We'll show this, She Saihua, why pirates are meant to be feared! Right, Mary?"

Mary said, trying to match the hype.

"OH! Uhh, yeah! We'll crush her!" Mary hits her fists together.

"Good," The skeletal pirate nodded in approval.

"Now, just remember. You're not only representing me but every single pirate throughout history. Our pride is in both of your hands. So, come back alive and send that general to my locker!"

"YARRR!!!" Mary and Anne yelled with determination.

"Good! Now then, here's your weapons," Davy Jones said as he conjured the girls's armaments.

For Mary, she received a diamond-tipped trident with a harpoon blade on the other end. Anne then receives sleek, ornate cutlasses with sirens crafted onto the handguards.

"There we go. Now then, with that in mind. Just remember, don't fail."

With that, Davy Jones disappeared in a cloud of sea mist. 

"Phew. Well, Mary, we ought to be ready. Let's win this!" Anne Bonny said with confidence.

Mary looks down with a somber expression.


"Come on, Guanny. Why so serious?"

Loki levitates beside a man sitting at the bar. The man was Chinese with reddish tan skin, shoulder-length, raven hair with a topknot, a flowing beard that reached the chest, and metallic yellow eyes. He wore green robes, golden armor embroidered with a dragon's head design, and gold and jade boots. One of the sleeves is missing, showing his ripping muscles.

Chinese God of War

Guan Yu

"Loki, I'm not in the mood for your games," The Chinese warrior god said as he drank a cup of mulled wine.

"Aww, is it because you're conflicted because you were human once?" Loki asked, pressing his cheeks to feint innocence.

"Is it that obvious? It's like watching a part of me fighting on behalf of myself, and I don't like that," Guan Yu replied sternly.

"Gahaha! Come now, Guan Yu. Why must you have barnacles up your arse?"

Davy Jones appeared at the bar with the scent of seawater lingering around him.

"I'm not surprised that you're into this. You were also human once, but then again, I'm asking too much for your better nature," Guan Yu grumbled.

The pirate god rolled his gem-like eyes and groaned in annoyance.

"Oh brother, you're such a scurvy dog. Live a little!"

Before Guan Yu could argue, the cheer of the crowd caught the two gods' attention. 

"Bout time it started!" Davy Jones excitedly yelled as he headed to his seat. 

Guan Yu sighed as he finished his wine and headed to his seat to reluctantly watch the upcoming match.

Hermes stood in the spotlight at the center of the arena, preparing to announce the next match.

"Now then, Historiamachy continues! After the victories of Sasaki Kojiro and Crazy Horse, what highly intense action will await us in match number three!"

The audience cheered, and thus Hermes pointed to the eastern gates, which had a mural of a ship sailing the rapid seas.

"Now, introducing first, representing the pirate god, Davy Jones! These two are the most fearsome duo to sail the Seven Seas!"

The gates began to open as Mary and Anne hype ready themselves for the eventual clash.

"The 18th century! It was the Golden Age of the Pirates! Where men and women dare to challenge empires to obtain wealth beyond the wildest of dreams. Blackbeard, Henry Avery, and Zheng Yi Sao are among the legends that rise during the Golden Age. However, among them are two such women!"

As Mary and Anne walk into the arena, they are amazed to see how packed it is.

"Woah," Both women said instantly.

"Both of these women conquered the seas along with Calico Jack! They wage war against the British navy, and in death, their names became legendary! Introducing MARY READ and ANNE BONNY!!!!!!"

The audience cheered once Hermes finished introducing the two ladies. Mary and Anne take in the atmosphere in sheer awe.

"Blimey! All of heaven is here to see us fight!" Mary exclaimed

Anne Bonny giggled, "I couldn't agree more, Mary. Let's give them a show and win this for all pirates everywhere!"

Mary and Anne fist bump as they're ready to face their opponent. 

Hermes cleared his throat to ready himself to announce their opponent.

"It seems both girls to prime for a fight. But let's see if these ladies can handle against one of China's greatest heroes! Introducing their opponent, representing the Chinese God of War, Guan Yu is this woman!"

Lining alongside the western gates of the arena are Song dynasty soldiers flying the banners during their era. The gates begin to open, but no one enters the ring. 

"Wait, huh?" Hermes was bewildered that no one was coming out.

Many of the attendees ask about where is Mary and Anne's opponent. Then, a loud, thunderous roar is heard from the sky.

"Wait a minute! Was that a dragon's roar?" Nike asked

Athena looked at the sky to see a serpentine-like creature flying towards the arena.

"Look for yourself."

Flying over the Colosseum was an azure Eastern dragon, and the audience was astonished. Resting on top of the dragon is an elderly yet stunning Chinese woman with an athletic but surprisingly curvy figure. 

She has long silver-grey hair with a side bang on the right side of her head and a half-bun. Her eyes have a light yellow hue, rosy eyeshadow, and a scar on her left cheek. She wears an off-shoulder intricate emerald green silk top, a royal red hanfu robe with one of the sleeves pulled down and the skirt part with a side split, a golden scaled waistband with yellow tassel ropes, skinny leather pants, copper wristguards, and black flat boots.

"Heh, I have to say. I never thought in my lifetime or the hereafter that I get to ride a dragon." The woman said with a casual demeanor.

The Matron of Generals

She Saihua

Hermes, meanwhile, quickly remembered that he must do Saihua's introduction.

"Ahem! Anyway, during the age of the Song Dynasty, one family came into prominence due to mastery of war and strategy. This family was known as the Yang Family! But while the general, Yang Ye, was a skilled warrior, this woman brought forth champions!"

Hermes looks to the champion at the dragon descending to the arena. Saihua got up to work out her joints and grabbed her jade dragon staff. After that, she leaps off the beast from a great height and lands on the ground, causing a small crater. Then, the matriarch of the Yang family walks to meet her opponents with no sign of injuries.

"With her husband, this woman fought against those who threatened the Song empire. From the barbarians of the south to the Liao kingdom and even imperial court conspirators, she stood fast despite the odds and defeated them all! Even in her twilight years, she helped bring the Song Dynasty to its golden age. Give it up for the Matron of Generals, SHE SAIHUA!!!!!!"

Saihua puts her hands to her sides as she admires the cheers of the crowd. Meanwhile, the dragons and the Song warriors left the arena. As Saihua meets Mary and Anne face-to-face, the pirates are shocked as the older woman towers over them. 

"H-holy shat! She's tall!" Mary exclaimed

"She has to be seven feet tall," Anne clamored.

Saihua chuckled heartily, "Actually, I'm 6'8 precisely. Anyway, I'm She Saihua. A pleasure to meet you both."

Saihua bowed in respect to her opponents. Mary and Anne are a little relieved that Saihua is nice.

"Well, thank you. But now we're here to win, whether you're a great commander or not," Anne asserted confidently.

Saihua smirks as she is impressed with Anne's gutsy attitude.

"Good! I like that fire you have burning in your soul. You'll need it if you're going to defeat me."

She walks back to give Mary and Anne space while spinning her staff. She then gets into a combative stance.

"Let's do this, Mary!" Anne yelled as she wielded her dual cutlasses.

"Right!" Mary replied, readying her trident in her stance.

With the combatants ready, Hermes prepared to announce the match to begin.

"Let's get this rolling! Historiamachy: Match Three! Representing Davy Jones, Mary Read and Anne Bonny! Representing Guan Yu, She Saihua! Get Ready...Set...FIIIIIIIIGHT!!!!!!!"